Our District Contest Chair Anne James and Contest Chief Judge Chuck LeBlanc organize this educational event to help our members learn and understand how to participate in or implement hybrid meetings. The purpose of this training is to have more judges and volunteers understand and participate in Area, Division and District contests. It also helps club contests planned in March.
Topics include but are not limited to:
– Best Practice of Hybrid Contest
– Lesson learned from Mock Hybrid Contest
– Judging forms and marking
– Organize, Participate and Volunteer to support the contest
– Q&A
It would be a great opportunity to understand the contest roles of Judges, officials and volunteers in the Hybrid Contest.
It would be 2 hours of training starting at 9 am (AB Time) and 10 am (SK Time)
To attend you must register HERE.
Venue: Hybrid
March 2, 2024
9:00 am - 11:00 am