Promoting Your Club Event

Do you know how to promote your club event? 

District 42 Event calendar is used mainly for District, Division and Area advertising. Special events such as Club Anniversaries or special guest speaker events might also find their way to our Event Calendar.

So where does that leave our clubs?  

Social media is the answer. Does your club have a Facebook, Instagram,  LinkedIn page or any other Social Media Platform? This is where you can promote your Open houses, special events and your club meetings. If you don’t use Social Media, it might be worth creating a club page on one of these platforms.


  • Once you decide on the date, time, type and location of your event start by filling out the New Event Request Form.
  • Our District personnel will be able to help promote your events on the D42 Social Media (Must be TI Brand  Compliant).
  • Create an Event on your club Website and Facebook and tag the D42 FB page
  • Comment, Like and share your event.


  • Date & Time of the event 
  • Location of the event
  • Contact person
  • Description
  • Website

For more information on how to create a post check out the D42 website media guidelines and publication rules page or connect with D42 Administration Manager or Public Relations Manager.

District 42 Resources

PR Mastermind is a great place to start. If you are interested in growing your PR skills and acquiring new tools for your toolbox, please join this team for a relaxed informal conversation. Here VP PRs share what is working well for them, what they need help with, and any new tools or platforms that aid the public relations effort. Check D42 Event Calendar for the next PR Mastermind meeting.

Vesna Ivkovic
D42 Dispatch Designer

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