Consciously know when you shift gears in life. Leave your era, don’t let it leave you. We know that trained leaders experience more success.

This training is open to all Toastmaster members of District 42. This Leadership Training is an opportunity for Toastmasters to learn about a variety of topics as they prepare to enter their new roles for 2020-2021. The goal is for all 7 club officers to be trained, a minimum of 4 officers is required during this training period.


Remember: to get credit for leadership training, you need to attend at least 3 hours of training including the session for your club officer role.


Registration is required. Click here to register for this free event and get the zoom link. 


Doors open at 8:00am – please consider signing in between 8:00 and 8:25 if you require assistance updating your user name.

Event starts at 8:30am and goes until 11:30am.

  •  August 22, 2020
     8:30 am - 11:30 am

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