This event is open to everyone in District 42, whether you are a Club Officer, or not. Leadership Training events provide the opportunity to gather information, identify resources, and learn strategies to get the most out of Toastmasters.
This is the second round of Club Officer Training, for the 2022-2023 Toastmaster year. Officers must attend the training for their role, to receive credit towards the Distinguished Club Program.
Theme: The 3R’s: Reset, Reinforce, Reimagine
Please register HERE
Doors open: 5:30 pm (AB)
Event start: 6:00 om (AB)
Alisen Dopf – will be promoting Spring Contests
Nandini Venkatesan – will be speaking on membership growth and retention
Brian Fegan – will be giving a presentation on club chartering and the Club Sponsor and Club Mentor opportunities available to District 42 Toastmasters
Leadership Training – Breakout Rooms – see below for training facilitators
Dan Lonechild – will be speaking on hybrid format best practices
Christina Kruis – will be speaking on the importance of recognizing and celebrating achievements; she will be promoting the Of The Year Awards process and the new forms
Training Facilitators
President – Susan Berger
VP Education – Dawne Wharton
VP Membership – Saya Sanyal
VP Public Relations – Madan Bhatta
Treasurer – TBD
Secretary – TBD
SAA – Kris Rooneem
Venue: Online
January 20, 2023
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm