Media guidelines and publication rules for Toastmasters District 42 are provided to help your content succeed online.
- D42 Blog Article Guidelines
- 350 – 400 words
- Choose a keyword and use it 2-3 times within the post
- Include the keyword in the title as close to the beginning as possible
- Insert two or three subheadings (at least one needs to use the keyword)
- Make good use of transition words
- Short sentences and paragraphs improve readability
- Please include Toastmasters District 42 in it at least once
- Do not use acronyms
- Photo Guidelines
- Include photos with your submissions. People like to see people, especially ones that they know. It builds connection.
- The resolution should be at least 1200 x 627 pixels.
- Don’t crop the subject too tightly. Websites adjust photos to display correctly on different screen sizes
- Provide photo credits when possible
- Deadlines
- One week prior to the scheduled posting to the website
- Dispatch article submission – 15th of each month
- Suggested Content
- District News
- Member Profiles
- Member Achievements
- Club Successes
- Major Club Anniversary (5, 10, 15 etc…)
- Event Title
- Date
- Start Time (include time zone)
- End Time
- Registration/Briefing time (if applicable) – required for contests
- Location name including room (eg. Calgary Central Library – Patricia A Whelan Performance Hall)
- Location Street Address to include City & State (even if a frequently used venue)
- Any details regarding parking, entrances, etc…
- Optional
- Agenda (sent as text, not a .pdf, .doc, or other attachment)
- Contact Information: Name / Phone Number / Email
- Deadline – one month prior to the scheduled event (this allows advertising time)
- Content – District Events only (club events are marketed through their websites)
- Exceptions – milestone events (e.g. major club anniversary)
- Copyrighted images require permission
- The Toastmasters Brand Manual directs us to “Please do not use cartoons, illustrations, or clip art in materials created for clubs, Areas, Divisions, Districts, and regions.“
- Please provide photo credit if possible
- High-resolution images
- .JPG or .JPEG format or .PNG
- Do not stretch or skew images.
- Do not crop the subject too tight. Websites adjust photos to display correctly on different screen sizes.
- Make sure people’s faces are clearly visible (prior authorization from PRM is required for other images)
- Do not add text or graphics to photos without consulting the editor.
- All photos should be tasteful and properly represent Toastmasters International and follow proper Toastmasters International branding and policy.
- The District PRM has the responsibility to monitor and protect the brand and therefore may deny the use of certain images.
- Captions
- Supply a caption
- A caption should include the first and last name of each person in the image (excluding “background” people)
- Captions do not count toward article word count (if applicable)
- When caption text is in line with the provided article, clearly indicate it is a caption and reference which image it goes with.
- Photo credits when possible
- Headshots
- Minimum 1200 w x 1600 h pixels
- Will be cropped to a 3:4 ratio
- Traditional headshot preferred (ie, not cropped out of a group photo)
- Create an event on FB, tag D42
- Email PRM/Social Media Chair with a request to share
- If it does not meet the Guidelines, please make changes and update us again
- Once we share it on the D42 Facebook page, please Like, Comment and promote it by sharing
- Post on your club sites and pages first.
- Once we share it on D42 Social Media pages, please like, comment and promote
- Must include photo that meets standard in the image section of this document
- Maximum of 120 words
- If there is an article or other web link, please include that in the text
- Optional
- Include a CTA (Call to action). This tends to generate a higher reach.(Reach is defined as the number of people who see the Facebook post)
- Deadline – minimum one week prior to desired posting date
- Suggested Content
- District News
- Member Profiles
- Member Achievements
- Major Club Anniversary (5, 10, 15 etc…)
How to Sign up for a Free Canva Pro Account
Go to and sign up for a free Canva Account. A useful tip is to use one of your club’s e-mail addresses so that this account can be passed on yearly to the new VP Public Relations. Hover over the ‘Plans and Pricing’ Tab at the top of the page and select ‘Not-for-profit’ on the right-hand side. See the image.
The page will navigate to the Canva for Nonprofits screen where you will be able to select ‘Apply now – it’s free!’, see below.
A new pop-up window will open and you are ready to select ‘Get started’.
Choose your non-profit type in the drop-down menu. There will be two ways to do this depending if your club has a registered non-profit number with Information Services Corporation (ISC). If your club does have a number select, ‘Registered nonprofit organization’ Enter your ISC number and proceed through the steps. If your club is not registered (which many are not), select ‘Social Impact Organization’. You may be asked to attach supporting documents. You can attach the Toastmasters International Determination letter (DOCUMENT) as well as a snapshot of your club’s Club Central –Dashboard on Toastmasters.org, proving your affiliation with Toastmasters International. For example:
You will verify your organization by entering in your club’s name, club website, registry institution (select as other), and your club number as organization ID. The final step is to finalize the details by entering your name and e-mail.
After this is complete you should receive confirmation of the submission via e-mail. You will also be notified by e-mail whether your application has been accepted or not as non-profit status. If you get denied (this is a common occurrence), do not worry, there are additional steps that you can take.
Contact Canva by emailing support@canva.com and indicate that your application has been denied. Explain that many clubs are successfully using and benefiting from the free Canva Pro Account. You may also explain that your sole purpose for using Canva is for PR activities for your nonprofit organization. You may again attach the supporting documentation, don’t give up!
If you need additional guidance or have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the current District 42 Public Relations Manager at prm@d42tm.org.
Stacey Kaminski, PRM

Building engagement begins with creating posts that fit correctly on each platform. Images crop differently on different devices. The following are recommendations for optimal size. REMEMBER: File format must be JPG, PNG or GIF

- Cover Image
- Desktop (820 x 312)
- Smartphone (640 x 360)
- Facebook Event Cover (1200 x 628)
- Profile Picture (180 x 180)
- Facebook Ad (1200 x 628)
- Facebook Group Cover (1640 x 856)
- Facebook Page Cover (1640 x 924)
- Facebook Post (1200 x 1200)
- Facebook Stories (1080 x 1920)
- Carousel Ad (1080 x 1080)

- Profile Picture (320 x 320)
- Instagram Ad (1080 x 1080)
- Vertical Photo(1080 x 1350)
- Horizontal Photo (1080 x 566)
- Thumbnails (1080 x 1080)
- Stories (1080 x 1920)
- Cover Photo (420 x 654)
- Portret (1080 x 1920)
- Landscape (1920 x 1080)
- Carousels
- Square (1080 x 1080)
- Portrait (1080 x 1350)
- Landscape (1080 x 566)

- LI Profile Image (400 x 400)
- LI Company Cover (1128 x 191)
- LI Sponsored Ad (1200 x 627)
- LI Cover Photo (1584 x 396)

- X Header (1500 x 500)
- X Profile Image (400 x 400)
- X Post (1024 x 512)

- Channel Cover Image (2560 x 1440)
- Channel Profile Image (800 x 800)
- Video Thumbnail (1280 x 720)
- YouTube Display Ad (300 x 250)

- Zoom Background (1920 x 1080)