This is the monthly event of the Career Advance Program for ESL professionals (CAP4ESL).  We meet every last Monday each month at lunchtime from 12:00pm – 1:00pm (Mountain Time in Alberta).

Our ESL professionals are challenged at the workplace.  It’s not just about learning a new language.  It’s also about learning how to understand and navigate the culturally diverse workforce.  And it’s a problem that can be solved by our effort.

We join together to share experiences, discuss the challenges, provide support and find solutions.  The theme in 2022  includes skills leveraging, career accent and fluency, showing your skill in real life, performance review at work, leveraging language tools to prepare for your career, to just name a few.

Please register for this event HERE


  •  February 28, 2022
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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