History and Clubs Birthdays will go here
District 42 Hall of Fame
The following pages outline the ‘pride’ of District 42, those who have made significant contributions to the District, and those who have demonstrated excellence in many of the cornerstones of Communication and Leadership.
These pages showcase those members of our District who have been recognized on the International level of Toastmasters International, as well as those who have been recognized by our own District.
Brief History of District 42
The first Toastmasters club established in District 42 was the Wascana Club #577 in Regina in March 1948. Following that, Twin Rivers Club #667 was chartered in Calgary in December 1948. Several years went by before the Saskatoon Club #450 was founded in March 1952.
Edmonton launched its first club, Northern Lights Club #489, in March 1953. Soon after that new clubs began to sprout, such as, Prince Albert Club #1318 in October 1953 and Camrose Club #1432 in December 1953.
At that time, the above mentioned clubs were all under the jurisdiction of District 20, the North Dakota and Manitoba area. At a conference held in Moorehead, Minnesota on April 25, 1953, a resolution was adopted to divide the District in two – one in Canada, the other in the United States. This was subsequently ratified at the International Convention, on July 1, 1954.
George R. Tatlock of Winnipeg became the District Governor of District 42. The District at that time consisted of 17 clubs in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Club growth continued. On July 1, 1959, the District split, with District 64 being created to encompass Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. A. Ernie Pallister, of Calgary, was elected the first District Governor for the geographical area we know today as District 42. Bow Valley Club #1494, “Y” Club #2478, Chinook Club #1448, Foothills Club #3078 and Plains Club #3144, were added to the roster of prestigious clubs.
From this nucleus, District 42 has grown to almost 300 clubs, whereby World Headquarters recommended splitting the District and on July 1, 2016 split into District 42 (Southern Alberta & Southern Saskatchewan) and District 99 (Northern Alberta & Northern Saskatchewan). District 42 is proud to be recognized throughout the world for its energy, enthusiasm and excellence.
Our Past District 42 Governors/Directors
1954-55 | George Tatlock | 1987-88 | Carol Blair DTM* |
1955-56 | Elwood Gorrie | 1988-89 | Majeed Mustapha DTM* |
1956-57 | Byron Jones | 1989-90 | Clif Skrypnyk DTM |
1957-58 | George Cameron | 1990-91 | Elizabeth Pasieka DTM** |
1958-59 | Berk McGibbon | 1991-92 | David Fulton DTM* |
1959-60 | A. Ernie Pallister | 1992-93 | Dona Wheaton DTM |
1960-61 | Roy V. Maber | 1993-94 | Flo Mawson DTM* |
1961-62 | Cec J. Primeau | 1994-95 | Buffy da Silva, DTM |
1962-63 | Peter Podmaroff | 1995-96 | Larry Andrews, DTM |
1963-64 | Steven Varro | 1996-97 | Tim Lambert, ATM |
1964-65 | Robert D. Kerr | 1997-98 | Brad Korbo, DTM* |
1965-66 | Bruce Godwin ATM | 1998-99 | Danie Hardie, DTM |
1966-67 | Al B. Ripley | 1999-2000 | Linda Hawk, DTM |
1967-68 | Harold C. Bickel ATM | 2000-01 | Karen Egge, DTM* |
1968-69 | Ron M. Chapman DTM | 2001-02 | Drew Kirk, DTM |
1969-70 | Harry G. Shuttleworth DTM | 2002-03 | Jacquie Schnider, DTM |
1970-71 | Eugene Thompson DTM | 2003-04 | Barry Matthews, DTM |
1971-72 | Al Fahlman DTM | 2004-05 | Mavis Oberding, DTM |
1972-73 | Robert L.Jones ATM | 2005-06 | Troy Wruck, DTM |
1973-74 | Fred G. Lawson DTM* | 2006-07 | Mona Cooley, DTM* |
1974-75 | John Koyko DTM | 2007-08 | Larry Verbitsky, DTM |
1975-76 | Russ A. Holmberg DTM | 2008-09 | Joan McAulay, DTM* |
1976-77 | Jim Thompson ATM* | 2009-10 | Tim Hubick, DTM |
1977-78 | Neil Wilkinson DTM* | 2010-11 | Greg Gazin, DTM |
1978-79 | Al Munroe DTM* | 2011-12 | Chuck Leblanc, DTM* |
1979-80 | Peter Kossowan DTM** | 2012-13 | Don Francis, DTM / Chuck Leblanc, DTM** |
1980-81 | Irene B. Murray DTM | 2013-14 | Keith Lee, DTM |
1981-82 | Rick Sydor DTM* | 2014-15 | Doris Henn, DTM* |
1982-83 | Everett W. Ritson DTM** | 2015-16 | Marg Faryna, DTM |
1983-84 | W. Peter Francis DTM* | 2016-17 | Carolyn Kaldy, DTM |
1984-85 | Ken Tanner DTM*** | 2017-18 | John Bauer, DTM |
1985-86 | Helgi Goodman DTM** | 2018-19 | Catherine Secundiak, DTM |
1986-87 | Melodye Kunnas ATM*** | 2019-20 | Jocelyn Hastie, DTM |
International Officers from District 42
1969-70 | Don Paape DTM (Third Vice President) |
1970-71 | Don Paape DTM (Second Vice President) |
1971-72 | Don Paape DTM (Senior Vice President) |
1972-73 | Don Paape DTM (International President) |
1973-74 | Don Paape DTM (Past International President) |
1990-91 | Neil Wilkinson DTM (Third Vice-President) |
1991-92 | Neil Wilkinson DTM (Second Vice-President) |
1992-93 | Neil Wilkinson DTM (Senior Vice-President) |
1993-94 | Neil Wilkinson DTM (International President) |
1994-95 | Neil Wilkinson DTM (Past International President) |
International Directors From District 42
1964-66 | A Ernie Pallister |
1978-80 | Neil Wilkinson DTM |
1986-88 | Ken Tanner DTM |
1990-92 | Carol Blair DTM |
1994-96 | Dona Wheaton DTM |
2000-02 | Danie Hardie, DTM |
2002-04 | Linda Hawk, DTM |
2010-12 | Jacquie Schnider, DTM |
Toastmasters International Awards
Excellence in Program Quality Award
(Formerly Excellence in Education and Training Awards)
The Excellence in Education and Training Award, begun in 1991-92 by Toastmasters International, is awarded to the Lt. Governor Education and Training for achieving and exceeding Distinguished District Program goals in training and educational accomplishments.
1991-92 | Dona Wheaton, DTM | 2006-07 | Larry Verbitsky, DTM |
1992-93 | Flo Mawson, DTM | 2007-08 | Joan McAulay, DTM |
1993-94 | Buffy da Silva, DTM | 2008-2009 | Tim Hubick, DTM |
1994-95 | Larry Andrews, DTM | 2009-10 | Greg Gazin, DTM |
1995-96 | Tim Lambert, ATM | 2010-11 | Chuck Leblanc, DTM |
1996-97 | Brad Korbo, DTM | 2011-12 | Don Francis, DTM |
1997-98 | Dan Hardie, DTM | 2012-13 | Keith Lee, DTM |
1998-99 | Linda Hawk, DTM | 2013-14 | Doris Henn, DTM |
1999-2000 | Karen Egge, DTM | 2014-15 | Marg Faryna. DTM |
2000-01 | Drew Kirk, DTM | 2015-16 | Carolyn Kaldy. DTM Lorraine Wheatley, ACB, ALS |
2001-02 | Jacquie Schnider, DTM | 2016-17 | John Bauer, DTM |
2002-03 | Barry Matthews, DTM | ||
2003-04 | Mavis Oberding, DTM | ||
2004-05 | Troy Wruck, ATM-S | ||
2005-06 | Mona Cooley, DTM |
Excellence in Club Growth Award
(Formerly Excellence in Marketing Awards)
The Excellence in Marketing Award, begun in 1991-92 by Toastmasters International, is awarded to the Lt. Governor Marketing for achieving and exceeding Distinguished District Program goals in Club Extension and membership growth.
1991-92 | Flo Mawson, DTM |
1993-94 | Larry Andrews, DTM |
1997-98 | Linda Hawk, DTM |
2000-01 | Jacquie Schnider, DTM |
2006-07 | Joan McAulay, DTM |
2008-09 | Greg Gazin, DTM |
2011-12 | Keith Lee, DTM |
2012-13 | Doris Henn, DTM |
2013-14 | Marg Faryna, DTM |
2014-15 | Lorraine Wheatley, ACB, ALB |
President’s Extension Award
The President’s Extension Award is awarded to the Top 3 Districts each year that have achieved the highest net growth in number of Clubs.
1984-85 | Ken Tanner, DTM |
1986-87 | Melodye Kunnas, ATM |
President’s 20+ Award
The President’s 20+ Award is awarded to the Top 3 Districts each year that have achieved the highest percentage of Clubs at charter strength of 20 or more members.
1984-85 | Ken Tanner, DTM |
Toastmasters International Awards
Presidential Citation Awards
The Presidential Citation is awarded to individuals by the International President, in recognition of outstanding contribution, achievement, service and dedication toward the goals and ideals of Toastmasters International. It is one of Toastmasters’ highest honours.
Past Recipients of the Presidential Citation
1983 | Ron Chapman DTM |
1984 | Peter Kossowan DTM |
1986 | Eugene Schneider DTM |
1988 | Wayne Rutten DTM |
1989 | Lanny Coulson DTM, Helgi Goodman DTM |
1994 | Herb Ashley CTM, Dick Flis DTM, Ken Tanner DTM |
1995 | Carol Blair DTM |
1996 | Neil Wilkinson, DTM |
1999 | Peter Kossowan, DTM |
2002 | Gene Thompson, DTM |
2005 | Danie Hardie, DTM |
2008 | Carolyn Kaldy, DTM |
2009 | Greg Gazin, DTM |
President’s Circle Awards
(International Top Ten Membership Builders)
1979 | Brian Papineau DTM |
1982 | Peter Kossowan DTM |
World Record for New Club Sponsorship
Peter Kossowan DTM (100+ Clubs, recognized by Toastmasters International)
Toastmasters International Awards Recipients
International Top Ten District Bulletin
(District 42 Bulletin – “Prairie Horizons”)
1968-69 | Jim Miller, editor | 1990-91 | Joan McAulay, editor |
1971-72 | 1971-72 Ron Chapman, editor | 1992-93 | Betty Ann Coderre, editor |
1973-74 | Ron Chapman, editor | 1996-97 | Linda Hawk, editor |
1980-81 | Norma Ewashen, editor | 1998-99 | Nicole Sayler, editor |
1981-82 | John Epp, editor | 1999-2000 | Ron Pidskalny/Sandy Arndt |
1984-85 | Bob Barker, editor | 2000-01 | Marg Faryna/Shelley Veats |
1985-86 | Bob Barker, editor | 2001-02 | Cathy Peters, editor |
1988-89 | Melodye Kunnas, editor | 2005-06 | Rhys Davies, editor |
Top Ten Membership Campaign
1992-93 | Bankers Hollering #8259 |
1999-2000 | Treasure Chest #1245 |
District 42 Award Recipients
Toastmaster of the Year
The Al B. Ripley Trophy is awarded annually to the Toastmaster in District 42 who achieves and maintains the highest standard of excellence as a member of Toastmasters International for the last year’s activities. This individual is the Toastmaster who most exemplifies the ideal Toastmaster. The winner is determined on action within the club, action within the District and action within the community.
Past Winners of the Al. B. Ripley Trophy
1966 Ron Chapman | 1992-93 Leni Wedenig |
1967 Doug Fraser | 1993-94 Judy Dola |
1968 Martin Craige | 1994-95 Audrey Wight |
1969 Al Fahlman | 1995-96 Henry Hanna |
1970 Dave Francis | 1996-97 Velda Clermont |
1971 John Koyko | 1997-98 Drew Kirk |
1972 Dave Posey | 1998-99 Tony Côté |
1973 Eldon Dahl | 1999-2000 Thava Pushparajah |
1974 Ken Richard | 2000-01 Peggy Zubyk |
1975 Neil Wilkinson | 2001-02 Tim Burchill |
1976 Peter Kossowan | 2002-03 Lloyd Gwilliam |
1977 Harold Bickel | 2003-04 Anthony Chim |
1978 Brian Papineau | 2004-05 Doug Kalin |
1979 Floyd Crowder | 2005-06 Nandini Vanketesan |
1980 Lanny Coulson | 2006-07 Rhys Davies |
1981 Wayne Rutten | 2007-08 Vivian Lee |
1982 Brian Papineau | 2008-09 Doris Dunphy |
1983 Clif Skrypnyk | 2009-10 Chuck Rose |
1984 Bob Barker | 2010-11 Doris Henn |
1985 Gayle MacKay | 2011-12 Castilia Carabelea |
1986 Leigh Anderson | 2012-13 Bev Leblanc |
1987 John Pasieka | 2013-14 Carol Harrison |
1988 Jack Mawson | 2014-15 Joan Petruk |
1989 Lanny Coulson | 2015-16 Glenda Sheard |
1990 Majeed Mustapha | 2016-17 Anthony Sanni |
1991 Leni Wedenig | 2017-18 Susan Cramer |
Rookie of the Year Award
The Al Fahlman Trophy is awarded annually to recognize and honour that new Toastmaster in District 42 who has demonstrated a strong commitment to the Toastmasters standard of excellence. That Toastmaster will have shown improved performance in communication skills and will have contributed in other ways to the Toastmasters organization. The member must be a new member, not a dual, transfer or reinstated member. The winner receives the Al Fahlman trophy, a memorial award established by the Fahlman family.
Past Winners of the Al Fahlman Trophy
1989 | Carolyn Vallance | 2004-05 | Chad Williamson | |
1990 | Maureen Seyler | 2005-06 | Cindy Miller | |
1991 | Shannon Zwicker | 2006-07 | Natalie Kelly | |
1992-93 | Gwynn Alcorn-Kencayd | 2007-08 | Stephanie Bumstead | |
1993-94 | Bill Zbitniff | 2008-09 | Joanne Smith | |
1994-95 | Cindy Kirk | 2009-10 | Faraz Ahmed | |
1995-96 | Kathleen Walls | 2010-11 | Barb Cipriano | |
1996-97 | Margaret Probst (Faryna) | 2011-12 | Sureshkumar Srinivasan | |
1997-98 | Tony Côté | 2012-13 | John Bauer | |
1998-99 | Thava Pushparajah | 2013-14 | Adam Macdonald | |
1999-2000 | Caroll Spence | 2014-15 | Chris Pederson | |
2000-01 | Dorothy Hudson | 2015-16 | Jason de Hann | |
2001-02 | Helen Mah | 2016-17 | Jocelyn Hastie | |
2002-03 | Tim Hubick | 2017-18 | Carol McIssac | |
2003-04 | Collin Greene |
Club President of the Year Award
The Club President of the Year Award, designated as the Neil Wilkinson Trophy, was created to recognize and honour a Club member who, through leadership and personal example, while serving as a Club President, has made an outstanding contribution to his or her Club and, therefore, to Toastmasters International. This award was initiated during the 1995-96 District Year in honour of the Distinguished Service of Neil Wilkinson and in recognition of his term as President of Toastmasters International.
Past Winners of the Neil Wilkinson Trophy
1995-96 | Dale Schleppe, Upward Bound #6395 |
1996-97 | Shairl Honey-Zicha, Aimcriers #4966 |
1997-98 | Drew Kirk, Bridge City #5107 |
1998-99 | Lil Perschke, Bridge City #5107 |
1999-00 | Sharlene Smuk, Treasure Chest, #1245 |
2000-01 | Terry Andriuk, Norwood #284 Jerry Bulmer, Athabasca Landing #9386 |
2001-02 | Judy Mooney, Canorators #6823 |
2002-03 | Dorothy Hudson, Seven Seas #3296 |
2003-04 | Jade Gritzfeld, Club 13 #6161 |
2004-05 | Alice Elliott, Power Speakers #3650 |
2005-06 | Gerda Timm, Fluor Communicators, #3950 |
2006-07 | Patricia Rijavec, Fun Speakers, #3146 |
2007-08 | Karen Burgess, Southern Lights, #3684 |
2008-09 | Doris Henn, Bottom Line, #8647 |
2009-10 | Janice Muir, Not-Just-Us, #8077 |
2010-11 | Laura Kennett, Pipe-Up, #737481 |
2011-12 | Russ Dantu, MVP Advanced, #976708 |
2012-13 | Denise Rackett, Waters Edge, #1592774 |
2012-14 | Judy Young, Kakwa Toastmasters Club, #3068 |
2014-15 | David Bartolf, Club 13 Toastmasters, #6161 |
2015-16 | Shawn Palm, Sylvan’s Slick Speakers, #1216243 |
2016-17 | Teresa Merryfield, MVP Advanced Toastmasters, #976708 |
2017-18 | Gayle Shirley, High River, #04886022 |
Best Club Bulletin Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize and honour the Club Bulletin Editor who achieves and maintains the highest standard of publication. The winning bulletin is determined by a combination of three factors: Readability (20%), Layout/Presentation (20%), and Content (60%).
In 2011, this award was changed to the Best Public Relations Award.
Past Winners of the Best Club Bulletin Award
1967 | Cold Lake Officer #1394 (Editor: Jim Miller) | |
1968 | Starfighter #1048 (Editor: Fred Lawson) | |
1969 | “Pekiskwawin” – Y #2478 (Editor: Ron Chapman) | |
1970 | “Prairie Wool” – Circle T #3093 (Editor: John Waldie) | |
1971 | “Pekiskwawin” – Y #2478 (Editor: Ron Chapman) | |
1972 | “Grapevine” – TNT #2291 (Editor: Fred Lawson) | |
1973 | “Northern Nugget” – Northern Lights #489 (Editor: Ron Chapman) | |
1974 | “Northern Nugget” – Northern Lights #489 (Editor: Ron Chapman) | |
1975 | “Kilogram” – Kingsway #3484 (Editor: Joel Gilbeau) | |
1976 | Cool Pool #1959 (Editor: Dave Anderson) | |
1977 | “Northern Nugget” – Northern Lights #489 (Editor: Ron Chapman) | |
1978 | Vince McLeod #1426 (Editor: Ashok Dass) | |
1979 | “Wascanner” – Wascana #577 (Editor: Tom Wieclawski) | |
1980 | “Grapevine” – TNT #2291 (Editor: John Koyko) | |
1981 | “Pekiskwawin” – Y #2478 (Editor: Rick Prentice) | |
1982 | “Nooner News” – Northern Nooners #1084 (Editor: Glen Norton) | |
1983 | “Footnotes” – 3500 Foot #1319 (Editor: Donna Naylor) | |
1984 | “Bull Sheet” – Bow Valley #1494 (Editor: Terry McDonald) | |
1985 | “The Achiever” – CBA #2882 (Editors: Kathy Hoenecke, Mary Kalyn) | |
1986 | “The Torch” – Word Runners #5847 (Editors: Sandy Bard, Phil Coss) | |
1987 | “Golden Chronicle” – Golden Gavel #438 (Editors: Bob Shirley, Marlene Johnson, Carmell Gatt) | |
1988 | “The Achiever” – CBA #2882 (Editors: Ruth Schellenberg, Yvonne Cupid) | |
1989 | “The Achiever” – CBA #2882 (Editor: Ruth Schellenberg) | |
1990 | “The Peak Report” – Rocky Mountain #2730 (Editor: Bill Bouthillier) | |
1991 | “The Torch” – Word Runners #5847 (Editor: Clif Balog) | |
1992 | “CU Nooner News” – CU at Noon #7341 (Editors: Dawn Braun, Barb Banman) | |
1993 | “The Rainbow Connection” – Rochdale #6374 (Editors: Kathy Weber, Al Cathcart) | |
1994 | “Speakers Tailpipe” – Speakers Pipeline #7802 (Editors: Colleen Kiranas, | |
Dan McCormack, Ronaye Willington) | ||
1995 | “Autumn Leaves” – Excel #8903 (Editor: Mary Ore, DTM) | |
1996 | “The Advocate” – Eloquent Albertans #6110 (Editor: Karen Hesson, CTM) | |
1997 | “CU Nooner News” – CU at Noon #7341 (Editors: Georgina Schurman, John Luders) | |
1998 | “The Airdrie Discovery” – Airdrie Discovery #6344 (Editor: Yvonne Leduc) | |
1999 | “The Chant” – Chanticleer #8596 (Editor: Steve Peckitt, CTM) | |
2000 | “Schooner News” – Prairie Schooners #6372 (Editor: Richard Jackson) | |
2001 | “The Fishcreek Bravehearts” – Fishcreek Bravehearts #9035 (Editor: Shulamit Kuttner) | |
2002 | “Autumn Leaves” – Excel #8903 (Editor: Juana Henriquez) | |
2003 | “Petals and Sepals” – Wild Rose #5374 (Editor: Michelle Devlin) | |
2004 | “The Kossowan Communicator” – Peter Kossowan Commun #1084 (editor Kim Berges) | |
2005 | “The Telegram” – Telecommunicators #2158 (editor Jim Guloien) | |
2005 | “Petals and Sepals” – Wild Rose #5374 (Editor: Teja Singh) | |
2006 | “The Telegram” – Telecommunicators #2158 (Editor: Karen Tober) | |
2007 | The Telegram” – Telecommunicators #2158 (Editor: Jay Atienza) | |
2008 | “Riverbend Communicator” – Riverbend #789067 (Editor: Humairah Irfan) | |
2009 | “Chinook Winch” – Chinook #1448 (Editor: David Wing) |
Best Public Relations Award
The Herb Ashley award is to recognize and honour that club newsletter and editor(s) in District 42 that achieve and maintain the highest standard of publication or that website and webmaster(s) in District 42 that achieve and maintain the highest standard of a web site.
This award was created to replace the Best Club Bulletin Award. It is named after Herb Ashley in recognition of his promotion of Toastmasters through the Toastmaster Talk television program he hosted.
Past Winners of the Herb Ashley
2011-12 | WAAMtastic, #1427227, Shelley Goldbeck | |
2012-13 | WAAMtastic, #1427227, Shelley Goldbeck | |
2013-14 | Fluor Communicators Club, #3950, Wanda Weston | |
2014-15 | Beaumont Toastmasters Club, #7999, Nick Wilson | |
2015-16 | Toast of The Town, #9674, Joanne Smith | |
2016-17 | Wascana, #577 & B.L.T. Toastmasters, 658, Don Rosom | |
2017-18 | MVP, #976708, Mark Kolke |
Area Governor Of the Year
The Cec Pepper Memorial Trophy is awarded annually to the Area Governor in District 42 who achieves and maintains the highest standards of excellence in the performance of his or her duties in that office. The winner is determined based on the nominee’s actions with the individual Clubs, with the Area, the Division and with the District.
Past Winners of the Cec Pepper Memorial Trophy
1968-69 | Dave Francis | 1992-93 | Karen Egge | |
1969-70 | Ernie Sangret | 1993-94 | Robin Deslauriers | |
1970-71 | John Koyko | 1994-95 | Sharon Freeman | |
1971-72 | Gerry Dubord | 1995-96 | Linda Hawk | |
1972-73 | Garry Guedo | 1996-97 | Bill Wickson | |
1973-74 | Peter Kossowan | 1997-98 | Karen Haggarty | |
1974-75 | Charlie Vandermark | 1998-99 | Molly Strickland | |
1975-76 | Herb Clark | 1999-2000 | Dave Rodwell | |
1976-77 | Ray Gall | 2000-01 | Dayle Bowman | |
1977-78 | Jim Wells | 2001-02 | Dan McCosh | |
1978-79 | Rick Sydor | 2002-03 | Darlene Davies | |
1979-80 | Ken Tanner | 2003-04 | Nandini Venkatesan | |
1980-81 | Kathie Pendrigh | 2004-05 | Leigh Mumford | |
1981-82 | Helgi Goodman | 2005-06 | Greg Gazin | |
1982-83 | Wayne Rutten | 2006-07 | Myrna Cretny | |
1983-84 | Joe Calenda | 2007-08 | Shelley Musfelt | |
1984-85 | Ron Kelly | 2008-09 | Satish Pandya | |
1985-86 | Anna Amadouny | 2009-10 | Sam Barua | |
1986-87 | Jim Phelps | 2010-11 | Lorraine Wheatley | |
1987-88 | Larry Andrews | 2011-12 | Val Erickson | |
1988-89 | Millie Kossowan | 2012-13 | Carisa David | |
1989-90 | Buffy da Silva | 2013-14 | Mary Schoendorfer | |
1990-91 | David Wing | 2014-15 | Shelly Goldbeck | |
1991-92 | Julie Hushagen | 2015-16 | John Markowski | |
2016-17 | Dunstant Taylor | |||
2017-18 | Cheryl Dust |
Outstanding Division Governor
Selection of this award is by the District Governor and shall be that Division Governor who provided the most assistance and support to the District Governor during the given year. The winner receives the John Koyko Trophy. This award was established in honour of Past District Governor John Koyko.
Past Winners of the John Koyko Trophy
1974-75 | Jim Thompson | 1996-97 | Spencer Silver | |
1975-76 | Ben Waldron | 1997-98 | Jacquie Schnider | |
1976-77 | Irene Murray | 1998-99 | Barry Matthews | |
1977-78 | Ray Gall | 1999-2000 | Connie Paus | |
1978-79 | Frank Abbey | 2000-01 | Troy Wruck | |
1979-80 | Brian Papineau | 2001-02 | Anne Stewart | |
1980-81 | Ken Tanner | 2002-03 | Irene May | |
1981-82 | Eugenie Bobier | 2003-04 | Michelle Devlin | |
1982-83 | Phyllis Papineau | 2004-05 | Lynne Christenson | |
1983-84 | Lanny Coulson | 2005-06 | Judy Mooney | |
1984-85 | Darlene Bell | 2006-07 | Carol Edwards | |
1985-86 | Clif Skrypnyk | 2007-08 | Stephen Larocque | |
1986-87 | Elizabeth Pasieka | 2008-09 | Dave Cartledge | |
1987-88 | Kathy Hoenecke | 2009-10 | Don Francis | |
1988-89 | Flo Mawson | 2010-11 | Alice Elliott | |
1989-90 | Kathie Pendrigh | 2011-12 | Doris Henn | |
1990-91 | Buffy da Silva | 2012-13 | Geetha Nicodemus | |
1991-92 | Emma Collins | 2013-14 | John Bauer | |
1992-93 | Tim Lambert | 2014-15 | Catherine Secundiak | |
1993-94 | Margaret Bobowski | 2015-16 | Jeannette Caldwell | |
1994-95 | Brad Korbo | 2016-17 | Ryan Rupchan | |
1995-96 | Judy Dufort | 2017-18 | Dona Wheaton |
District Citation Award
The District Citation Award was created to recognize and reward members for outstanding contributions to the organization which further the Toastmaster spirit and ideals, which are not otherwise recognized through existing District and International programs. Recipients receive a personalized green and gold name badge and have their name placed on the District Citation Banner. Recipients are chosen through a nomination process by the Past District Governors Advisory Committee. In order to maintain the standard of excellence for this award, this committee may choose not to present this award every year.
1988 | Herb Ashley, Al Foster, John Hanlin, Wayne Rutten, Jim Weber | |
1989 | Robert Barker, Ben Waldron | |
1991 | Bob Hawrelak | |
1993 | Don Robson | |
1994 | Joe Calenda, Emma Collins, Irene May | |
1995 | Lanny Coulson | |
1996 | Claire Clark | |
1999 | Alice Hanlin | |
2002 | Sheila Cooper, Fern Hardie, Glenn Walker | |
2003 | Bill Brown, Molly Strickland | |
2006 | Grant Hanna | |
2009 | Herb Lemke | |
2010 | Barb Dootson | |
2011 | Elaine Saxer-Gillies | |
2013 | Karen Tober | |
2015 | Dorothy Jones | |
2016 | Mary Jane McGrath, Willard Robitaille, Glynn Williams | |
2018 | Darlene Davies, Bev Ward |
Communication and Leadership Award
The Communication and Leadership Award was established to honour a leading citizen in the District for his or her communication and leadership skills. The Communication and Leadership Award recognizes that citizen who specifically demonstrates these skills in the field of their expertise and in the community.
Past Communication and Leadership Award Recipients
1972 | Hon. J.W. Grant MacEwan | 1997 | Dale Eisler | |
1973 | Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker | 1998 | Hon. Anne McClelland | |
1974 | Ron Chapman | 1999 | Colette Borgonje | |
1975 | Hon. Sidney L. Buckwold | Peter Kossowan | ||
1976 | Rabbi Lewis N. Ginsburg | 2000 | Chief Christine Silverberg | |
1977 | No Award | 2001 | Joan McCusker | |
1978 | Hon. Peter Lougheed | 2002 | Hon. Lois Hole | |
1979 | George Reed | 2003 | Rev. Dale Lang | |
1980 | Ambr. Chester A. Ronning | 2004 | Jim Gray | |
1981 | Judge Raynell Andreychuk | 2005 | Marlin Styner | |
1982 | Hugh Campbell | 2006 | Kennetch Charlette | |
1983 | Hon. Grant Devine | 2007 | Pat Fiacco | |
1984 | Ambassador Ken Taylor | 2008 | Dr. Zaheer Lakhani | |
1985 | E.K. (Ted) Turner | 2009 | Dr. Lynda Haverstock | |
1986 | Mel Hurtig | 2010 | Linda Hughes | |
1987 | Father Lucien Larre | Fall 2010 | Andrew Brash | |
1988 | Ron Southern/Dr. G.R.A. Rice | 2011 | Jim Hopson | |
1989 | Ken Kramer | 2012 | Brigitte Baradoy | |
1990 | Diane Jones-Konihowski | 2013 | Ron Waldman | |
1991 | Tony Dagnone | 2015 | Dory Rossiter | |
1992 | Ed and Nomi Whalen | 2017 | Dave Kelly | |
1993 | Hon. Sylvia Fedoruk | 2018 | Gord Gillies | |
1994 | Walter H. Kaasa | |||
1995 | Charles E. (Chuck) Childers | |||
1996 | Hon. Ralph Klein | |||
Past District 42 Speech Contest Winners
“World Champion” International Speech Contest
1979 | Dick Caldwell |
Region IV International Speech Contest
(In 2009 the Regional Contest was replaced with the Semifinal speech contests at the International Convention)
1965 | Ron Ghitter | 1992 | Doon Wilkins | |
1978 | Glenn Hagel | 1995 | Donald Lee | |
1979 | Dick Caldwell | 2005 | Rowena Romero | |
2008 | Martin Presse |
Semifinal International Speech Contest
District International Speech Contest
1965 | Ron Ghitter | 1994 | Shona Welsh | ||
1967 | John J. Chalmers | 1995 | Donald Lee | ||
1968 | Bernie Searle | 1996 | Shona Sekulic | ||
1969 | Larry A. Fast | 1997 | Carrie Warren | ||
1970 | Ken Richard | 1998 | Helen Rojek | ||
1971 | Orie Mandryk | 1999 | Brian Stecyk | ||
1973 | Dan Conroy | 2000 | Trina Bandi | ||
1974 | Ken Richard | 2001 | Brigid O’Shea | ||
1975 | Jim Bell | 2002 | Rowena Romero | ||
1976 | Dave Anderson | 2003 | Todd Dyck | ||
1977 | Brian Taylor | 2004 | Kathy Sheppard | ||
1978 | Glenn Hagel | 2005 | Rowena Romero | ||
1979 | Dick Caldwell | 2006 | Allan Goff | ||
1980 | Robert Parsons | 2007 | Allan Goff | ||
1981 | John Yerxa | 2008 | Martin Presse | ||
1982 | John Yerxa | 2009 | Russ Dantu | ||
1983 | Charlie Vandermark | 2010 | Russ Dantu | ||
1984 | Jim Malone | 2011 | Kevin Mark | ||
1985 | Dick Brown | 2012 | Darlene Davies | ||
1986 | Irene Murray | 2013 | Aparna Verna | ||
1987 | Keith Hesselden | 2014 | John Hallett | ||
1988 | Bob Schoepp | 2015 | Russ Dantu | ||
1989 | Peter Wouters | 2016 | Joanne Smith | ||
1990 | Peter Wouters | 2017 | Kelly Kaur | ||
1991 | Melodye Kunnas | 2018 | Russ Dantu | ||
1992 | Doon Wilkins | 2019 | Val Erickson | ||
1993 | Donald Lee |
District Humorous Speech Contest
(Don Paape Trophy)
1972 | Ken Richard | 1996 | Jim Ferrie | ||||
1974 | Brian Taylor | 1997 | Roy Bird | ||||
1976 | John Thurmeier | 1998 | Jim Martin | ||||
1977 | Wayne Land | 1999 | Carrie Warren | ||||
1978 | Brian Taylor | 2000 | Janet Kwasniak | ||||
1979 | Norm Brain | 2001 | John Morgan | ||||
1980 | Bob Johnson | 2002 | Loren Letourneau | ||||
1981 | Cliff McDonald | 2003 | Brad Maurer | ||||
1982 | John Riddell | 2004 | Mary McLean | ||||
1983 | Scott Montgomery | 2005 | Mary McLean | ||||
1984 | Clara Jonsson | 2006 | Rowena Romero | ||||
1985 | Bob Schoepp | 2007 | Russ Dantu | ||||
1986 | Ron Wolch | 2008 | Taneya Aaron | ||||
1987 | Dale Hackinen | 2009 | David Haines | ||||
1988 | Clancy Patton | 2010 | Garrett Ulmer | ||||
1989 | Leslie Gratton | 2011 | David Brown | ||||
1990 | Nick Zon | 2012 | Andrew Legg | ||||
1991 | Doon Wilkins | 2013 | Jackie Diermet | ||||
1992 | Dave Thomas | 2014 | Riley Potter | ||||
1993 | Cibylla Rakestraw | 2015 | Supreet Dhillon | ||||
1994 | Franco Panizzon | 2016 | John Hallett | ||||
1995 | Dave DeMarco | 2017 | Alastair Linds | ||||
2018 | No District Fall Conference | ||||||
2019 | Laura Chambers |
District Evaluation Contest
(In 1992 the contest was switched from Fall to Spring)
1970 | Ron Chapman | 1994 | Pam Mapplebeck | |
1971 | ?? | 1995 | Laura Post | |
1972 | Ken Richard | 1996 | Drew Kirk | |
1973 | ?? | 1997 | Lori Leppke | |
1974 | Wayne Land | 1998 | Sandra Langford | |
1975 | ?? | 1999 | Judy Arnall | |
1976 | Ron Maloney | 2000 | Lori Lund | |
1977 | Terry Appleby | 2001 | Connie Paus | |
1978 | Brian Lee | 2002 | Harvey Taphorn | |
1979 | Glenn Hagel | 2003 | David Benjatschek | |
1980 | Rick Sydor | 2004 | Ilan Cooley | |
1981 | Rick Sydor | 2005 | Freddi Dogterom | |
1982 | Val Hunt | 2006 | Nandini Venkatesan | |
1983 | Shirley Sarens | 2007 | Carolyn Kaldy | |
1984 | Ray McLeod | 2008 | Christina Kruis | |
1985 | Dave Almond | 2009 | Russ Dantu | |
1986 | Leigh Anderson | 2010 | Nandini Venkatesan | |
1987 | Lanny Coulson | 2011 | Kelly Kaur | |
1988 | Lanny Coulson | 2012 | John Hallett | |
1989 | Suniel Puri | 2013 | Iris Talbot | |
1990 | Judy Dola | 2014 | John Hallett | |
1991 | Lanny Coulson | 2015 | Harvey Taphorn | |
1992 | No Winner, Contest Moved to Spring | 2016 | Brenda Ball | |
1993 | Dan Hardie | 2017 | Sergios Karatzos | |
2018 | Harvey Taphorn | |||
2019 | Anthony Sanni |
District Table Topics Contest
1988 | Stephen Listoe | 2003 | Shiraz Kanji | ||
1989 | Larry Hurd | 2004 | Steven Bobiash | ||
1990 | Lori Leppke | 2005 | Freddi Dogterom | ||
1991 | Dave Thomas | 2006 | Bob Ellwood | ||
1992 | Lori Leppke | 2007 | Nandini Venkatesan | ||
1993 | Judy Dola | 2008 | Aparna Verna | ||
1994 | Dave Fulton | 2009 | Dana Morgan | ||
1995 | Geoff Cooke | 2010 | Kelly Kaur | ||
1996 | Arlene Jorgensen | 2011 | Kelly Kaur | ||
1997 | Drew Kirk | 2012 | Russ Dantu | ||
1998 | Liz Pasieka | 2013 | Kelly Kaur | ||
1999 | Bob Rodgers | 2014 | Kevin Safinuk | ||
2000 | Marg Faryna | 2015 | Nandini Venkatesan | ||
2001 | Shiraz Kanji | 2016 | Connie Paus | ||
2002 | Tim Dietrich | 2017 | Brad Smart | ||
2018 | No District Fall Conference | ||||
2019 | Carolyn Kaldy |
Discontinued Recognition
International Top Ten Club Bulletin
1967 | Cold Lake #1394 – “Vox Borealis” (editor – Jim Miller) |
1969 | “Y” Club #2478 – “Pekiskwawin” (editor – Ron Chapman) |
1971 | “Y” Club #2478 – “Pekiskwawin” (editor – Ron Chapman) |
1977 | Northern Lights #489 – “Northern Nugget” (editor – Ron Chapman) |
1988 | CBA #2882 – “The Achiever” (editor – Ruth Schellenberg) |
1988 | Eloquent Albertans #6110 – “The Advocate” (editor – Wes Allen) |
1992 | CU at Noon #7341 – “CU Nooner News” (editors – Dawn Braun, Barb Banman) |
1993 | Pursuers #6901 – “Hot Pursuit” (editor – John Anderson, Brian Stecyk) |
1995 | Pursuers #6901 – “Hot Pursuit” (editor – Dan Hardie) |
1996 | Not-Just-Us #8077 – “The Leader Toast” (editor – Laurie Schulz) |
1997 | Airdrie Discovery #6344 – “The Airdrie Discovery” (editors – Jim Szpajcher and Alan Waugh |
1997 | Pursuers #6901 – “Hot Pursuit” (editor – Ron Pidskalny) |
1997 | Verbal Jesters #9767 – “The Jester” (editor – Nicole Sayler) |
2000 | Bowmen #2161 – “The Arrow” (editor – Rhys Davies) |
2002 | Bowmen #2161 – “The Arrow” (editor – Dona Baker) |
2002 | Prairie Schooners #6372 – “Schooner News” (editor – Richard Jackson) |
Sponsor of the Year Award
The purpose of the Peter Kossowan Trophy is to recognize and honour the Toastmaster in District 42 who has made outstanding contributions to membership building in the previous year by sponsoring new members and new clubs. The award is based on one point for each new, dual or reinstated member and five points for each new club, mentor or sponsor. This trophy was dedicated under Peter Kossowan’s name in 1994. This award was discontinued after 2006.
Past Winners of the Peter Kossowan Trophy
1979 | Dick Caldwell |
Golden Lectern Award
The Golden Lectern is a wooden, hand-crafted lectern. It is presented to the club which contributes the most through their attendance and enthusiasm to making the annual District 42 Spring Convention a success. Over the years, the Golden Lectern came to be one of the most coveted awards. This award was retired after 1995.
Past Winners of the Golden Lectern Award
1960 | Bow Valley #1494 | 1978 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1970 | Bow Valley #1494 | 1988 | Wascana #577 | |
1968 | Pioneer Nooners #3053 | 1986 | TNT #2291 | |
1969 | NAIT (now TNT #2291) | 1987 | TNT #2291 | |
1962 | No Award | 1980 | TNT #2291 | |
1972 | TNT #2291 | 1990 | TNT #2291 | |
1974 | Bow Valley #1494 | 1993 | Prairie Schooners #6372 | |
1973 | Bow Valley Gavel #13 | 1991 | No Award | |
1975 | Saskatoon #450 | 1994 | No award | |
1976 | TNT #2291 | 1995 | Bridge City #5107 | |
1964 | Seven Seas #3296 | 1982 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1971 | Pile O’Bones #1862 | 1989 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1965 | Bow Valley #1494 | 1983 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1966 | Bow Valley #1494 | 1984 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
(now Golden Gavel 438) | 1992 | Bow Valley #1494 | ||
1967 | Skyscraper #3300 | 1985 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1961 | Lobstick #3212 | 1979 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1963 | Foothills #3073 | 1981 | Bow Valley #1494 | |
1977 | TNT #2291 |
District 42 Best Club Award
This award was retired after the Distinguished Club Program was revised in 1999-2000. Previously, the election of the best Club was based solely on the points of the Distinguished Club Program for Club year. The winner was awarded the Ron Chapman Standard of Excellence, a banner stand for their use at Club meetings for the succeeding year.
Past Winners of the Ron Chapman Standard of Excellence
1966 | “Y” #2478 | 1982 | Bowmen #2161 | 1991 | Daybreakers #6131 | ||
1967 | “Y” #2478 | 1983 | Bowmen #2161 | 1991/92 | Grande Prairie Morning #3489 | ||
1975 | Saskatoon #450 | 1984 | Bowmen #2161 | 1992/93 | Pursuers #6901 | ||
1976 | Bowmen #2161 | 1985 | Southern Lights #3684 | 1993/94 | Grande Prairie Morning #3489 | ||
1977 | Bowmen #2161 | 1986 | Waterways #3881 | 1994/95 | Pursuers #6901 | ||
1978 | Wascana #577 | 1987 | CBA #2882 | 1995/96 | Grande Prairie Morning #3489 | ||
1979 | Bowmen #2161 | 1988 | Peace Pipe #1440 | 1996/97 | Pursuers #6901 | ||
1980 | Rooster Rousers #1774 | 1989 | Pursuers #6901 | 1997/98 | Bridge City #5107 | ||
1981 | Bowmen #2161 | 1990 | Pursuers #6901 | 1998/99 | Athabasca Landing #9386 | ||
President’s International Top Five Distinguished Clubs
The President’s International Top Five Distinguished Club award is presented to those Clubs that finish their Club year in the Top Five of their membership category (under 20 members, 20-29 members, 30-39 members, 40 or more members). Placement is determined by points attained in the Distinguished Club program each year. Due to changes in the DCP as of July 1, 1999, this recognition is no longer awarded.
1993 | High Riser #1171 |
1997-98 | Bridge City #5107 |
Top Distinguished Clubs
The Distinguished Club program promotes achievement in the areas of Educational achievement, membership, Club building, Club leadership and Club communication. To earn Distinguished status, the club must end the year with at least 20 members, and reach certain accomplishment standards. Based upon the Club membership level at July 1 each year, the following clubs achieved distinction as the Top Club in their Membership category.
Clubs with fewer than 20 Members
1991 | Queen’s Court #2321 |
1992 | Treasure Chest #1245 |
1993 | High Riser #1171 |
1994 | Meewasin Valley #5721 |
1995 | Victoria on the Park #8859 |
1996 | Upward Bound #6395 |
1997 | Wordrunners #5847 |
1998 | Enthusiastic Seniors #1513 |
1999 | Old North West #8990 |
Clubs with 20 to 29 Members
1991 | Prince Albert #1318 |
1992 | Bridge City #5107 |
1993 | Prince Albert #1318 |
1994 | Peace Pipe #1440 |
1995 | Confidence Builders #4699 |
1996 | High Riser #1171 |
1997 | Aimcriers #4966 |
1998 | Bridge City #5107 |
1999 | Athabasca Landing #9386 |
Clubs with 30 to 39 Members
1991 | Day Breakers #6131 |
1992 | Day Breakers #6131 |
1993 | Day Breakers #6131 |
1994 | Eau Claire Y #8005 |
1995 | High Riser #1171 |
1996 | Bedstone Olympics #7554 |
1997 | Sundowners #3826 |
1998 | GP Morning #3489 |
1999 | Bridge City #5107 |
Clubs with 40 to 49 Members
1991 | Pursuers #6901 |
1992 | GP Morning #3489 |
1993 | Pursuers #6901 |
1994 | GP Morning #3489 |
1995 | Pursuers #6901 |
1996 | GP Morning #3489 |
1997 | Pursuers #6901 |
1998 | Pursuers #6901 |
1999 | Pursuers #6901 |
Note: The Distinguished Club Program was revised in 1999 – 2000. The Top Distinguished Clubs recognition was discontinued after the 1998/99 Toastmaster year. GP Morning – Grande Prairie Morning.
The following contests are no longer operating as District-wide Speech Contests. The Award Recipients listed here performed to the highest standard of Excellence during the operation of these Contests.
District Tall Tales Contest
1982 | Bob Barker | 1988 | Leslie Gratton | ||
1983 | Clif Skrypnyk | 1989 | Joan Vickers | ||
1984 | Gordon Miskow | 1990 | Nick Zon | ||
1985 | V.J. Tukkimaki | 1991 | Shane Powley | ||
1986 | Doug Martin | 1992 | Rob Hafer | ||
1987 | Jeff McCann |
National Canada Day Speech Contest
1986 Dennis Herr (English) | 1992 Duc Le (French) |
District Canada Day Speech Contest
English | French | |||||
1984 | Dusty Cunningham | 1989 | Betty Giesen | 1988 | Yvan Choquette | |
1985 | Elizabeth Pasieka | 1990 | Bob Schoepp | 1990 | Susanne Thibaudeau | |
1986 | Dennis Herr | 1991 | Shannon Zwicker | 1991 | Larry Hurd | |
1987 | Gabriela Orban | 1992 | Franco Panizzon | 1992 | Duc Le | |
1988 | Jerry Kiriak |