This event is open to everyone in District 42, whether you area  Club Officer, or not.  Leadership Training events provide the opportunity to gather information, identify resources, and learn strategies to make our Toastmasters journey more beneficial.

This is the second round of Club Officer Training, for this Toastmaster year.  Officers must attend the training for their role, to receive credit.

Theme:  Best Practices – Embrace the Changes in a Virtual World

Waiting Room opens – 5:30pm (AB)/6:30pm (SK)

Keynote presentations:

Freddi Dogterom, DTM – 6:00pm (AB)/7:00pm (SK)

Brigitte Lessard-Deyell; Valerie Erickson, DTM – 6:30pm (AB)/7:30pm (SK)

AA Mulner; Tammy Nischuk; Misti Dobson – 6:45pm (AB)/7:45pm (SK)

Ron MacTavish, DTM; Darlene Davies, DTM – 8:00pm (AB)/9:00pm (SK)

Eva Gustafsson; Alisen Dopf – 8:30pm (AB)/9:30pm (SK)

AA Mulner; Tammy Nischuk; Braden Bennett – 8:45pm (AB)/9:45pm (SK)

Club Officer Training – 7:00pm (AB)/8:00pm (SK):

President – Robyn Taphorn, DTM; Mark Ward, DTM

VP Education – Alisen Dopf; Judy Mooney, DTM

VP Membership – Ron MacTavish, DTM; Mary Schoendorfer, DTM

VP Public Relations – Braden Bennett; Vesna Ivkovic

Secretary – Tracy Hendsbee; Nandini Venkatesan, DTM

Treasurer – Misti Dobson; Drew Gale

Sergeant-at-Arms – Greg Pang; Carson Puetz

Important!  Please read below!

Due to a logistical and technical issue, registration for this event has been closed; for anyone who has already registered prior to reading this message, you will be emailed the correct Zoom link to attend this training (the unique link that you received in your registration confirmation email will not work on the 19th)

For anyone who wishes to attend this training event, please email the Administration Manager at to receive login details

Please note that registration is still ongoing for the training events being held on January 29th, and February 25th…there are no issues for these two dates

Please fill out THIS short survey, so that the organizers and presenters can provide a better experience for everyone who attends


  •  January 19, 2022
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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