Clarification on District 42 President Of The Year 

Here is an outline of the process for awarding President of the Year:

The process is fully outlined in the District 42 Procedures Section 3.7. Section 3.7.2 outlines the Eligibility for a Club President to be eligible for the award, however here is the eligibility criteria listed below.

a) Must have served a FULL TERM as Club President during the preceding calendar year

i. What does this mean? It means that they must have served either 6 or 12 months based on your club officer election terms

b) Meet the following criteria:

  •  Achieved at least Distinguished Club Program (DCP)

i. This means that a club has to achieve at least 5 out of the 10 eligible points in the Distinguished Club Program and met the membership requirement in order to be considered Distinguished or higher.

  •  Submitted Semi-Annual Dues x 2

i. This means that clubs dues must be received into Toastmasters International by April 1 and October 1.

  • Submitted Club Officer List by June 30 at the end of their term

i. An example is that if you were a Club President for the Toastmaster year 2019/2020 that means it would have to be submitted by June 30, 2020.

  • Was represented by voting delegate(s) at the two District Council Meetings

i. This means that either the Club President or VP Education were in attendance at the Virtual Fall District Council Meeting AND

ii. Either the Club President or VP Education were in attendance or submitted a proxy for a member to act on their behalf at the Spring District Council meeting at Spring Conference. The proxy holder must have been a member of the club.

  • Was represented by a voting delegate or proxy at the Toastmasters
    International Annual Business meeting

i. This means that either they were in attendance or submitted a proxy for a member to act on their behalf.

  • For clubs electing annually, the President is not serving a successive full term in office

i. For the purposes of determining successive terms, the Club President as listed at Toastmasters International as of September 1 of the TM year shall be used.

  •  For clubs electing semi-annually, the President is not serving a second or more successive full term in office

i. A President of club electing semi-annually is allowed to serve two six month terms consecutively.

The procedure for selecting this recipient of this award is:

a) The Chairman of the Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall send a copy of the Nomination Form as published on the District 42 website to the past Vice
President Education and the current President on record of all eligible clubs, by August 15.

b) To nominate its Past President for this award, the club completes the Nomination Form, attaches the necessary documentation and ensures it is delivered to the Division Director not later than September 15.

c) The Division Director, along with such other members of the present and previous
division executive team as deemed appropriate, will review each eligible submission and select a Division Club President of the year. The Division shall forward the club’s
Nomination Form and documentation of the division recipient to the chairman of the Past District Governors and Directors Committee no later than September 30.

d) The Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall select on District recipient.



2019/2020 District Director sends nomination forms to 2019/2020 club VP education and 2020/2021 club president for all qualifying clubs by August 15.


September 15, 2020

2019/2020 VP Ed
2020/2021 President

2019/2020 Division Director Fall 2020 Division Contest 2019/2020 Division Director, if present


September 30, 2020

2019/2020 Division Director

2019/2020 District Director 2021 District Conference 2019/2020 District Director (who will be the 2020/2021 Immediate Past District Director)

*Area Level – Not awarded 

If you have any questions about whether or not your club would be eligible or have a general question about any of the OF THE YEAR awards, you can email Immediate Past District Director Catherine Secundiak at




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