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Issue 5 – 2020/2021 November 

Leadership Training

Would you like to level up your leadership and find out why Toastmasters is “Where Leaders are Made?”.

Toastmasters Leadership Training is offered for every Toastmaster and conveniently available online with five convenient dates from November to February.

 Each training day will feature exceptional Toastmasters sharing their expertise in club officer roles, along with exciting keynotes on special Leadership topics to benefit you regardless of if you are a new Toastmaster looking to take your next step or an experienced Toastmaster looking for that extra nugget of knowledge to take them to the next level. All are welcome!

 Mark the following dates in your calendar (You can attend them all!):

November 25, 2020

November 28, 2020

January 20, 2021

January 28, 2021

February 8, 2021

See the event calendar for more details on registration and featured speakers.

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