We are teaming up to prepare for the hybrid contest.

A mock International Speech contest is scheduled in morning, Saturday Jan 20, 2024. The BLT club takes the lead and organizes the contest at physical location at the Regina Public Library in Regina. Weekend Woodmaster’s Club will support this event onsite. Rest of us can attend online.

This event will help us feel comfortable to organize hybrid contest at District, Division or Area level . Also, we are going to further define more detailed procedure for hybrid contest through this mock contest.

All Division Directors, Area Directors, chief judge, contest officials, potential contestants and contest volunteers participate this event either as online or in-person.Everyone is welcome if you are interested in hybrid contest or meeting.

Time: 10:00-12:00pm SK time            9:00-11:00am AB, Mountain time

Location: Regina Public Library / Zoom Event

  •  January 20, 2024
     9:00 am - 11:00 am

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