Leadership is not a right. It is a privilege. I truly feel privileged to be your Toastmaster Program Quality Director for the next few months. Further, I’m also truly blessed to have so many of you express your encouragement and support. 

Rise to the Toastmasters Challenge

I’ve been fortunate to meet some exceptional leaders throughout my 20 plus years in Toastmasters. People like Mr. Toastmaster Peter Kossowan, Neil Wilkinson and Jana Barnhill, past presidents of Toastmasters International. Jana unknowingly instigated my leadership journey when she challenged all of us at the 2008 International Convention in Calgary.

If you’re going to be a Toastmaster, be a Toastmaster. 

Jana Barnhill

Raise the Bar

I’m extending the same challenge to you. Let’s all be Toastmasters who make this world a better place. Let’s make District 42 the best ever. Let’s not settle for mediocre. This past year has proven we can rise to unexpected challenges. We have done so with energy & enthusiasm, with professionalism & integrity. 

In our meetings and our events, kick it up another notch making sure the time members spend in Toastmasters is worth their time, their efforts, and their money.

I look forward to being part of this team of leaders and members who learn from each other. In doing so, have awesome meetings, achieve their personal goals, and inspire others to be better communicators and leaders. 

Can you imagine our communities filled with such people? 

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