Come join us for a Debate and observe leaders from all levels support
the pros and cons of an upcoming motion for the District Executive
Committee. Master delivery through debate allow you to speak
confidently, logically, and persuasively about any topic. Our member
Karen Roberts will lead the 1-hour debate. After the debate Marvin
Henry will lead an open discussion session for comments and ideas to
better prepare our leaders to organize contests.

Everyday experience involves debate—from political discussions with
friends to analyzing a work project, defending your favorite movie, or
even deciding where the family will go out to eat—it only makes sense
that improving debate skills can help in nearly every aspect of life.
A debate develops better listening, thinking, and speaking not only for
participants but for spectators as well. Participation in a debate develops
your ability to make a quick response, present coherent arguments, and
make a clear presentation of your views. Nowhere else can a
Toastmaster find a more ideal method for learning competitive speaking
in a “head-on” situation.

The District Executives are putting forward a motion to stop running all
contests in the Area, Division and District except for the International
Speech Contest. Click this link for more details about the motion.

Please Register: HERE

  •  March 27, 2023
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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