Club Extension Committee - Role Description- September 2022

Updated September 14, 2024

What is the Club Extension Committee (CEC)?

The Club Extension Committee (CEC) is a group of experienced Toastmasters, led by the Club Extension Committee Chair, all of whom possess leadership skills, and a passion for Toastmasters who work together to coordinate the building of new clubs in District 42.  Committee members promote the importance of new club creation by engaging local members, clubs within District 42 and District Leadership teams to generate leads on potential new clubs. Committee members will review all new club leads, make initial contact and facilitate a demo meeting.

The Club Extension Committee will assign one or two sponsors to the new club lead based on club sponsor applications, area, location, and availability to commit to the new club lead’s meeting timeframe. 

What are the Club Extension Committee’s (CEC) responsibilities?

  • The CEC will look at opportunities for new clubs in District 42, provide input on the development of an effective marketing plan and engage Division leaders to execute the marketing plan.
  • The CEC will review leads with the Club Growth Director and manage all leads provided by the Lead Management System and other sources. Leads are to be followed up within 5 days.
  • All members of the CEC are to review and familiarize themselves with the TI resources and policies for the club chartering process and share that knowledge with club sponsors and mentors.
  • Recruit and maintain a list of potential club sponsors and mentors.
  • Provide training, support, and resources to club sponsors and club mentors for successful club chartering and building.
  • Liaise with the club chartering teams and request progress reports on club chartering and building.
  • Ensure club sponsors and mentors receive credit from Toastmasters International.
  • Provide club chartering presentations at District training events and Divisional meetings.
  • Provide updates at the District Leadership team meetings
  • Support the club charter celebrations

Want to join the Club Extension Committee (CEC)?

Club Extension Committee members work directly with the Club Extension Chair and the Club Growth Director.

If you are interested in joining the team, please contact our D42 Club Extension Chair.

Link to Club Growth Forms

Link to Mentor/Sponsor Application
Link to New Club Lead Form
Link to Club Locations for District 42

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