Are these just different words for the same thing? Do you know what the subtle differences are between them? What are the nuances that change one word to another?
This training session is for anyone who has already presented Club Officer Training, and for anyone who is interested in taking on this role, in the future. Leadership Training is an important District event, and trained Club Officers contribute to enhance the quality and health of a Club.
We would like to set up every Toastmaster taking on the role of a trainer, for success, so please join us to understand the expectations and nuances; to learn the tasks and responsibilities; and to conduct an optimal experience on the online platform.
This event will be presented multiple times throughout the remainder of the Toastmaster year, with small changes made based on feedback received from attendees.
Please note that this event will follow the Pathways Workshop being offered on the same day, and attendees are encouraged to attend both presentations.
For those attending only this event, please note that it will begin at 11:15am (AB) / 12:15pm (SK), and the Waiting Room will open 15 minutes earlier.
Please register HERE for this event
Venue: Online
November 27, 2021
11:15 am - 1:00 pm