Individual Recognition



Conference 1st timer

A bag of Souvenirs

1st time attending a district conference in person

Triple Crown

Triple Crown pin

Complete 3 or more pathway levels within a year

Pathway Kick Off

USB Drive $25 discount for Annual Conference

Brand new member completes Pathway Level 1 within 6 months

DTM Distinguished Toastmaster

Pin and Medal

Achieve the DTM. TI will mail a plaque to recipient.

Youth Leadership Program

USB Drive

Coordinate a YLP as a leading coordinator

New Club Sponsor or Mentor

USB Drive $25 discount for Annual Conference

Sponsor or mentor a new club

Long Standing Membership

Anniversary plaque

Members for 30, 40, 50 years continuous membership

Guiding Star Award

USB Drive $25 discount for Annual Conference

Each club nominates a mentor(s), and the District will recognize the mentor who leads the club as Distinguished. Please fill out this nomination form to nominate your mentor.

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