Toastmasters International Resources
As an officer in Toastmasters International, you play a vital role. The club’s success and the members’ achievements depend on how well you and your team fulfill your responsibilities. With your leadership and support, you can create a positive atmosphere that fosters the personal and professional growth of members, helping them achieve their Toastmasters education program goals.
How to use Club Central
Review club receipts and statements
The ability to review club receipts and statements is available under the Club Financials section in the online club management tool Club Central. When you are logged in, Club Central can be accessed from My Home, found by selecting the My Home carat under the “Welcome, Name” message at the top of any webpage.
- Once you are logged into Club Central select the option for “Club Financials.”
- A list of payments for membership fees is available in date order with the name of the submitter, receipt number, truncated card number, and amount
- To view the complete receipt with an option to print, click on the hyperlink for the receipt number. This will display the members who paid and give the option to print the receipt or export the data.
- To see the members paid without all the information, you may select “Quick View”
- To download an Excel/CSV report of the payments made, select the year you would like to download in the drop-down menu and select “export Excel / CSV” depending on how your browser exports files, a file will be available
Submit member education awards
Any active club officer can submit education awards for their club members via Club Central by following the below steps. As an officer, a link to Club Central can be found under the Leadership Central header when you go to My Home.
- Log into our website with your personal username and password
- Hover over the Welcome message at the top-right corner of the website and select “My Home” from the drop-down menu.
- Next, click on the Club Central Link found under the Leadership Central header
- If you are an officer for multiple clubs, click on the tile for the club you wish to submit the award for
- Next, click “Submit Education Awards”
- Use the drop-down to select the name of the member you wish to submit the education award for
- Select the type of education award that is being submitted
- Follow the prompts to fill in the details and submit the award
Add/update member records, review/print your club’s roster; update member contact information; add new, dual or reinstated members; and submit credit or debit payment for membership.
Club officers have two options for registering new, dual, and reinstating members to the club. Both the application and payment details can be submitted to World Headquarters for processing or the club officer can submit both the application and payment online, using Club Central. I have provided the full Club Central instructions below:
- Once you are logged into Club Central select the option for Membership Management
- Click the “+ Add Member” button.
- Click the “Yes, New Member” option.
- Fill out the member’s details; required fields are indicated by an asterisk.
- Add their sponsor, if applicable
- Select their contact preferences, if indicated on Page 2 of their application.
- Select if you will submit membership payment now of select if the member or a club officer will submit payment later.
- Click the box to confirm an application is on file with the club.
- Click Submit
- Once the association is confirmed:
- The member will appear under Membership Managementshow as “Membership Pending”.
- If you receive an error message:
- That the member is already associated with the club, go to Membership Management to finalize their membership
- That the member is already active with the club, go to the club roster to verify their membership status.
- That the member is not new, please use the “Dual/Reinstated Member” dial.
Update club contact/meeting information
To update the club meeting address, time, and contact details, once you are logged into Club Central, select the option for “Club Contact and Meeting Information”.
- Enter the information in the appropriate fields as you would like it to reflect on the Find a Club page.
- If the meeting location has changed, please be sure to adjust the map marker using the image on the right side of the screen if needed.
- Please keep your meeting time in a 12-hour clock (HH:MM), with a lowercase am or pm.
- The website and Facebook information submitted will appear as hyperlinks on the Find a Club page.
- The email address will be sent forms filled out by prospective members from Find a Club and Base Camp notifications.
- When your updates are finished, select the “Submit” option at the bottom of the page.
Once the information has been submitted through Club Central the updates will reflect on the Find a Club page within 48 hours.
Review, update and assign club officers
To replace or add a current officer of the club:
- Once you are logged into Club Central select the option for “Club Officer Assignment”
- Make sure you are viewing the current officer list
- If removing an officer, you may select the Term End Date for the member to reflect when they resigned or were voted out of the office
- Below the officer role, use the drop-down menu to select the paid club member elected into the officer role
- Select the Term Start Date using the calendar that pops up. The Term Start Date will be the date they were elected into office, the date will be formatted as (DD/MM/YYYY)
Please note you may not select a term start date before the term end date of a previously listed officer. If an officer was submitted in error, please email corrections to
- The Term End Date will automatically populate to reflect the end of the current term
- Repeat these steps for each officer role being submitted
- Once all the officer updates are complete, select the Save option at the bottom of the page
- If a valid officer list is not submitted, the list will not permit you to save:
- A valid officer list requires at least three different paid members in the roles of president, secretary, and one of the three vice presidents (education, membership, public relations)
- As the president and secretary are both required roles, you may only replace these positions and not remove
- If a valid officer list is not submitted, the list will not permit you to save:
When updating the club officers, you may also wish to go to the options in Club Central of “Club Demographics” to review the club’s mailing address and “Club Contact and Meeting Information” to update the contact details that will reflect on the Find a Club Page to current officer information.
Share club success plans to enhance the quality of member clubs.
Your club’s Club Success Plan portal is available in the online club management tool Club Central, which can be found under My Home, which can be found by selecting “Welcome, Name”. You may use this tool to download blank copies of the Club Success Plan for your club to complete, as well as store completed Club Success Plans, using the Upload Plan button.
Please note the ability to upload past Club Success Plans is not yet available. Once the club initially submits its Club Success Plan for the Program Year, it is locked to confirm its initial submission date. Clubs can upload updated Club Success Plans as many times as they want during the Program Year; however, the initial file will always be locked and cannot be removed. Additionally, uploaded Club Success Plans cannot be deleted; therefore, please ensure the document is ready for submission before an officer completes the document upload.
Review and update your club’s mailing address, officer terms and club preferences
To update the club demographics, membership composition, or club mailing address, once you are logged into Club Central, select the option for “Club Demographics”.
- You may choose to use the current club president’s mailing address as the club’s mailing address by selecting the check box next to: “Same as President’s mailing address”
- Once all the information has been corrected, select the “Submit” option at the bottom of the page.
Review, update and print the Addendum of Standard Club Options.
Your club’s Addendum of Standard Club Options is available in the online club management tool Club Central, which can be found under the Leadership Central heading when you have selected My Home. You may use this tool to record any updates to:
- The club name
- Any membership restrictions
- Additional dues and fees owed to the club
- Frequency of the executive committee meetings
- Additional officer roles
- Frequency of club officer elections
- Rules of order (if not Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised)
- Any additional comments up to 300 characters
- Once the necessary changes have been made, click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page.
Reminder: updates to the club’s Addendum of Standard Club Options require a majority vote at a meeting where a quorum is always present.
Submit information for planned club events
Planning a club event, such as an Open House or Youth Leadership Program? Enter the details of your planned (and past!) club events in the forms provided in Club Central under Club Events. This event log can be used for your club’s reference and for reference at World Headquarters. Details about events open to nonmembers will populate in Find a Club to help get the word out about your events to prospective members!
- Once you are logged into Club Central select the option for “Club Events”
- Click Add New Event, then “+ Add Event” button
- The Create Event page will open for you to enter the following details
- Event Name
- Event Type
- Time Zone
- Event Date
- Start Time
- End Time
- Meeting Type
- Select if you wish for the event to be shared on the Find a Club page.
- Click the “Save” button
Review and print club awards and achievements.
The ability to review the club’s historical awards is available under the “Club Achievements” section within the online club management tool Club Central. As an officer, a link to Club Central can be found under the Leadership Central header when you go to My Home.
- Once you are logged into Club Central select the option for “Club Achievements”
- The page will display awards achieved since the 2003-2004 program year. Including:
- Membership Building Programs
- Distinguished Club Program
- To print an Anniversary Certificate, select the button on the upper right of the screen.
- A window will appear with options to generate an anniversary certificate to be printed by the officer.