Are you looking to expand your leadership skills outside of your club?
Are you passionate about helping others?
Do you love to write?
Are you creative?
Are you an Event Planner?
What talents do you want to share with District 42?
Do you want to discover and develop your hidden competencies?
Listed below are some project opportunities for the current year. Some of them qualify for District DTM credit, others will qualify for Pathways Level 4 or Level 5 projects; while others simply grow their skillset and benefit our community.
Select the name of the project opportunity for more information.
Are you interested in nominating yourself or someone else for a District Leadership position? If so, please complete the forms below and submit them to the District Leadership Committee (DLC) at If you are nominating someone besides yourself, you may submit more than one person’s name for each position.
Submissions must be received before February 21st to be considered.
To be nominated or elected and to hold office, a member must complete and meet the following requirements:
- Complete the District Leader Nominating Form.
- Be a member in good standing of a Toastmasters club in good standing.
- Meet the qualifications of the position. Qualifications can be found by selecting the name of the position below.
- Consent to being nominated and sign and complete the District Leader Agreement and Release Statement form.
- Complete the District Leader Biographical Information form
Note: All submissions and their details are kept confidential. Upon completion of voting, all these forms will be destroyed after the final report has been distributed to the District Director.
For more inspiration and information about these important roles, check out this video: International President’s Call for District Candidates
Also, feel free to take a look at these documents for more details:
District Leaders
District Director is the District’s top leadership position. They work closely with the Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director leading the district annually. The District Director is responsible for directly administering and overseeing the day-to-day operations, finances, and human resources.
As the District Director, you are responsible for directly overseeing and managing the District’s day-to-day operations, finances, and human resources. Fortunately, you have a team of District leaders to help you fulfill these responsibilities.
You must empower your District leadership team to work together toward the District mission while supporting each one in his or her development as a leader.
Together with your District leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials.
To serve as District Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Division Director, or a combination thereof at the time you take office.
Additionally, at the time of taking office, an elective officer must have been an active member of a Toastmasters club in good standing for the entire preceding 12 months or has been a member for 12 consecutive months within that past three (3) years, in the District in which the officer shall serve.
A member may only be a candidate for elective office in one (1) District at any given time.
A member may only serve in one position within any District.
A District Director may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.
The Program Quality Director is responsible for all aspects of education and training within the District. This includes:
- providing support quality club programming
- promoting the Distinguished Club Program
- planning, organizing and executing the District conference
- promoting and supporting club quality and member retention
As the Program Quality Director, you are responsible for all aspects of education and training within the District.
This includes supporting quality club programming efforts, promoting the Distinguished Club Program, and planning and executing the District conference.
Together with your District leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials.
To be a Program Quality Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Division Director, or Area Director.
Once you serve as Program Quality Director for a full year, you may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.
Additionally, at the time of taking office, an elective officer must have been an active member of a Toastmasters club in good standing for the entire preceding 12 months or has been a member for 12 consecutive months within that past three (3) years, in the District in which the officer shall serve.
A member may only be a candidate for elective office in one (1) District at any given time.
A member may only serve in one position within any District.
A Program Quality Director may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.
Within the District, the Club Growth Director is responsible for all marketing aspects, club building and club retention efforts. This includes:
- defining an overall marketing strategy for the District
- developing outreach and retention efforts with existing clubs
- penetrating new markets
- supporting challenged clubs helping them to become Distinguished.
As the Club Growth Director, you are responsible for all aspects of marketing, club-building, and member- and club-retention efforts within the District.
This includes defining an overall marketing strategy for the District, developing outreach and retention efforts with existing community and corporate clubs, and penetrating new markets.
Additionally, the Club Growth Director supports challenged clubs and helps them to become Distinguished.
Together with your District leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials. To be a Club Growth Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Division Director, or Area Director.
Once you serve as Club Growth Director for a full year, you may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.
Additionally, at the time of taking office, an elective officer must have been an active member of a Toastmasters club in good standing for the entire preceding 12 months or has been a member for 12 consecutive months within that past three (3) years, in the District in which the officer shall serve.
A member may only be a candidate for elective office in one (1) District at any given time.
A member may only serve in one position within any District.
A Club Growth Director may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.
The Public Relations Manager coordinates publicity efforts within the District. They work to increase awareness of Toastmasters using all available media. Their role is to establish and maintain lines of communication between the district and its members, as well as between the district and the public.
As the Public Relations Manager, you are responsible for coordinating publicity efforts in the District. By establishing and maintaining lines of communication between the District and its members, as well as between the District and the public, you work to increase awareness of Toastmasters through all available media.
The Public Relations Manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the District Director, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee and confirmation by the District Council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only.
As the Administration Manager, you are responsible for maintaining the historical records of the District, recording and distributing meeting minutes, and otherwise maintaining accurate, timely records of District business.
The Administration Manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the District Director, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee and confirmation by the District Council.
You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only.
The office of Administration Manager and Finance Manager may be combined.
As the Finance Manager, you are tasked with the fiscal oversight and management of the District.
The Finance Manager works closely with the District Director, Program Quality Director, and Club Growth Director to ensure that the District is making cost-effective decisions—within policy—that result in effective fiscal management.
The Finance Manager should have knowledge of accounting and be acquainted with the handling of financial matters.
The Finance Manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the District Director, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee and confirmation by the District Council.
You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only.
The office of Administration Manager and Finance Manager may be combined.
The Immediate Past District Director provides counsel and guidance to District leaders. Further, they plan, direct and organize projects and committees as requested by the District Director. Also, a major responsibility of this role is to ensure the incoming District Director receives all pertinent District documents prior to June 30.
Other responsibilities include :
- serving as a member of the district executive committee and district council
- upholding the bylaws and policies of Toastmasters International
- encouraging dedicated members to accept leadership positions a
- helping the district achieve Distinguished recognition.
Lead and support the Division Area Directors. Coordinate division activities, set division goals and leadership training 3 times a year.
As Division Director, your job is to lead and support the Division through the supervision and support of the Area Directors.
One of your primary goals as Division Director is to ensure that each club achieves its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members.
To achieve this, you coordinate Division activities, set Division goals, and assist in the training of Area and club leaders.
To serve as Division Director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as a member of a District Council.
The Division Director may be re-elected to one succeeding term.
As Area Director, you serve as the direct liaison between the District and the clubs.
The District Administrative Bylaws provide for the selection of Area Directors either by appointment by the District Director or by election by the Area Councils.
Toastmasters International recommends that District Directors appoint Area Directors.
Area Directors conduct club visits twice a year within their respective areas to understand and support club needs. In turn, these visits help District leaders understand how to support and meet the needs of each club.
It is important that Area Directors have the support they need to serve clubs. The success of the District depends on it. Area Directors are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. Ideally, Area Directors have served as members of a District Council.
For more information about these roles, refer to the District Leadership Handbook and the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII: Officers in the Governing Documents.
District Conference Opportunities
The Conference Chair is the overseer of the conference. The Conference Chair (along with the Program Quality Director) has overall responsibility for coordinating the conference. You lead a committee which may include but is not limited to, the following: Registration Chair, Program Chair, Facilities Chair, Publicity Chair, Education Chair, Volunteer Chair, Sponsorship Chair
The AV chair is responsible for audio, video, and lighting equipment at the venue and online broadcasting.
The education program chair is responsible for the education sessions, speakers, entertainment, and room set-up for all meetings.
The venue chair is responsible for accommodations, meal arrangements, meeting rooms, equipment, and displays.
The volunteer chair is responsible for gathering volunteers.
District Committee Chairs
The Club Extension Chair oversees the objectives of the Club Extension and Club Sponsor Committees.
These two committees are essential in assisting the Club Growth Director through maintaining quality leads and providing guidance over the club sponsor program to ensure that prospective clubs are chartered successfully.
In addition to providing sponsors for prospective clubs, the club sponsor committee arranges club sponsor credit opportunities for members who seek it.
Members joined Toastmasters to become more effective communicators and leaders. They stay in Toastmasters because the club provides a valuable service and meets their individual needs.
The Club Quality Chair focuses on establishing a Club Mentor Committee to provide this service through the club mentor program.
Club mentors are the advisors and tutors for new clubs and have a great effect on the degree to which a new club succeeds.
In addition to providing mentors to the club, the committee arranges club mentor credit opportunities for members who seek it.
Training your team members on Circle of Gold speeches, evaluations and table topic excellence. Create 1 Circle of Gold per Division, collaborating with each Division director. Ensure Division Directors have the support to provide Circle of Gold for contest preparation. Provide training plans, information and support for Circle of Gold team members per Division. Plan and provide Circle of Gold training session dates per division.
This committee recruits and trains Club Coaches and consultants to help them develop action plans to aid their assigned clubs. Potential coaches and their locations may be identified from the District’s roster of club members.
Build and lead a team to prepare an alignment proposal (alignment of clubs into Areas and Divisions) and submits it to District Executive Committee prior to the District Council meeting.
Reviews financial results and performs mid-year and year-end audits.
Find equal and represented judges for Spring contests, (note 4 contests). Work and coordinate with the District 42 Contest Chair to ensure fair club, area, division and district contests. Build your teams to ensure Judges, Timers and ballot counters are trained. Provide script, resources and support as per Toastmasters website, rules and procedures.
Find Toastmasters for each of the 4 contests, collect information from Division Directors and ensure eligibilities for all contestants. Work and coordinate with the District 42 Chief Judge to ensure all club, area, division and district contests follows Toastmasters procedures, rules and provide resources were necessary. Build your teams to ensure all contests are runs smoothly and fairly.
Oversees the credentials process during the District Council Meetings.
Build and lead a team who nominates candidates for District office
Build and lead a team of four people (1 – Calgary 1-Regina 1 – AB rural* 1 SK rural*) Recommend Conference locations for three years plus Annual Contests for each year.
Ensures that clubs have the materials and information they need to create a formal member mentoring program. Facilitate leadership mentoring opportunities throughout the district. Ensure members are being heard and having the “best ever” experience in Toastmasters. This includes collecting feedback and evaluations from members and clubs on how well the district is serving their needs. Support the District, Division Directors and Area Directors on Mentors Training needs for members. Support the Program Quality Director on Coach’s Training needs for members.
The Recognition Coordinator role is divided between Alberta and Saskatchewan to ensure localized support and effective program execution. The coordinators will:
- Tracking Awards
- Monitor and record club and member achievements, including educational awards, leadership milestones, and other District-level accomplishments.
- Collaboration
- Collaborate with the District Trios to ensure alignment with the District 42 Quality Recognition program, membership growth and club-building initiatives.
- Collaborate with Division Directors to distribute incentive items in a timely fashion.
- Ensure recognition is timely and impactful through announcements, newsletters, and other District communication channels.
- Event Support
- Plan and manage the awards presentation segments during district conferences, including the Spring Conference and other major events.
- Assist in preparing recognition materials, including certificates, awards, and multimedia presentations.
- Showcasing Excellence
- Highlight Clubs, Members, Areas, and Divisions engaged in innovative, engaging, and impactful activities through District communication channels and events.
- In collaboration with the district leaders, support the design and implementation of shared recognition programs and incentives for clubs and members.
- Reporting and Feedback
- Provide periodic updates to District leadership on recognition activities and outcomes.
- Collect feedback from members and clubs to continuously improve the recognition program.
Build and lead a team to coordinate and promote the Rotary/Toastmasters Alliance.
Works closely with District Leadership to generate new Speechcraft opportunities with the local community (libraries, special interest groups). Works with clubs to educate on the benefits of Speechcraft for membership building and promoting Speechcrafts. Responsible for overseeing the quality of all Speechcraft programs by training and mentoring Speechcraft coordinators and facilitators.
Lead, train and coordinate tech volunteers across the District to facilitate and maintain professional technical online support to District functions including contests, training, conference, and special events/workshops.
Works closely with District Leadership to generate new Youth Leadership opportunities with the local community (libraries, schools, special interest groups). Responsible for overseeing the quality of all Youth Leadership programs by training and mentoring individual YLP coordinators and facilitators.
District Committees
Club Extension Committee – This committee is responsible for one of the most important aspects of the District’s marketing strategy—qualifying, managing and tracking leads.
Members of this team:
- Manage all credible new club leads within the boundaries of their District
- Contact, follow up with and track the status of all leads/opportunities
- Schedule and staff all demonstration meetings
Club Mentor Committee – This committee recruits, trains, and tracks mentors for all clubs that charter or are in the midst of the chartering process. Members of this team:
- Recruit and assign club mentors to the newly chartered clubs in the District
- Understand and facilitate club mentor training; refine the curriculum and assist mentors with their responsibilities to ensure they serve their clubs effectively
- Ensure club mentors receive club mentoring credit from Toastmasters International
Club Sponsor Committee – This committee recruits, trains, and tracks sponsors for all clubs that charter or are in the midst of the chartering process. Members of this team:
- Recruit and assign club sponsors to new club opportunities in the District
- Understand and facilitate club sponsor training; refine the curriculum and assist sponsors to ensure clubs are served effectively
- Work with club sponsors to collect the required chartering funds and ensure they receive club sponsoring credit from WHQ
The Club Extension Chair is recommended to be a member of your Toastmasters Lead Management (TLM) team.
This committee recruits and trains coaches for all clubs that qualify for the program. The committee also reviews its clubs to see which ones are in need of a club coach. Members of this team:
- Follow up continually with club coaches
- Monitor the effectiveness of each club coach’s action plans and suggest adjustments
- Provide the Club Growth Director and club retention chair regular status reports
- Organize the recognition of club coaches and ensure they receive club coaching credit from Toastmasters International
Build and lead a team to prepare an alignment proposal (alignment of clubs into Areas and Divisions) and submits it to District Executive Committee prior to the District Council meeting.
Oversees the credentials process during the District Council Meetings.
Oversee sub-committees to review the District 42 Procedures.
District Coordinators
Oversee the compiling of club and member achievements, activities, best practices, good marketing ideas, etc. for inclusion on the District “Club and Member Showcase” webpage – to recognize Member and Club contributions to the District’s Success
Work with District Clubs using Meetup to reach out to potential members. Coordinate and teach member clubs how to organize online groups that host in-person and virtual events for people with similar interests.
Other District Opportunities
Research, write, edit and publish articles 300 -450 words promoting D42 TM events, members, activities, programs, and community involvement.
Club Coaches are caring and experienced Toastmasters who enter into a partnership with a struggling club to help its members rejuvenate their club into a sustainable and strong organization.
Club Coach Prerequisites:
- Completed Levels 1 & 2 in a Path
- Served as a Club Officer for at least 12 months
- Enrolled in Pathways
- Possess a drive to serve others and see them succeed
The Dispatch Newsletter editor is responsible on coordinating and publishing different pieces of District information into luminous, fascinating, and more useful articles for District members. Circulated on a regular basis.
Division Directors are building teams to help volunteers dip their toes in the volunteer pool. Similar responsibilities to District Leadership Roles but on a smaller scale. If you are interested in any of the following, please contact your Division Director.
- Contest Chair – Division
- Chief Judge – Division
- Circle of Gold Lead – Division
- Tech Team Lead – Division
- Public Relations Lead – Division
- Club Growth Lead – Division
- Program Quality Lead – Division
Create and schedule public events on the D42 calendar.
The Logistics manager selects meeting locations and organizes the room, ensuring the atmosphere is conducive to successful events, such as business meetings, speech contests and training.
The logistics manager sets up the necessary equipment, assists district leaders with meeting arrangements, distributes program materials, keeps track of district property and addresses disruptions during events.
Proven abilities in organization and diplomacy are a must for this role.
Working with the PRM, communicate Toastmasters’ key messages when writing news releases. Establish and maintain lines of communication between the District and the public. Work to increase awareness of Toastmasters through local news media.
The Parliamentarian assists the district director with planning and conducting district meetings.
Working with Toastmasters International, the responsibilities of the parliamentarian include interpreting Toastmasters bylaws and policies, reviewing district operating procedures as requested by the district director, and ensuring all meetings follow proper protocol.
The parliamentarian is an invaluable resource for the district director, offering help, guidance and support during meetings and answering any questions the district director has related to rules and procedures. Members who assume this role must have a thorough understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
Seeking Toastmasters looking to complete Level 4 Elective – Building A Social Media Presence
Experience working with a social media content strategy and content calendar
Create content for official District 42 social media channels that is Toastmaster brand compliant
Learn how to use PicMonkey, an online photo editing and design service that can be accessed from a web browser, or through a mobile app
Learn how to schedule and publish posts across multiple social media platforms
Become part of an exciting and challenging team as you learn relevant, transferrable media skills
Guidance, training and provided by D42 PRM, Darren Head
If this is or might be you, contact
Edit and post videos promoting D42 events, activities and members. Ensure any member profiled signs the official TI video release form found on the TI website
The Webmaster assists the district director and club growth director with updates to the district website.
Although the district director is the publisher of the district website and is ultimately responsible for its content, the webmaster plays an important role in maintaining the website.
This involves posting district announcements, removing outdated content, and troubleshooting functionality issues. Members who typically excel in this role are internet-savvy and creative.