The Youth Leadership Program is our future!

This is the program to get youth engaged in Toastmasters.

They are introduced to the program and some even extend that experience into membership as adults. Others have parents who are introduced to the program and become club members.

Mostly, these teens are so open to the skills and experiences Toastmasters provides them. Even when starting off reluctant they are quickly engaged and taking risks. Perhaps current members want this experience for their own kids!

Who runs these programs? Members like you! Why? It is a requirement for the DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster) award, “It is the most fun I have had in Toastmasters”, “it is so rewarding”, and “I did not realize I had anything to offer” (all comments from past facilitators).

These programs were always in person and run through a partner organization. While the partner helps to create a space and connect with a community, over the past years we have seen formats and programs evolve according to the needs of the community. Online, in-person, what will work and give the best experience?

Training for future facilitators is being planned! If you are interested in this program, please register for our online info session on Oct 18. If you would like to offer a partner organization, please let me know that as well!

Mary Schoendorfer, DTM
D42 YLP Chair

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