District Council

District Council consists of Presidents, VP Educations, Area Directors, Division Directors, Finance Manager, PR Manager, Admin Manager, Club Growth Director, Program Quality Director, District Director, Immediate Past District Director
Each club is allotted two votes at District Council meetings. One vote is reserved for the Club President. The other vote is for the Vice President Education. As per District Administrative Bylaws, Article X: Council Meetings, Quorum, Proxies, and Voting, this meeting is a “virtual” meeting thus NO proxies will be permitted. Each District Council member must cast their own vote.   Online Voting instructions and the meeting Zoom link will be sent to all registered by September 11, 2020 from the Credential Chairs.
Non-registered members are asked to view the meeting via YouTube.
If you are the audience and find yourself in the Zoom waiting room, please go to to view the meeting.
  •  September 12, 2020
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm

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