Build verbal and non-verbal communications skills. Being able to share information in a clear and efficient way. Learn to keep the lines of communication open with the clubs, either through club visits, Area Council meetings, phone and/or email communications. Area Directors connect with club executives who share all information with club members.
Strengthen interpersonal and team-building skills. Ensuring a club remains healthy requires a team effort. Form good relationships with the club executives and work with them to make sure clubs host and participate in events planned throughout the district.
Organizational skills development. Practise being organized and leveraging the help of others while coordinating their Area contests, District training events, and special workshops. Learn to organize events and delegate activities to others who in turn will develop their leadership skills.
Excellent networking opportunity. Supporting 4-6 clubs increases the chance of meeting and socializing with many people from differing backgrounds and professions.
Expand resume. Add Toastmasters to the Accomplishments or Professional Development section, including skills such as the development of communications, organizational and team building.
Expand your heart. It is through service to others that we give ourselves the best gift. Watch others grow as you learn to lead more effectively.
“There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up.” – Bernard Meltzer
- Visit clubs (minimum twice a year) and communicate regularly about resources (District training, elections, membership dues renewals, special events and opportunities) and assist with club events. Promptly report club successes and challenges on the Area Director reports.
- Reports regularly to the Division Director and works towards Division Success Program by submitting Area Success Plan.
- Host Area Council meetings (with President, VP Education and VP Membership of the clubs in your area) to discuss ideas for membership, education, contests, leadership training, and planning for Distinguished Club Program Success. This council finds the Area Director for the following year.
- Coordinate Area Fall and Spring Contests
- Serve as a member of the District Council (DC) and attend DC meetings two times a year.
- Attend Area Director Training in the summer and winter to gain knowledge the Toastmasters program and organization and network with other leaders.
For more information about these roles, refer to the District Leadership Handbook and the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII: Officers in the Toastmasters International Governing Documents.
Submit your District Leader Nomination Form, District Leadership Biographical Information and District Leader Agreement and Release Statement to Nominees will be contacted to schedule an interview with the District Leadership Committee.