My DTM Journey
I started in Toastmasters in 2014 as a chartered member of Civil Speakers Toastmasters in Regina. I was having issues with my manager, and I wanted to build my communication and leadership skills. She was not sending me to courses to build these skills, so I decided to join the Toastmasters club that was being chartered at City Hall in Regina.
Slow Start
My toastmaster journey started off slow. It took me over a year to complete the Competent Communicator and Competent Leader books. From 2015 to 2018 my journey slowed down and I did not attend many meetings. I was an inactive member and thinking of quitting.
Ready To Try Again
Fast forward to the 2018/19 toastmaster year. I decided to give it another try. I went all in and accepted the Vice President Education club officer role. Pathways had just come in and I thought I am up for the challenge. I mentored a member of the club and that year I won the Civil Speakers Everett Riston Mentorship Award. I was shocked when the Area Director at the time, Lynnette Zotzman was reading the nomination form.
It was shortly after that Lynnette asked me for coffee. During that coffee, she asked me to be an Area Director for the 20019/2020 year. I reluctantly said yes. I was a little over my head and being the big introvert that I am I stayed “behind the computer.” I made it through that year while I almost quit a few times out of frustration, I kept at it. I accepted another term as Area Director when a member withdrew. I was able to redeem myself. I grew more confident and took on the Division B Director role the next toastmaster year.
Let’s Go Higher
During my Division Director year, I started networking more and working on my paths so I could start working toward my DTM.
I was able to be the Youth Leadership Coordinator for the Regina Open Door Society in the fall of 2021.
I was succesfull being a club mentor for United Talkmasters in the spring of 2022.
I was a member of the Club Extension Committee to work on my networking skills with other toastmaster members.
DTM Project
During the 2022-2023 year, I completed two paths by speaking at any opportunity I could. At this point, I was struggling with my DTM project. I had no idea what to do. Brian Fegen was doing his DTM project of getting documents together for the Club Extension Committee, Club Sponsors and Club Mentors as this would assist toastmasters going into these roles.
My DTM project piggybacked on his and was creating an orientation package for those roles using his documents. This was completed by March 30, 2023.
I am happy that I accomplished my DTM. It is an achievement that I thought I would never achieve. I may go after a second
Debbie Stearns, DTM
Area D23 Director