Meeting facilitator: Keith Lee PDD

Objective: for the Townhall: Gather info and hear feedback from any of our members on the upcoming motion regarding the number of contests that D42 will hold each year.

Town Hall duration: 60 minute
5-7 minutes context of the meeting
2-3 minutes ground rules
40-45 minutes – get as much feedback from any members (each person to 2-3 mins)
5-7 min conclusion

Review Motion post HERE

To obtain the meeting link, please register HERE

Ground Rules:

This is information and perspective sharing.

This is NOT a Business Meeting. There will be no vote. We will NOT be discussing the exact wording of motions or proposing motions, amendments, etc. but rather sharing of opinions, experiences and perspective.

  • Each person will be given 2 to 3 minutes to deliver their points.
  • When you speak, state your name and where you live.
  • Only one person speaks at a time, as called upon by the facilitator.
  • Speakers may be limited to new speakers at the discretion of the facilitator.
  • All points should be germane to the topic.

Guiding Principles: Respectful listening. Prevent conflict and misunderstanding. Build trust and a sense of safety among the group participants.


  •  March 13, 2023
     7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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