Each year thousands of Toastmasters compete in the Humorous and Table Topic contests. Competitions begins with club contests and winners continue competing through the area, division, and district levels.

Fall Speech Contests

Come cheer the contestants from F26 clubs:

WAAMtastic Toastmasters,Vibrant Speakers, High-Riser Toastmasters.

Learn all about Humorous and Table Topics speech contests. We will also be presenting 2019-2020 Of the Year Awards to the winners from F26.

Date: Friday, Oct. 30th, 2020

Time: 6pm to 9 pm (may end earlier)

Contestants, Tech Team, Contest Volunteers Check-in Time: 6:00 PM

Contest Start Time: 6:30 PM

Contest End Time: 9:00 PM

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/QwVnBeVmGENx291t6

Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/93136439530?pwd=MCtjUnN4cWdKUHdDdTJnSTNwVFhCUT09

Note: This event will be conducted online on Zoom. Registration is free.

Want to help at the contest? Interested  volunteers please contact the Area Director Guests are most welcome. You can wear a Halloween costume and enjoy! If you’re competing, please do not wear something that will interfere with your speaking.

Area F26 Director: Ruby Gunna
email: rgunna@d42tm.org

We hope you can join us.

  •  October 30, 2020
     6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

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