Status of Club Officer Training
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” ~ Muhammad Ali
Relating to this quote from Muhammad Ali on the importance of training – “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” We encourage you to attend Club Officer Training to learn about the role and responsibilities. This will ensure you can lead like a champion. In addition, seasoned Toastmasters share valuable information, best practices, tools, and resources provided by Toastmasters International to help you deliver superior support and service to your members.
We also distribute new information to support your role, so even if you have been to the training numerous times, you will get something new in every training. Moreover, your expertise is of immense value to newer Club Officers, so that will also, in return, provide help to other officers.
So far, we are doing good in attending leadership training. The list of officers trained per club can be seen in this google sheet: Training Status – D42. For your convenience, here is a snapshot:
The above means 4 officers of the club attended the training: Pr for President, Ed for VP Education, Se for Secretary, and Tr for Treasurer; 3 officers have NOT attended the training: Me for VP Membership, PR for VP Public Relations, and SA for Sgt at Arms.
Eugene Sicat,
District 42 Program Quality Director