Reflections  On Six Months as District Director As I reflect on the past six months serving as District Director for Toastmasters District 42, I’m humbled by the incredible experiences, growth, and lessons I’ve gained along the way. The Power of Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the importance of emotional intelligence—understanding and managing emotions in myself and others. This has been especially critical when dealing with conflicts and making decisions objectively, without letting …

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Paving the Way to Spring and Success The state of our district is encouraging and continues to improve. Our club base remains at 106, with 92 clubs in good standing—a growth of three clubs in good standing since last month! Of the 15 clubs not currently in good standing, five need just one additional member, one requires two more members, and one club, sadly, has chosen to dissolve. However, this still marks an improvement from last month. Share “The Secret” …

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The Right Time! When is it the right time to do something? You might be surprised! Sometimes we get invited to take on a role or go on a trip on short notice. Sometimes we gracefully decline saying that the timing just isn’t right. I have responded that way on a few occasions only to discover that the opportunity never came my way again. The one that stands out for me was when I was working at a junior high …

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Midyear Milestones and Momentum Celebrating Growth and Looking Ahead As the Julian calendar approaches its year’s end, the Toastmasters calendar reaches its midpoint. With six months behind us and six months ahead, we can celebrate our accomplishments while looking forward with optimism and anticipation for what lies ahead. This month, our district has increased its number of clubs to 103, thanks to the successful reinstatement of two clubs. Of these, 87 are in good standing. The reinstated clubs have also …

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You Are Part of the District 42 Toastmasters Family Did you know you are a valued District 42 Toastmasters community member? You are not alone in your journey. Our Toastmasters community is filled with warm-hearted people, and you will always find guidance and support if you reach out. District 42, with its 104 clubs and nearly 2,000 members, is supported by a dedicated leadership team of 63 leaders and committee chairs. They work diligently in various aspects of district operations …

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Distinguished Leaders of 2023/2024 We are beyond delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to several of our past Area Directors and Division Directors who have achieved distinguished status. This prestigious recognition is a testament to their unwavering dedication and remarkable leadership during their time in office. However, we know that such accomplishments are never the result of one person’s efforts alone. It truly takes a village to reach this level of success. These leaders, through their tireless hard work, perseverance, …

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Encouraging members to take on leadership roles Leadership is a multifaceted responsibility that extends beyond simply directing a team’s actions; it involves nurturing and developing the potential leaders within that team. Identifying individuals with leadership capacity can be challenging, but by implementing a comprehensive orientation program, organizations can equip prospective leaders with the essential skills and knowledge needed for effective leadership. The orientation process can take different forms. It could involve a straightforward speech outlining the responsibilities associated with each …

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I wish I had joined earlier What if you had joined Toastmasters years ago?What if you possessed Toastmaster skills earlier in your career?Ask most Toastmasters and their response is “I wish I had joined earlier?” What if you could give a young person the opportunity for success academically, socially and professionally earlier and faster?  Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program provides a safe environment to learn, practise and improve communication and leadership skills including Speaking spontaneously Developing effective listening skills Organizing and presenting …

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District 42 Conference In Regina May 3-5, 2024 Dig out your party hats and dancing shoes as we prepare to celebrate Toastmasters’ 100th anniversary at the District 42 conference in Regina on May 3-5, 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned Toastmaster or just starting on your journey, this conference promises to be an exciting celebration of achievements, learning and camaraderie. Theme “As we are talking about what we want to achieve with the conference, three overall themes kept coming up. We …

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Around District 42 I have been deeply engaged in collaborating with the District team while acclimating myself to the responsibilities of the Club Growth Director role. I’ve been actively engaging with the Region 4 teams, forming dedicated teams for both the Club Coach and Club Extension Committees. My efforts have also encompassed formulating a comprehensive market analysis plan for the district. Despite our district’s current count of 100 clubs, there is a pressing concern, as five clubs hover on the …

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Toastmasters is evolving! The DTM Master Mind Group is considering new ways that Speechcraft, can be explored. The next meeting, in September, will introduce a way Speechcraft might support the formation of a new club. The digital Speechcraft Program is a new way of delivering this program. Perhaps it being different can be an opportunity rather than a challenge. We will connect with some members who have run this program, and others from out of District 42 who have leveraged …

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Call for District Leaders Call for Area Director We are still looking for Area Directors to lead some areas in Divisions C, E & F.  As Area Director, you serve a vital role in Toastmasters. Of all District leaders, you are the closest to clubs and members and are a direct link between them and the Division and District. It’s a rewarding role with many responsibilities. During your term you will do the following: Visit every club in your area …

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Club Mentor: The Sky’s The Limit Donna: Kepler Astrologers Toastmasters is a one-year-old club. With the idea for an online club geared towards Astrologers, we needed support with the Toastmasters parts. Susan, a former Astrology student and active Toastmaster became a Club Sponsor along with Brian; Mike and Wendy joined the team as Club Mentors. Wendy: I remember my first day as Club Mentor at Kepler Astrologers Toastmasters with the same fondness as my first day of University French class—in …

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Contest Season Is A Wrap Woot! Woot! Congratulations to all the Toastmasters who challenged themselves at the Club, Area, Division and District levels to be their very best. It’s not easy to dive deep and gather your courage to compete. The act of saying yes, and showing up, made you a winner. As the District 42 Contest Chair, I had the privilege of escorting these brave souls through the final, and perhaps the most stressful part, of their contest journey. …

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Reflecting On The Conference Our conference this past weekend was a success. All the attendees had fun and learned a lot. Starting with our keynote speaker on Friday night – Past International Director (PID) Sharon Hill, on her “Just Say Yes.” It was fascinating, entertaining, and very familiar. I can relate to her journey, especially how I always welcome the challenge of moving forward. It reminds me of the quote from Mark Twain that I always apply, “The secret of getting …

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Maximize Your Potential Takes Planning  Today, we have savings, fitness, dental, retirement, and vacation plans – in fact, plans for almost everything we do. So what are you doing about your leadership development plan?  Why not join us April 28 – 30, 2023 at the Best Western Premier Calgary Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre for the District 42 Maximize Your Potential 2023 Hybrid Convention?  Learn from leaders in our community, observe communication at its best, and indulge in the camaraderie …

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Judges and Toastmasters Needed for District 42 Contest This spring, D42 is hosting the International Speech Contest. The winner will go on to compete at Toastmasters International. This contest will be online, but will only be shown at the Conference. Winners will also be announced at the Conference. In order to produce the best contest possible, all Divisions need to send qualified judges. Judge Requirements: Been a Toastmaster for at least 6 months Completed Levels 1 & 2 in any …

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I first joined Toastmasters in 2002 as I had a problem with filler words! I used a lot of them and took a long time to get to my main points when speaking! Not a good thing as the first 30 seconds of a conversation or an interview is so important! Some people even make a decision about you in such a short period of time. During that first year, I completed 9 speeches in the Competent Toastmaster Manual and …

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District 42 Spring Contest I am so happy to be your District Contest Chair as it’s a real honour to shepherd our most talented and daring Toastmasters on their Competition journey. My whole team is dedicated to providing an encouraging and fair environment to compete. All contests – Area, Division and District – will be online. The final District contest will only be shown during the Spring Conference, so please make plans to attend and cheer on our contestants. INTERNATION …

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Club Fitness Award Recipients At the time we are writing this article, we have identified some of the clubs in our district that have achieved the Club Fitness Award.   With the help of our Area Directors, we confirmed that they have completed: Renewing and updating their Club Success Plan Verifying Club Roster Conducting a Moments of Truth Club Roster Administrative tasks aren’t sexy, and there really isn’t anything to show for the effort! But these are the invisible jobs that make a Club run smoothly. …

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A Success Plan for Life Looking at the calendar on my wall, instead of just seeing the days filled with things to do, if I step back a bit, I see we have already ended our first quarter of the year. Who snapped their fingers & made it so? 39 or 39ish. How many of you can guess what this number means? It is the number of days until CHRISTMAS (depending on when you read this article). Again, someone snapped …

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Sponsoring a New Club What is a Club Sponsor? A club sponsor is assigned to each new club attempting to charter and plays a fundamental role in successfully creating a new Toastmasters club.  The Club Extension Committee assigns club sponsors based on inquiries or applications from members progressing towards the Distinguished Toastmaster accreditation.  A club sponsor is an experienced Toastmaster with leadership skills, a passion for Toastmasters, and a strong dedication to helping charter a new club.  Each new club …

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Adding value to your Toastmaster club After thirty months of the global pandemic, businesses, government bodies, and volunteer organizations all realize they must deliver more value to their customers and members than they have been able to recently muster. But can a battered Toastmaster club add value? The best way for a club to approach this situation is to do a thorough review of their current strengths as they complete their annual Club Success Plan. Do a SWOT or SOAR …

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Message From D42 District Director We have been blessed with a fabulous summer. A little bit of rain, a little bit of thunder & lightning, a little bit of Toastmasters. District 42 has always had clubs which like to take a respite from their weekly meetings. Other clubs continue without a break. Whichever type your club is, these next few weeks will get all of us back on track to improving our meetings, attracting new members, but not forgetting those …

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The Platinum Rule An article on the Platinum Rule caught my attention recently as it relates to how we serve our members.  We are accustomed to the traditional Golden Rule where “we treat other people the way we like to be treated.”   This article pointed out that such a golden rule may not be the best way. To serve others in a more efficient, effective, and everlasting way is by applying this – “Treat other people how they want to …

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What is a Club Mentor? A Club Mentor is an appointed advisor for a newly formed club. Club Mentors have a great effect on the degree to which a new club succeeds. Who can be a Club Mentor? An experienced Toastmaster in good standing who has completed or is close to completing their first pathway and has been a club officer. What is the Time Commitment for Club Mentor? The assignment term is no less than 6 months to a …

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Leadership Keys 1 2 3

For every imagined goal, a Toastmaster role will lead you to success. Follow the three Leadership Keys and step by step attain your goals. See the attached checklist to get started. Ready                  Resources Set                        Team Go!                       Next Step LEADERSHIP KEYS IN DEMAND Corporations, organizations and communities are hungry for leaders that will propel them into the future successfully.  Consider this short list of required qualities and imagine what other skills you can develop through Toastmasters. Relate to others                                      Active listening …

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DTM Master Mind The DTM Master Mind Project is up and running! We have many District 42 ADs, DDs and hard-working Toastmasters as part of these groups. Obtaining a DTM award is not everyone’s goal, and is not the reason people usually join Toastmasters, but if it is your goal, or if you just like to take advantage of opportunities that come your way, this is a group we hope you will explore. We heard a presentation from the new …

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Two Reasons to Get Excited It is June and it is the FINAL month of the 2021/22 Toastmasters year. This is a time when this year is winding down and we are starting to prepare for the 2022/23 year.  This is the perfect time to get excited about two things – finishing strong this year and setting ourselves up for success next year.  Strong Finish How do we finish strong?   We finish the last speech or two we need to …

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You can say YES! We are two short months away from the end of the Toastmaster year for 2021-2022 and it is hard to believe how quickly this year has gone by.  I am feeling particularly inspired after our annual conference, and feel energized and ready to support our clubs and leaders to make this year a great success!   In addition to celebrating success at our conference, we elected a new District trio and Division Directors who will begin their …

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Planting A Toastmasters Garden Dare we breathe & believe spring has finally sprung? My Mom used to say “Never plant the garden until after the long weekend in May.” Planting a garden takes planning, organization, & follow-through. The type of garden you plant (flowers/vegetables/rocks) is key; size is another important component as is location. Then, you need to decide what plants go beside others (potatoes, beans, beets, carrots, etc.) Ensuring sturdy plant growth means you must continually take out the …

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JOIN OUR TEAM BY BEING A CLUB COACH JOIN OUR TEAM BY BEING A CLUB COACH JOIN OUR TEAM BY BEING A CLUB COACH Join our team by being a Club Coach We are always looking for experienced Toastmasters who can coach a club to rebuild membership and restore quality to the club environment. A few months ago, we launched the HPL callout headed by our past International director, Jacquie Schnider, and current Area Director, Mark Ward. We received some …

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What does success look like? It’s hard to believe we have only three months left to the Toastmaster year!  But what a significant three months ahead of us!  We have an exciting annual conference to look forward to – Strike the Right Note, the Power of Pathways – from April 28 to 30.   We will have a chance to connect online to see the best speakers in the District enthrall us with their evaluations and International speeches, select and elect …

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Strike the Right Note: The Power of Pathways This year’s conference theme is all about striking the right note by using the power of Pathways. Strike the Right Note: Choosing the Right Partner When Bev LeBlanc asked me to chair the D42 virtual conference and told me to choose who I wanted to work with, it was a no-brainer. I immediately contacted Keith Lee to work with me as co-chair. Keith is a past District Director and educator, who works …

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BENEFITS OF THE AREA DIRECTOR EXPERIENCE Build verbal and non-verbal communications skills. Being able to share information in a clear and efficient way.  Learn to keep the lines of communication open with the clubs, either through club visits, Area Council meetings, phone and/or email communications. Area Directors connect with club executives who share all information with club members. Strengthen interpersonal and team-building skills. Ensuring a club remains healthy requires a team effort. Form good relationships with the club executives and …

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Build a Better You One Step at a Time! I am very proud that I earned the title of Distinguish Toastmasters-DTM. It is the result of my 5-year effort. I have accomplished not only many speeches, but also leadership commitments. My original plan with Toastmasters was 1 year and leave. 5 years later, I earned my DTM.  I am still learning and enjoying it. It is a hundred miles long journey to build myself a better person today. 8 months …

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What inspires you? One thing that I love about Toastmasters is that it is so flexible that it meets a wide variety of needs with the same program.   I like to think it stretches to meet you where you are.   If you need help with your career or need to prepare for an interview, we have the Dynamic Leadership path or table topics.  If you are feeling a little isolated or lonely and want to meet some new people, come …

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Are you a Go Getter? I bet you are! I love February, don’t you?   The days are getting longer, and the cold snap over Christmas seems like a distant memory. I’ve attended District and Club Leadership training and I feel renewed and re-energized by better weather, fantastic keynotes and what I know our District will accomplish in the last few months of our year.   We had many clubs earn a Go Getter award-a District incentive offered to clubs who achieve …

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Membership Building Fellow Toastmasters, we have come a long way. We have had a challenging year, especially with the pandemic and the membership of our clubs is just one of those things that were affected by it. In any case, we have another six months to go in our Toastmasters calendar year. It has been proven that word of mouth is one of the best ways to grow our clubs, which is the basis of the “Talk Up Toastmasters” membership-building …

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WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? What does 2022 have in store for you? I can hardly believe it is January of a new year!   It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that it was January of 2021, and I was wondering what 2021 would hold for me.   At that time, I was the D42 Club Growth Director, marvelling that …

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Captain Your Ship

Being the captain of a ship, a leader, is not easy. We all have made our fair share of mistakes. I am sure that we have learned quite a bit both, from our successes and failures. Today I would like to share 5 ways of leading your ship in your Toastmaster life. Captain a Vision As the captain of your ship, it is a requisite that you have a vision. After all, you are that one that will lead yourself …

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You can be a Zoom Master too! Does your club have a Zoom Master for club meetings? Welcome to the new norm-Virtual Toastmaster Club meetings. Over the past year, many of us have been zooming in virtually for club meetings, contests, educational and other Toastmaster events. In the real world, no meeting could run without a Toastmaster. I suggest that all Toastmaster clubs where virtual meetings are held should have a Zoom Master of the Day (ZMOD). In the last …

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District Zoom account for club meetings Is your club using a District Zoom account for club meetings? If so, I can relate! We celebrated the support of District 42 when this online world was suddenly our club’s reality. Knowing that the account cost the District and was provided to us free, made the support very real. But we experienced some unexpected issues with meeting on Zoom. Discovering that our meeting was on a shared account helped our understanding tremendously. Recently, …

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HYBRID MEETINGS – A WAY FORWARD As our world keeps changing, so too do our Toastmaster meetings. Where we once didn’t think it possible to be 100% virtual, here we are – and many clubs are thriving in this medium! Now we are faced with the opportunity to pivot once again. Do we revert back to strictly in-person meetings? Do we stay online and carry on virtually for the foreseeable future? Or, perhaps, do we consider melding those two worlds …

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Trust—A Key Ingredient of Leadership Message from the D42 Program Quality Director Bev LeBlanc, DTM Most people who join Toastmasters do so to improve their communication skills. Something wonderful happens in the process. As their communication skills improve, other people start listening to their opinions & ideas. Leadership skills develop as members improve in communicating with others. The Toastmaster tagline of ‘Where Leaders Are Made’ is truly fitting. When I became Program Quality Director, I said ‘Leadership is not a …

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Could You Be Getting More Out Of Toastmasters? Message from the District 42 District Director Katrina Aburrow, DTM When I began my Toastmasters journey in 1998 at Bedstone Olympics Toastmasters I had no idea I would ever become a future District Director, but like many of you we started Toastmasters for one reason and our journey takes us somewhere far better than we could have ever imagined at the outset.   I was an education volunteer at the Calgary Zoo and …

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Toastmasters District 42 Youth Leadership Program Toastmasters International has been invested in the Youth for many years. They’ve put together a training that was implemented successfully over time. However, Christina Kruis, Direct Past District Director for District 42, felt that to connect with younger kids, we had to adapt the program in such a way that we could engage with them. We had a pilot program at the Seton Library Calgary in 2019 run by the current Region 4 PRM, …

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If you feel you are ready for a new challenge, don’t step forward in Toastmasters – jump forward! The scariest speech for a Toastmaster to give is their very first ice breaker speech. Subsequently, it may tie your stomach in knots and cause you to perspire more than usual. That fear is a great indicator that you are doing something new and expanding your learning and abilities. As we become experienced Toastmasters and begin to master the 5-7 minute speech. There is …

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Step Up To Leadership

Randy Maus is the Clarity Coach at Front of the Room Leadership. Stepping up to lead, his company provides leadership training. When he started his business, he already had fifteen years of experience. But he only spoke to larger audiences a few times a year. He wanted feedback to improve consistency in his speaking and presentation performance. Randy joins Toastmasters  Randy knew about Toastmasters from friends who were long time members. Consequently, he was aware that it was a place …

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Club Coach

One of the pre-requisites to obtain a DTM, is to be a Club Coach. Surely there had to be other reasons why we would sign up as Club Coaches? Your Mindset will change When I spoke with Katrina Aburrow, District 42 Club Growth Director, I realized she agreed with my views. Katrina was an unofficial Club Coach long before she formally took the role. She believes we should never give up on a Club. Even long-standing Clubs aren’t always perfect …

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Two People Working On Website

The website is the visage of District 42 Toastmasters. Coincidentally, it’s also the place we as members go to for information. All events, including contests, conferences, and training appear there. As a plus we also get to know our leaders via their profiles. In other words, the website is a gold mine of information. Website A Primary Priority When D42’s Public Relations Manager, Marcy Field, joined the Executive Team in July 2019, she quickly recognized the website needed modernization to …

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Superhero Tech Team

By Irma Goosen | VP Membership, Fluor Communicators D23 The magnitude of COVID-19 shocked the world early in March 2020. Day-to-day routines changed. Following an announcement from Toastmasters International cancelling in-person club meetings, solutions were needed. “How would we connect with our Toastmaster peeps?” “Will the contests go ahead?” “What about my Pathways, my DTM, my CC?” Determined to optimize this new opportunity to learn, grow and expand, leaders and members alike stepped forward. As a result, the idea for …

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