Add 5 new members between August 1 to September 30
Beat the Clock
$25TM gift Certificate
Add 5 new members between May 1 to June 30
Talk Up Award
$25TM gift Certificate
Add 5 new members between Feb 1 to March 31
Club Fitness Award
A bag of promotional materials
Club submit Club Success Plan, finish Moment of Truth, and update Club roaster by October 31
7 out of 7 Award
A bag of promotional materials
All club officers trained, in both the spring/Summer and Winter Sessions
GO-Getter Award
A bag of promotional materials
Achieve 5 DCP points by January 31
$50USD reimbursement
Coordinate a Speechcraft program
Sunshine Club
Digital Sunshine Club Certificate
Clubs continue regular meetings in July and August
Open House
Open House package
Based on request from club (minimum 1 month in advance)
Early Birdie Renewal Scurry
A bag of promotional materials
The club has more than 8 members renew a month before the due date-Sep 1st, March 1st. The first 3 clubs from all submissions receive an Early Birdie Promo Pack.