Green Horizons D42’s First Sustainability-Themed Toastmaster Club Rethinking the Future of a Toastmasters Club Many Toastmasters clubs continue to face membership challenges in the wake of Covid-19. How should a club respond? Division B’s Toastmasters At Palliser Club found themselves at a crossroads. They responded with vision and innovation, “refocusing” their purpose. Today, they are proudly known as Green Horizons, a sustainability-themed Toastmasters club inspired by the globally successful Sustainable Speakers Club of London, England. “We knew we had to …

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Secrets to Success President’s Distinguished Clubs Share Their Strategies for Engaging Members and Celebrating Achievements Have you ever wondered if a Presidents Distinguished club does anything different to engage their members to achieve the consistent success that they seem to achieve? I wondered if they had some different approaches that might make a difference for other clubs that were struggling to build or keep their membership. My DTM project team and I thought that we should check it out. We …

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From Supportive Parent to Distinguished Toastmaster My Toastmasters Journey When I joined Toastmasters in April 2013, I never thought of earning a DTM—in fact, I didn’t even know what that was. I joined to be the moral support for my daughter. But as I attended meetings, I fell in love with Toastmasters and couldn’t stop bragging about it to anyone who would listen. The Beginning of the Journey At the start, my focus was simply on gaining confidence and improving …

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Building Momentum Celebrating Progress and Embracing New Opportunities Happy New Year, Fellow Toastmasters! As we reflect on the past six months and look forward to the next, we have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and embrace the excitement of what lies ahead. The state of our district is encouraging and continues to improve month by month. Our club base remains at 106, with 89 clubs in good standing—a growth of two clubs in good standing since last month! …

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Celebrating Mentors: Guiding Stars of Our Toastmasters Journey Do you know about the District Guiding Star Award? Do you have a mentor in your club who consistently supports and inspires members? Here’s your chance to show appreciation for their dedication and impact! Mentorship is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth in Toastmasters. A mentor’s guidance can transform a member’s journey from uncertain beginnings to confident leadership. By sharing their expertise and wisdom, mentors create ripples of positive impact that …

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Building the Future by Empowering Our Youth A Journey Through the Youth Leadership Program We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt  Imagine a future with confident, engaged, and well-spoken youth. The Youth Leadership Program (YLP) provides a platform for youth to stretch the skills they have, learn new skills, and take those skills on the road. As a facilitator of the eight-week program, I felt inspired, hopeful, and …

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Exciting Opportunity for Future Leaders: Youth Leadership Project with the Navy League of Canada Hello, Toasties! Did you know that when I’m not busy “toasting” up a storm at Toastmasters and perfecting speeches, I’m volunteering as the Board President for the Navy League of Canada, Calgary Branch? In light of this, I’m thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between Fluor Communicators, District 42, and the Navy League of Canada. Starting January 2025, we’ll be launching a ground-breaking Youth Leadership …

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The Right Time! When is it the right time to do something? You might be surprised! Sometimes we get invited to take on a role or go on a trip on short notice. Sometimes we gracefully decline saying that the timing just isn’t right. I have responded that way on a few occasions only to discover that the opportunity never came my way again. The one that stands out for me was when I was working at a junior high …

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So You Think You Can Judge! The Top 10 Reasons Toastmasters Speech Contests Are a Game-Changer Speech contests at Toastmasters offer a variety of benefits to contestants and officials, as well as the promotion of our organization. Consider whether any of these side effects of competition would interest you! Improved Presentation Delivery: Participants gain experience delivering speeches under pressure, which helps them refine their speaking skills and confidence. Enhanced Specific Skills for Connection: Contestants focus on effective speech delivery and …

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Midyear Milestones and Momentum Celebrating Growth and Looking Ahead As the Julian calendar approaches its year’s end, the Toastmasters calendar reaches its midpoint. With six months behind us and six months ahead, we can celebrate our accomplishments while looking forward with optimism and anticipation for what lies ahead. This month, our district has increased its number of clubs to 103, thanks to the successful reinstatement of two clubs. Of these, 87 are in good standing. The reinstated clubs have also …

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Glenmore RSVP Toastmasters Celebrate 30th Anniversary! Oh, what a night!!    Have you ever met a friend from the past …. suddenly you are back to those days of laughter and good times!  Those connections were definitely made at Glenmore RSVP Toastmasters 30th Anniversary Celebration. It was a heartwarming evening as past, present, and new members and TM friends from other clubs united to celebrate with Glenmore RSVP.  It was a special honor to have D42 Director, Daisy Wei and …

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Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Mentorship In today’s fast-paced world, mentorship has emerged as a cornerstone for personal and professional growth. The right mentor can transform challenges into opportunities, guiding mentees through the intricacies of their careers and helping them achieve their goals. One such opportunity to explore the magic of mentorship is through the upcoming workshop, “Mentor Magic,” led by Toastmasters Arobo Ako and Marcy Field, DTM, from Fluor Communicators. **Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 7 PM**, this online …

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Messages from the OTY’s Champions Rookie of the Year: Kathleen Goebel (Mosaic Masters) Testimonials: Completed levels one through three in the Presentation Mastery pathway, thereby achieving Triple Crown Pin. Have been a Club Officer, and a Mentor of a member. Played a crucial role in developing the Club Success Plan. Set the tone for their club’s journey to become President Distinguished. Participated as Nomination Committee Chair; Awards Committee Member; Moment of Truth Oct 2023 and Led MOT April 2024. Highlighted …

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Distinguished Leaders of 2023/2024 We are beyond delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to several of our past Area Directors and Division Directors who have achieved distinguished status. This prestigious recognition is a testament to their unwavering dedication and remarkable leadership during their time in office. However, we know that such accomplishments are never the result of one person’s efforts alone. It truly takes a village to reach this level of success. These leaders, through their tireless hard work, perseverance, …

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How to Submit, Promote, and Publish an Event in District 42 Planning a successful Toastmasters event requires organization and attention to detail. Whether you’re organizing a workshop, a club contest, or a keynote presentation, following the right process to submit, promote, and publish your event can make all the difference. In District 42, we have a streamlined system that helps your event get the attention it deserves. Here’s how you can make sure your event is a hit from start …

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Program Quality Report: Exciting Updates and Acknowledgments Our teams are diligently preparing for the next phase of our initiatives, and we’re thrilled to share some important updates with you! Transition to the New Pathways Platform Chuck Leblanc is currently leading the transition to the new Pathways platform. If you haven’t enrolled yet, now is the perfect time to do so—make sure you complete your enrollment before the October 9 deadline. During the upcoming outage, please continue to work on your …

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Become a Better Speaker Are you a speaker?  Chances are you are a speaker if you are a student, a parent, a lector, an usher, a catechist, a priest, a religious, a youth minister or someone who says hello to a person on the street.  And I know how you can become an even better speaker. I have been giving presentations and speaking to groups of two to more than 500 people for more than 40 years, so I should …

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Celebrating 40 Years of Toastmasters: A Heartfelt Milestone On Saturday, September 7, I was deeply honoured to be recognized for my 40 years as a Toastmasters member. The celebration was attended by 29 members and guests, and I was truly humbled by the experience. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Saya Sanyal for expertly organizing the event. It was incredibly moving to hear from so many who spoke about the influence I have had on their Toastmasters journeys. …

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A Message from Your 2024-2025 District Director Dear fellow Toastmasters, Are you ready for a new Toastmasters year?! Serving as your District Director for 2024-2025 is an honour. Toastmasters has been an incredible source of growth and learning for me, and I am excited to give back to the District 42 family. I look forward to working alongside you, learning from you, and growing with you on this amazing journey of personal and professional development. First, I want to acknowledge …

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District 42 2023/24 Club Growth Team Honored with Prestigious Award at Hall of Fame Event At the Hall of Fame event during the International Convention, I had the immense honour of accepting the District Club Growth Award on behalf of the entire Club Growth Team for the 2023-2024 term. This recognition is a testament to the collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication of a remarkable group of Toastmasters who worked tirelessly to support and grow District 42. This award is not …

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Change is Coming Summer will soon be a fading memory. The colour of the leaves will change from green to the rich colours of fall. The season will change. There will also be a change to the colour of Toastmasters this fall. At the recent Toastmasters International Convention in Anaheim California, Toastmasters International Chief Executive Officer Daniel Rex updated members on the exciting change to the Learning Management System which Toastmasters will be rolling out in the near future. The …

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Closing the Toastmasters Year with a Bang: Join the Push for Good Standing As the Toastmasters year draws to a close, with June 30 just around the corner, we find ourselves on the cusp of achieving something remarkable. We only need three more clubs to get back into good standing, and with your help, we can do it! This is a call to action for all our clubs: let’s rally together, plan engaging open houses, and bring in potential members. …

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Attending our Conference By investing in yourself and attending our District 42 Toastmasters Conference, you embark on a commendable journey. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about opening yourself up to unexpected discoveries and opportunities. Throughout my experiences attending numerous conferences, I’ve consistently found valuable insights and practical takeaways that have enriched my personal and professional life.  Educational sessions and keynote speakers Step into the captivating realm of our educational sessions, where insightful speakers will take you on a …

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Serving as a Club Officer Serving as a club officer with a Toastmasters Club is an invaluable experience that not only enriches your own life but also positively impacts the lives of those around you. The seven nominated club officer positions are president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, sergeant at arms, treasurer and secretary. The responsibilities for each role are specific, though they may overlap or require cooperation between two or more officers.  There are …

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Road to DTMPW Along the path to Distinguished Toastmaster, we learn the value of leadership and team building. When I began my Pathways journey 4 years ago, I was unaware of the Pathways requirements for achieving a DTM designation.  I had just earned my second DTM and had no interest in earning another one. Four years later after completing two Pathways, Engaging Humour and Team Collaboration, and starting on my third I saw an item about completing your DTM. Upon …

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And The Winner Is?? It’s contest time! This is part of the Toastmasters year where we challenge ourselves to step outside of our comfort zone and do something we’re not used to doing. Whether we act as a contestant or help out as a judge or contest officials, we can learn and grow in ways we don’t expect. By the time you read this, club and area contests will be completed, and our focus now becomes Division and then District …

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Strengthening Character Muscles

Strengthening Character Muscles Through the Forest of Core Values In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where distractions abound, and priorities shift like sand in the wind, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Our character, the essence of who we are, often takes a backseat to the demands of the external world. Yet, amidst the chaos, there lies a sanctuary – a metaphorical forest where the trees whisper timeless truths and the air hums with the …

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Exploring Boundless Opportunities Beyond Home Club in Toastmasters Whether you’re a Toastmasters novice or a seasoned speaker, the journey toward mastering communication and leadership is an ongoing adventure. As you progress in your Toastmasters experience, you might crave more challenges and opportunities to hone your skills. Fortunately, the Toastmasters community extends beyond your home club, offering plenty of resources to help you grow. Here’s a list of educational resources and opportunities available to all Toastmasters in District 42: Monthly Pathway …

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Messages from the OTY’s Champions Rookie of the Year: Fola Alabi (Igniters Club) As I reflect on my journey through Toastmasters, winning the Rookie of the Year award at the club, area, and district levels has been an extraordinary honour. It’s more than just a title; it’s a testament to the growth, dedication, and passion I have poured into this incredible organization.Toastmasters has been my guiding light, illuminating a path of self-discovery and personal development. Each meeting, speech, and evaluation …

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Circle of Gold Story It’s Contest Time!!!  There are no sweeter words to the ear of a contest junkie, nor the ear of the core team of Circle of Gold!  During contest season, the Circle of Gold comes alive and offers support and feedback to our contest speakers.  Circle of Gold was the brainchild of Darlene Davies, a well-known and much-loved Toastmaster in District 42 more than 20 years ago.  It began as a way of helping the competitive speakers …

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Legacy and Longevity I recently attended the 10th-anniversary celebration of one of our clubs, the Healthy Living Toastmasters Club, where I had the pleasure of meeting numerous enthusiastic, fun, and dedicated members. During the event, participants were asked to share three words that encapsulated their feelings about the anniversary, and it was quite enjoyable to hear the diverse responses. Some of the words thrown around included “party,” “feast,” “food,” “booze,” “camaraderie,” and “having fun,” reflecting the vibrant and celebratory atmosphere. …

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In-Person TM Meetings – Many Member Benefits!!! Toastmaster District 42   provides opportunities to create clubs that fit all Toastmasters’ needs.  At last count, D42 offers 26 In-Person Clubs, 35 Hybrid Clubs and 41 Clubs that meet online.  There is something for everyone and advantages to every format.  Here are some Benefits of In-Person Clubs. Personal Connections At an In-Person meeting, the first thing one may notice is members shaking hands and introducing themselves.  A friendly greeting makes guests feel …

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Celebrating a half-century adventure in Toastmasters Embarking on a half-century journey with Toastmasters, Dave Cartledge is a living testament to the incredible power of effective communication and leadership. Speaking with this seasoned Toastmaster to celebrate his remarkable 50th anniversary, we learn of a wealth of experiences, wisdom, and invaluable lessons learned throughout this extraordinary half-century adventure. Dave Cartledge, an active member of MVP Advanced Toastmasters interviewed by Christina Kruis. Which was the first club you joined? Foresters Toastmaster Club, Edmonton …

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I wish I had joined earlier What if you had joined Toastmasters years ago?What if you possessed Toastmaster skills earlier in your career?Ask most Toastmasters and their response is “I wish I had joined earlier?” What if you could give a young person the opportunity for success academically, socially and professionally earlier and faster?  Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program provides a safe environment to learn, practise and improve communication and leadership skills including Speaking spontaneously Developing effective listening skills Organizing and presenting …

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Nurturing Growth and Success In the Next Six Months As we embark on our journey of the next six months, it’s crucial to define our aspirations and set clear objectives for the betterment of our Toastmasters clubs. Here are some key focus areas that could potentially shape the path forward: 1. Grow Membership: Initiating targeted outreach programs to attract new members. Implementing retention strategies to ensure a sustainable increase in our club’s size. 2. Help Members Achieve Personal Goals: Conducting …

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Humorous Gala Recap December 5th was an auspicious date!  It was the Humorous Gala date hosted by Inspired Toastmasters and Sponsored by Circle of Gold.  A well-known past Toastmaster, Palmo Carpino, was the Master Of Ceremonies and led the large crowd through an evening of laughter and fun!  More than 110 people attended to watch 8 of the funniest Toastmasters in District 42 present their original speeches. Stanley Vong, Dave Dyck, Bob Rodgers, Mona Cooley, Amanda Cronin, Lucas Steeves, Laura …

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Road to Regina Paving the Way I am the Education Chair for the District 42 Spring Conference which will be held in Regina, May 3 – 5, 2024 and I (along with the entire conference committee) have been hard at work planning for a fantastic event!In 2022 I attended my first-ever District conference which was in Ontario.  When I flew out there my mindset was, “This is an opportunity of a lifetime,” and it proved to be life-changing!  By …

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Building Success Establishing Schneider Calgary Toastmasters Club Several years ago, as a member of the Kalamalka Toastmasters Club in Vernon, BC, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Toastmasters in fostering personal and professional growth. The experience left me convinced that establishing a dedicated Toastmasters club for our Calgary office staff could yield similar benefits. In this article, I will outline the steps taken to create and charter the Schneider Calgary Toastmasters, emphasizing the importance of executive support, budget planning, …

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Nurturing Leadership A Toastmasters Journey In this article, we delve into the heart of the Toastmasters mission and explore practical strategies for fostering leadership and personal growth within the club. The mission statement encapsulates the essence of Toastmasters, emphasizing creating a supportive learning environment for developing oral communication and leadership skills. However, the challenge lies in consistently putting “people first” as we navigate the leadership landscape. Making Personal Connections to Inspire To inspire individuals rather than merely motivating them to …

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District Director’s address NOVEMBER 2023 In last month’s article, we emphasized the importance of planning and using the plan. This time, we want to address how we execute it. There are so many approaches; I will summarize them into these categories: quickest, easiest, or the soundest. Throughout my career, I have applied them all. The question is, what do you think is best to use?  Different types of approach: I fell into the “quickest” approach when my focus was only on the end …

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Exciting Updates for Toastmasters Brand Ambassadors Introducing the New Brand Manual Hello Toastmasters Brand Ambassadors! We hope this message finds you well and ready for some exciting news. Toastmasters International is thrilled to announce the release of the new Brand Manual, and trust us when we say, you’re going to love it! A Refreshing Design Upgrade Toastmasters International’s talented design team has been hard at work to create a brand manual that not only provides valuable guidelines but is also …

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District Director’s Address This quote from Benjamin Franklin: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” is very timely when we start our year. For that matter, it is invaluable in anything that we seek in life. I heard our Program Quality Director, Daisy Wei, use this quote when addressing our new leaders last year, and it was well received. It was an excellent reminder to all of us. Other district leaders referred to this passage in our …

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Newly Chartered Clubs in D42 The Southern Alberta Mandarin English Club (SAME) chartered on July 1.  Past District 42 Club Growth Director and current Program Quality Director, Daisy Wei, and Princeton Lau were the club sponsors and worked with club members to get the club chartered. Following the District 42 spring conference, the club had an open house which PID Richard Peck attended.  Grace Wang and Joyce Allen are the club mentors now working with the club. Pembina Club also …

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Embrace Excellence Awards and Incentives Await Your Club’s Triumph  District 42 is rolling the red carpet to honor clubs that reach for the stars and achieve the prestigious Club Fitness Award and the inspiring 7 out of 7 Incentive. The Club Fitness Award is your golden ticket to recognition. Clubs that dazzle us by meeting three remarkable requirements before October 31, 2023, will be in for a treat. Update your TMI Roster, Conduct the “Moments of Truth” from the Successful …

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Acknowledge and Add There are so many useful and excellent articles on the TI website. Here is one that I read recently on “How to Disagree Diplomatically“: It gave three tips: Depersonalize; Acknowledge and Add, and Use “I agree” cautiously. The one that resonated with me more is “Acknowledge and Add.” It refers to first listening and not shutting the other person down. You don’t necessarily agree but acknowledge the other person, then add your points. It happens all the …

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SCAM ALERT! Scams are everywhere around us. With the advent of email and social media, scammers have become better and better at deceiving people. How can you avoid being a victim of email scams? 1. Don’t open emails from a person or company you don’t recognize. If you do open these emails, avoid clicking any links. 2. If you recognize the name of the sender and you open the email, check the following Are you addressed personally? If so, is …

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HELPING CLUBS FOR SUCCESS I am so excited to be part of this year’s District Leadership team.  This is a great opportunity for me to give back to this organization where leaders are made and to help our clubs succeed.  One of the initiatives that was introduced in the past couple of years was the 30-60-90 days plan to help clubs stay informed on what needs to be accomplished to reduce any surprises. 30-60-90 Days Plan Round 1: Club Officer …

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DTM II, Electric Boogaloo As I am nearing the end (for now) of my Toastmasters Journey it’s time to reflect. I joined Toastmasters to be like my Big Brother Bob. Bob is a professional public speaker, leadership coach and published author.  I wanted to be just like him. Confident, eloquent, and charismatic. What I got out of Toastmasters was much, much more. Confidence  Before Toastmasters, I was shy, and insecure and could not talk to people at a party without …

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D42 at the Toastmasters International Convention Nassau, Bahamas | August 16-19, 2023 From August 16 to 19, 2023, our district’s leaders and members have gathered in the beautiful Nassau, Bahamas, as well as online to participate in the Toastmasters International Convention. This event stands as a beacon of communication excellence, bringing together speakers from across the globe for 11 captivating speaking sessions. Esteemed presenters delivered both educational and entertaining speeches, captivating an audience of nearly a thousand attendees. The annual …

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Pinnacle of Achievement: My Second DTM Award- With the Grace of God Hats Off to Weekend Wordmasters Toastmasters Club for Being the Greatest Support for Achieving My Second DTM Honour How I Started This Journey First of all, I want to thank all my dear members at Weekend Word-masters Toastmasters Club, DTM Randall Edge, and DTM Laurel Wingert my mentors. Also, DTM Michele Fisher has been so supportive whenever I needed help since the day I joined the club. I …

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New Clubs? Have you heard? There has never been a better time to be a Toastmaster! Niche clubs, those serving a corporation or special interest group have sprouted up all over the world. Toastmasters organization is the most economical and effective way to grow the skills needed as a professional and/or as an advocate. In today’s interconnected world, effective communication has never been more crucial. The ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively to diverse audiences is a skill that …

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Around District 42 I have been deeply engaged in collaborating with the District team while acclimating myself to the responsibilities of the Club Growth Director role. I’ve been actively engaging with the Region 4 teams, forming dedicated teams for both the Club Coach and Club Extension Committees. My efforts have also encompassed formulating a comprehensive market analysis plan for the district. Despite our district’s current count of 100 clubs, there is a pressing concern, as five clubs hover on the …

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“Waves of Inspiration” Event District 42 support was out in force on Saturday 29th of July for the Molly Hamilton “Waves of Inspiration” event held in Calgary, Alberta.  Molly is representing Region 4 in mid-August in Nassau, Bahamas, as a semi-finalist in the Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking contest.  She is pictured here with District 42 Director (2023-2024), Eugene Sicat, DTM and District 42 Program Quality Director (2023-2024), Daisy Wei, DTM, who were able to present Molly with …

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Toastmasters is evolving! The DTM Master Mind Group is considering new ways that Speechcraft, can be explored. The next meeting, in September, will introduce a way Speechcraft might support the formation of a new club. The digital Speechcraft Program is a new way of delivering this program. Perhaps it being different can be an opportunity rather than a challenge. We will connect with some members who have run this program, and others from out of District 42 who have leveraged …

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The Youth Leadership Program is our future! This is the program to get youth engaged in Toastmasters. They are introduced to the program and some even extend that experience into membership as adults. Others have parents who are introduced to the program and become club members. Mostly, these teens are so open to the skills and experiences Toastmasters provides them. Even when starting off reluctant they are quickly engaged and taking risks. Perhaps current members want this experience for their …

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New Beginning Kudos to all our leaders who have taken a new role or are continuing similar positions in our district. We cannot thank you enough for doing this. Some of us could still be wondering, “How can we live up to the expectation?”, or even “Where do we start?” or “How can we keep to this?”.I can share this excerpt below from one of my favourite movies “Forrest Gump” as this has helped me in many of the journeys …

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The Big Rock Pioneers Toastmasters Club’s 20th Anniversary Celebration The Big Rock Pioneers Toastmasters Club’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in Okotoks on June 1, 2023, was a gala of grand proportions. The evening started with a meet and mingle, where current and former club members were able to renew their acquaintances. Then, the toastmaster for the event, Shelley Goldbeck, gave her opening remarks and reminded attendees of the items on the agenda. Certainly, one of the highlights of the celebration was …

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My DTM Journey I started in Toastmasters in 2014 as a chartered member of Civil Speakers Toastmasters in Regina. I was having issues with my manager, and I wanted to build my communication and leadership skills. She was not sending me to courses to build these skills, so I decided to join the Toastmasters club that was being chartered at City Hall in Regina. Slow Start My toastmaster journey started off slow. It took me over a year to complete …

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Celebrating Accomplishments Dear Members, As we approach the end of another remarkable year, it is with great pleasure and a sense of pride that I reflect upon our collective accomplishments and the progress we have made. Together, we have navigated through challenges, embraced opportunities, and achieved remarkable milestones that have shaped our district’s success. Over the past year, our team has exhibited unwavering commitment, resilience, and a shared vision propelling us forward. Collectively, so much was accomplished and I take …

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Club Mentor: The Sky’s The Limit Donna: Kepler Astrologers Toastmasters is a one-year-old club. With the idea for an online club geared towards Astrologers, we needed support with the Toastmasters parts. Susan, a former Astrology student and active Toastmaster became a Club Sponsor along with Brian; Mike and Wendy joined the team as Club Mentors. Wendy: I remember my first day as Club Mentor at Kepler Astrologers Toastmasters with the same fondness as my first day of University French class—in …

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Contest Season Is A Wrap Woot! Woot! Congratulations to all the Toastmasters who challenged themselves at the Club, Area, Division and District levels to be their very best. It’s not easy to dive deep and gather your courage to compete. The act of saying yes, and showing up, made you a winner. As the District 42 Contest Chair, I had the privilege of escorting these brave souls through the final, and perhaps the most stressful part, of their contest journey. …

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Reflecting On The Conference Our conference this past weekend was a success. All the attendees had fun and learned a lot. Starting with our keynote speaker on Friday night – Past International Director (PID) Sharon Hill, on her “Just Say Yes.” It was fascinating, entertaining, and very familiar. I can relate to her journey, especially how I always welcome the challenge of moving forward. It reminds me of the quote from Mark Twain that I always apply, “The secret of getting …

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YOU can make it happen My dear Toastmaster Friends. May has arrived and with it comes a sense of renewal and possibility. As we move further into the year, it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day struggles of life. But May is a reminder that spring has sprung and new beginnings with it. Our annual conference is done. As a first-ever hybrid conference, we excelled at many things. I believe everyone felt an exceptional warmth in their heart …

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MORE THAN SEX AND MONEY “There are two things people want more than sex and money: recognition and praise.”Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”Mother Teresa HOW do we recognize and appreciate?   Ribbons Money Promotion Certificates Cake Prizes Handwritten notes Words of gratitude Pat on the back Announcements Video Awards WHY do we recognize and appreciate?  reflects the core values of the organization someone sees …

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Showers in April with a Chance of Flowers As we enter the month of April, it’s a time to reflect on the progress we have made in the first quarter of the year and to set our intentions for the months ahead. It’s a time to push ourselves forward, overcome obstacles, and reach for our dreams. April is a month of transition, as the winter season comes to an end and the promise of spring is in the air. It’s …

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Your Town Hall It is challenging to navigate through contentious topics, and we tend to shy away from them to avoid any headaches or woes; however, as leaders, we owe it to our members to face it and bring it out in the open. Discussions can quickly become arguments, with people choosing sides. However, asking questions will create a bridge of understanding and respect. Sometimes, another person will recognize your sincerity and want to understand their perspectives and sentiments. This …

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Maximize Your Potential Takes Planning  Today, we have savings, fitness, dental, retirement, and vacation plans – in fact, plans for almost everything we do. So what are you doing about your leadership development plan?  Why not join us April 28 – 30, 2023 at the Best Western Premier Calgary Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre for the District 42 Maximize Your Potential 2023 Hybrid Convention?  Learn from leaders in our community, observe communication at its best, and indulge in the camaraderie …

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March – Month of Madness March is a month of renewal, growth, and change. As the winter months come to a close, the days become longer (YAHOO!) and the air becomes warmer (sometimes). Spring is on the horizon and with it comes the promise of new beginnings and fresh starts—tulips break ground and the smell of newly-mowed lawn is in the air. This month, take the time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Make the SMART. Whether you have …

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Judges and Toastmasters Needed for District 42 Contest This spring, D42 is hosting the International Speech Contest. The winner will go on to compete at Toastmasters International. This contest will be online, but will only be shown at the Conference. Winners will also be announced at the Conference. In order to produce the best contest possible, all Divisions need to send qualified judges. Judge Requirements: Been a Toastmaster for at least 6 months Completed Levels 1 & 2 in any …

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Work Smarter, Not Harder Creating Content Online Cramped for time?  Consider allotting 2-3 hours one day a week/bi-weekly/monthly, dedicated to creating and scheduling posts.  Most social media sites allow you to schedule a post for a later date; this allows you to free up time in your schedule, so you do not have to commit time every day.  Check out the page insights to know when your followers are coming online the most to make sure your content is reaching …

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Status of Club Officer Training Highlights: 46.28% of officers trained See detailed status here.     7 out of 7 incentive We have 6 clubs that have achieved 7 officers trained during the 1st and the 2nd round of training. Congratulations to the exceptional, extraordinary, and excellent work from the following clubs: We are truly proud of you. You set an outstanding example for our district. Worth to mention other clubs that were close to achieving it where they have achieved 7 of 7 during …

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SHINE THE LIGHT Stories of Inspiration and Success In District 42 we believe that every member has a story to tell. Stories which can bring hope to other members who might be stuck, and inspiration to clubs which may be languishing. District Director Bev LeBlanc wants to leave a legacy of hope and inspiration by collecting these stories and sharing them on our District website. Her goal is to collect and share 200 stories from our members and clubs. We …

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I first joined Toastmasters in 2002 as I had a problem with filler words! I used a lot of them and took a long time to get to my main points when speaking! Not a good thing as the first 30 seconds of a conversation or an interview is so important! Some people even make a decision about you in such a short period of time. During that first year, I completed 9 speeches in the Competent Toastmaster Manual and …

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The Heart Tree The ‘LOVE’ month is upon us. You’ll likely see hearts & flowers everywhere. You may receive Valentine’s notes from many sources. Let me be one of the first to give you one: I find it almost unbelievable that we are more than halfway through our Toastmasters year together. There are fewer than five months left until another team takes the reins. So many members have contributed countless hours & ideas to help make the Toastmasters experience better …

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District 42 Spring Contest I am so happy to be your District Contest Chair as it’s a real honour to shepherd our most talented and daring Toastmasters on their Competition journey. My whole team is dedicated to providing an encouraging and fair environment to compete. All contests – Area, Division and District – will be online. The final District contest will only be shown during the Spring Conference, so please make plans to attend and cheer on our contestants. INTERNATION …

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Time Management Tips That Work There are so many valuable and excellent articles in TI.  Here is another one that I read recently on “Tips for Time Management“.  It talked about several techniques, from: Creating a Time Audit, Having a Power Hour, Batching similar tasks together, Rating tasks based on importance or difficulty and organizing your day accordingly; Creating routines, Setting time limits to get things done, and Challenging to put a time limit on tasks. I particularly like 3 of …

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Getting Creative With Public Relations Brave Branding Be familiar with the Toastmasters brand and the core pillars of the organization. In Toastmasters, all members are guided by integrity, respect, service, and excellence.  Start thinking outside of the box and be bold with your messaging.  Each club is different and unique, don’t be afraid to advertise these quirks! Stats Knowing more about your membership is a great way to research what means most to your members which will help you create a …

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Leadership Is About Behavior, Not Titles I read this article – Leadership Is About Behavior, Not Titles – last year and have been thinking about it and applying it since then. I wanted to know if I ever fall into the category of being a leader for the title. I never really understood the difference during my early years in leadership at work, but I think I fell more into that category during those years (not easy for me to admit). …

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Holiday Greetings Dear fellow Toastmasters, As we approach the end of another year, it is a time to reflect on all that we have achieved and to look forward to the new opportunities that lie ahead. I am grateful for this opportunity to extend warm holiday greetings to all of you, and to express my deep appreciation for your dedication and commitment to our shared mission. Toastmasters is a wonderful organization that brings people together from all walks of life, …

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Upcoming events and initiatives We made the first half of our Toastmasters period with all our members’ participation and perseverance.   We are grateful for doing what you do to make our district outstanding. Upcoming events and initiatives: Leadership Training:  We have the Leadership training scheduled in our district, and you can check our Events Calendar (link) for the details and registration.  The training dates are: Jan 20, Feb 4, and Feb 22 Alternatively, suppose none of those schedules fits, you can …

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It’s That Time of Year Again Hello & Greetings My Friends of District 42, Music, decorations, hustle & bustle, excitement, lights, good spirits, family, & friends all are part of the upcoming season. No matter where you are, the Christmas season is filled with myriad activities. In the greater scheme of things, family & friends, are the icing on the cake. The cake, the base for all the above trimmings, is the feeling we have of being blessed; for living …

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A Success Plan for Life Looking at the calendar on my wall, instead of just seeing the days filled with things to do, if I step back a bit, I see we have already ended our first quarter of the year. Who snapped their fingers & made it so? 39 or 39ish. How many of you can guess what this number means? It is the number of days until CHRISTMAS (depending on when you read this article). Again, someone snapped …

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Where do We Go From Here? As District Director, I have a vision: It seems I’m asking myself this question almost every week. The District (as in all of us) finishes one round of activities, only to start another. Let’s consider where we are at this moment. As of July 1, we had 101 active clubs. We now have 108 paid clubs. Yahoo! I have no doubt we will soar even more. This is a year of rebuilding as our …

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Sponsoring a New Club What is a Club Sponsor? A club sponsor is assigned to each new club attempting to charter and plays a fundamental role in successfully creating a new Toastmasters club.  The Club Extension Committee assigns club sponsors based on inquiries or applications from members progressing towards the Distinguished Toastmaster accreditation.  A club sponsor is an experienced Toastmaster with leadership skills, a passion for Toastmasters, and a strong dedication to helping charter a new club.  Each new club …

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Journey to DTM Determined to Make a Difference I first joined Toastmasters to learn how to convince my Director to listen to my ideas.  No matter how I shared ideas with her, she just wasn’t listening to me!  I wanted to make a difference, to make improvements, to make impactful changes.  I realized soon after joining Toastmasters, to have more influence, I needed a leadership position, but to get a leadership position, I quickly found out, I needed to have …

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COVID, Global Mentoring, & My Virtual DTM Triumph The Distinguished Toastmasters Award (DTM) is the highest honor acquired by a Toastmaster. In 2020, COVID-19 restrictions were beginning; that is, everyone was required to wear face masks and to a social distance of at least 6 feet apart when meeting or passing another person. Toastmasters International Meetings were going online due to national, provincial, and municipal emergency regulations. After two months of social distancing, I attended my Home Club CREB Talkers …

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Adding value to your Toastmaster club After thirty months of the global pandemic, businesses, government bodies, and volunteer organizations all realize they must deliver more value to their customers and members than they have been able to recently muster. But can a battered Toastmaster club add value? The best way for a club to approach this situation is to do a thorough review of their current strengths as they complete their annual Club Success Plan. Do a SWOT or SOAR …

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Message From D42 District Director We have been blessed with a fabulous summer. A little bit of rain, a little bit of thunder & lightning, a little bit of Toastmasters. District 42 has always had clubs which like to take a respite from their weekly meetings. Other clubs continue without a break. Whichever type your club is, these next few weeks will get all of us back on track to improving our meetings, attracting new members, but not forgetting those …

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The Platinum Rule An article on the Platinum Rule caught my attention recently as it relates to how we serve our members.  We are accustomed to the traditional Golden Rule where “we treat other people the way we like to be treated.”   This article pointed out that such a golden rule may not be the best way. To serve others in a more efficient, effective, and everlasting way is by applying this – “Treat other people how they want to …

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What is a Club Mentor? A Club Mentor is an appointed advisor for a newly formed club. Club Mentors have a great effect on the degree to which a new club succeeds. Who can be a Club Mentor? An experienced Toastmaster in good standing who has completed or is close to completing their first pathway and has been a club officer. What is the Time Commitment for Club Mentor? The assignment term is no less than 6 months to a …

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DTM Master Mind The DTM Master Mind Project is up and running! We have many District 42 ADs, DDs and hard-working Toastmasters as part of these groups. Obtaining a DTM award is not everyone’s goal, and is not the reason people usually join Toastmasters, but if it is your goal, or if you just like to take advantage of opportunities that come your way, this is a group we hope you will explore. We heard a presentation from the new …

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How can I inspire you? Dear District 42 Members How can I inspire you? What do you need to take your Toastmaster membership to the next level? Let’s recap a bit & then look forward. This has been quite the year. We held the first Tall Tales Contest in many years. To say the least, it was fun. Our International Speech Contest winner, Joanne Smith, went to Regional Finals. We had star-studded training, organized by the divisions & the district. …

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Beat the Clock Membership Building Drive We always aim to run meetings on time, finish speeches on time and reach membership goals on time. In essence, we always try to “Beat the Clock”, hence the name given to this period’s incentives. It is indeed an excellent motivator for finishing the year on time and with impressive numbers. The incentive requires adding five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between May 1 and June 30.   Applications and payments must be …

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Lessons Learned Leadership Training I know you go to online meetings all the time and it goes like clockwork! Hah! Nothing goes like clockwork! The difference is whether or not that is obvious! On June 15, the part that did not work was pretty obvious, right off the start! Fortunately, or not, that first big presentation was about leadership, and how we all drop the balls at some point; it is a question of picking them up and getting back …

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Plan for the Upcoming Year “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”  -Alan Lakein Reflecting on that quote, we realize that we always get ahead when we plan early. We will likely achieve our goals when we prepare beforehand.   We will probably get further ahead when we get started earlier. Here is what our year will look like: We have another exciting year coming. We are keen to have …

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OTY – Recognizing the Best of the Best District 42 is where Distinguished leaders are made and where we recognize the phenomenal leaders who make our district as successful as it is.   We celebrated excellence in leadership at the spring conference with DARE awards for Area Directors and with the District of the Year awards for the leaders who contributed most across our district from 2020 to 2021.  The Of the Year awards recognize the best of the best and …

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Two Reasons to Get Excited It is June and it is the FINAL month of the 2021/22 Toastmasters year. This is a time when this year is winding down and we are starting to prepare for the 2022/23 year.  This is the perfect time to get excited about two things – finishing strong this year and setting ourselves up for success next year.  Strong Finish How do we finish strong?   We finish the last speech or two we need to …

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Striking the Right Note CONFERENCE FEEDBACK SURVEY When the last note ends, the band members are all packed up and the audience members have gone home, what remains? The feelings and the memories of experiencing a musical journey that for a short while removes you from your everyday life and transports you to another place. This year’s conference certainly struck the right note on so many levels, and hopefully inspired and impacted not only our Toastmaster members but also our …

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Along the path to Distinguished Toastmaster, we learn the value of leadership and team building. When I began my Toastmaster journey 4 years ago, I was unaware of the DTM designation or its requirements. I do remember an announcement when fellow club member, Lisa Branch, my first mentor in Toastmasters, received hers. Quite frankly as a newbie, I was focused on getting through my Ice Breaker speech. Thus, the significance of her achievement was lost on me. Club Leadership – …

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You can say YES! We are two short months away from the end of the Toastmaster year for 2021-2022 and it is hard to believe how quickly this year has gone by.  I am feeling particularly inspired after our annual conference, and feel energized and ready to support our clubs and leaders to make this year a great success!   In addition to celebrating success at our conference, we elected a new District trio and Division Directors who will begin their …

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