Chairperson: Eugene SicatPresenter: Mark Ward (45 minutes) “You can transform the world by preserving the status quo”Question: Do you know anyone interested in being a club coach? Where do we look for club coaches?Mark would like us to do some work prior to the meeting. This will assist us in improving as club coaches.
- I would like to ask each club coach to read this HBR article in advance of next week’s meeting. “Moments of Greatness: The Fundamental State of Leadership. The article is accessible at If you provide an email you get three free articles.
- At next week’s session, depending on the number of participants, I would like each person to share a story of when they were at their leadership best in the context of the article.
Please contact to obtain the Zoom link for this meeting
Venue: Online
July 22, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm