Toastmasters International Resources

A club officer has a very important role within Toastmasters International. The success of a club and its members depends on how well you and your fellow club officers execute your responsibilities. By providing leadership and support, you can foster a positive environment that’s conducive to members’ personal and professional growth, allowing them to achieve their Toastmasters education program goals.

Club Officer Training Session Workbook

The purpose of this session is to develop a plan to communicate and encourage change to club members. The plan should include clear and consistent communication, positive encouragement and be inclusive, ensuring all members feel heard, valued and empowered.

Quality Club Meetings Pre-Work

This pre-work provides knowledge that supports the experiential learning that will take place in the live sessions at Club Officer Training. By completing it, you will be able to participate in discussions and activities with fellow club officers. This information will be utilized but not presented in the session



Facilitator and Moderator Roles

Track attendance for regular Zoom or have a sign-in sheet.   Name, role, club(s)

  • Ask everyone to keep their videos on
  • Remind everyone of the session they are in.
  • Introduce the facilitator
  • If latecomers arrive, let them know the session they are in chat.
  • Monitor the chat for questions or comments.
  • Add documents for the facilitator to the chat.

If the audience is shy or there is silence after the facilitator asks a question, the moderator can encourage participation by sharing their thoughts and experiences. The facilitator would do the same, but the moderator can be there for support. This can be one of the special items the two discuss in preparation for the training session.

  • Come prepared to present information to the attendees.
  • Prepare an introduction for the moderator.
  • Meet with the moderator to verify roles and any special items.
  • For round 2 be prepared to answer questions and to engage the audience in discussion.
  • Sharing ideas is a key component of round 2
  • Review the resources on the District 42 website
  • Leadership & Training Hub – Toastmasters, District 42
  • These resources include PowerPoint and speaking notes for all the club officer roles and other presentations.

Manage Change

Club Officer Role Training

Welcome to the President’s Training Resources

President Notes PDF LINK

PoverPoint Slides LINK

President Checklist LINK

Welcome to VP Education Training Resources

Mentoring a New Member LINK

Pathways Orientation Process LINK

Pathways Progress Chart LINK

VPE PowerPoint Slides LINK

VPE Trainer Notes Pages LINK

VPE Checklist LINK

Welcome to VP Membership Training Resources

VPM PowerPoint Slides LINK

VPM Trainer Notes Pages LINK

VPM Checklist LINK

Welcome to VP Public Relations Training Resources

VPPR PowerPoint Slides LINK

VPPR Trainer Notes Pages LINK

VPPR Checklist LINK

Welcome to Secretary Training Resources

Secretary PowerPoint Slides LINK

Secretary Trainer Notes Pages LINK

Secretary Checklist LINK

Welcome to Treasurer Training Resources

Treasurer PowerPoint Slides LINK

Treasurer Trainer Notes Pages LINK

Treasurer Checklist LINK

Welcome to Sergeant At Arms Training Resources

SAA PowerPoint Slides LINK

SAA Trainer Notes Pages LINK

SAA Checklist LINK

Quality Club Meetings

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