The District 42 Contest Team is hosting the International and Evaluation Speech Contests.
The Contests will be run on Saturday, April 22, but will ONLY be shown live during the D42 Conference the following week.
Please come and cheer on all our contestants as they compete to be the best speakers in District 42! Winners will be announced live at the Conference! Sign up for the Conference: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION.
International Speech Contest
The International Speech contest allows our Toastmasters to get motivational or share a lesson learned. Our winner will compete at the International level. As such, their audio and lighting will also be judged so ensure those aspects of your speech are also in top-notch shape.
The International Speech contest allows our Toastmasters to get motivational or share a lesson learned. Our winner will compete at the International level. As such, their audio and lighting will also be judged so ensure those aspects of your speech are also in top-notch shape.
Evaluation Speech Contest
The Evaluation contest allows our contestants to showcase their listening and analytical skills. They will watch a test speaker and then provide valuable feedback. Everyone can learn from these top evaluators.
For a full list of Division contestants, visit this page.
ONLY those people who are directly involved in the Contest may register. For all others, please watch the contest live at the Conference. Results will be announced live here!
Register HERE
Those who must register include:
Contest Team Members (Timers, Ballot Counters, Toastmasters, SAA, Judges, etc.)
Technical Team
Technical Team
April 22, 2023
8:00 am - 1:00 pm