Green Horizons D42’s First Sustainability-Themed Toastmaster Club Rethinking the Future of a Toastmasters Club Many Toastmasters clubs continue to face membership challenges in the wake of Covid-19. How should a club respond? Division B’s Toastmasters At Palliser Club found themselves at a crossroads. They responded with vision and innovation, “refocusing” their purpose. Today, they are proudly known as Green Horizons, a sustainability-themed Toastmasters club inspired by the globally successful Sustainable Speakers Club of London, England. “We knew we had to …
Club News
Glenmore RSVP Toastmasters Celebrate 30th Anniversary! Oh, what a night!! Have you ever met a friend from the past …. suddenly you are back to those days of laughter and good times! Those connections were definitely made at Glenmore RSVP Toastmasters 30th Anniversary Celebration. It was a heartwarming evening as past, present, and new members and TM friends from other clubs united to celebrate with Glenmore RSVP. It was a special honor to have D42 Director, Daisy Wei and …
How to Submit, Promote, and Publish an Event in District 42 Planning a successful Toastmasters event requires organization and attention to detail. Whether you’re organizing a workshop, a club contest, or a keynote presentation, following the right process to submit, promote, and publish your event can make all the difference. In District 42, we have a streamlined system that helps your event get the attention it deserves. Here’s how you can make sure your event is a hit from start …
Legacy and Longevity I recently attended the 10th-anniversary celebration of one of our clubs, the Healthy Living Toastmasters Club, where I had the pleasure of meeting numerous enthusiastic, fun, and dedicated members. During the event, participants were asked to share three words that encapsulated their feelings about the anniversary, and it was quite enjoyable to hear the diverse responses. Some of the words thrown around included “party,” “feast,” “food,” “booze,” “camaraderie,” and “having fun,” reflecting the vibrant and celebratory atmosphere. …
Embrace Excellence Awards and Incentives Await Your Club’s Triumph District 42 is rolling the red carpet to honor clubs that reach for the stars and achieve the prestigious Club Fitness Award and the inspiring 7 out of 7 Incentive. The Club Fitness Award is your golden ticket to recognition. Clubs that dazzle us by meeting three remarkable requirements before October 31, 2023, will be in for a treat. Update your TMI Roster, Conduct the “Moments of Truth” from the Successful …
Around District 42 I have been deeply engaged in collaborating with the District team while acclimating myself to the responsibilities of the Club Growth Director role. I’ve been actively engaging with the Region 4 teams, forming dedicated teams for both the Club Coach and Club Extension Committees. My efforts have also encompassed formulating a comprehensive market analysis plan for the district. Despite our district’s current count of 100 clubs, there is a pressing concern, as five clubs hover on the …
The Big Rock Pioneers Toastmasters Club’s 20th Anniversary Celebration The Big Rock Pioneers Toastmasters Club’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in Okotoks on June 1, 2023, was a gala of grand proportions. The evening started with a meet and mingle, where current and former club members were able to renew their acquaintances. Then, the toastmaster for the event, Shelley Goldbeck, gave her opening remarks and reminded attendees of the items on the agenda. Certainly, one of the highlights of the celebration was …
Status of Club Officer Training Highlights: 46.28% of officers trained See detailed status here. 7 out of 7 incentive We have 6 clubs that have achieved 7 officers trained during the 1st and the 2nd round of training. Congratulations to the exceptional, extraordinary, and excellent work from the following clubs: We are truly proud of you. You set an outstanding example for our district. Worth to mention other clubs that were close to achieving it where they have achieved 7 of 7 during …
Holiday Greetings Dear fellow Toastmasters, As we approach the end of another year, it is a time to reflect on all that we have achieved and to look forward to the new opportunities that lie ahead. I am grateful for this opportunity to extend warm holiday greetings to all of you, and to express my deep appreciation for your dedication and commitment to our shared mission. Toastmasters is a wonderful organization that brings people together from all walks of life, …
Club Fitness Award Recipients At the time we are writing this article, we have identified some of the clubs in our district that have achieved the Club Fitness Award. With the help of our Area Directors, we confirmed that they have completed: Renewing and updating their Club Success Plan Verifying Club Roster Conducting a Moments of Truth Club Roster Administrative tasks aren’t sexy, and there really isn’t anything to show for the effort! But these are the invisible jobs that make a Club run smoothly. …
Where do We Go From Here? As District Director, I have a vision: It seems I’m asking myself this question almost every week. The District (as in all of us) finishes one round of activities, only to start another. Let’s consider where we are at this moment. As of July 1, we had 101 active clubs. We now have 108 paid clubs. Yahoo! I have no doubt we will soar even more. This is a year of rebuilding as our …
Message From D42 District Director We have been blessed with a fabulous summer. A little bit of rain, a little bit of thunder & lightning, a little bit of Toastmasters. District 42 has always had clubs which like to take a respite from their weekly meetings. Other clubs continue without a break. Whichever type your club is, these next few weeks will get all of us back on track to improving our meetings, attracting new members, but not forgetting those …
The Platinum Rule An article on the Platinum Rule caught my attention recently as it relates to how we serve our members. We are accustomed to the traditional Golden Rule where “we treat other people the way we like to be treated.” This article pointed out that such a golden rule may not be the best way. To serve others in a more efficient, effective, and everlasting way is by applying this – “Treat other people how they want to …
What is a Club Mentor? A Club Mentor is an appointed advisor for a newly formed club. Club Mentors have a great effect on the degree to which a new club succeeds. Who can be a Club Mentor? An experienced Toastmaster in good standing who has completed or is close to completing their first pathway and has been a club officer. What is the Time Commitment for Club Mentor? The assignment term is no less than 6 months to a …
OTY – Recognizing the Best of the Best District 42 is where Distinguished leaders are made and where we recognize the phenomenal leaders who make our district as successful as it is. We celebrated excellence in leadership at the spring conference with DARE awards for Area Directors and with the District of the Year awards for the leaders who contributed most across our district from 2020 to 2021. The Of the Year awards recognize the best of the best and …
Sunshine Clubs 2022 Are you looking for a Toastmasters meeting to attend over the summer? Look no further. To register your club as a Sunshine Club, please submit New Event Request with your Club name, meeting days/times, and contact info. To qualify for the Sunshine Virtual Badge, submissions must be received by June 30, 2022. Any submission received after that date will be listed; however, the club will not receive the Sunshine Club Badge. If you’re interested in attending a …
What does success look like? It’s hard to believe we have only three months left to the Toastmaster year! But what a significant three months ahead of us! We have an exciting annual conference to look forward to – Strike the Right Note, the Power of Pathways – from April 28 to 30. We will have a chance to connect online to see the best speakers in the District enthrall us with their evaluations and International speeches, select and elect …
Membership Building and Retention We have shared several articles on membership building and retention. We think we can talk more about it. With all the tips that you have seen and read, there is one thing in common. It is the focus on WIIFM – What’s in it for them (or me in the guests’ viewpoint)? Let us take a few of those tips starting with these below: Welcome guests warmly Schedule educational speeches Welcome guests warmly We know we …
DCP Go-Getter Award Winners The DCP Go-Getter Award was designed to highlight the importance of Membership growth and retention. Striving to attain the 10 prescribed DCP goals in a Toastmaster year, helps create a dynamic club environment and a quality member experience. Just as members are at the heart of a Club, a quality member experience is at the heart of that Club’s Mission statement. Everyone will want to belong to a club that delivers on that mission of a …
What inspires you? One thing that I love about Toastmasters is that it is so flexible that it meets a wide variety of needs with the same program. I like to think it stretches to meet you where you are. If you need help with your career or need to prepare for an interview, we have the Dynamic Leadership path or table topics. If you are feeling a little isolated or lonely and want to meet some new people, come …
Are you a Go Getter? I bet you are! I love February, don’t you? The days are getting longer, and the cold snap over Christmas seems like a distant memory. I’ve attended District and Club Leadership training and I feel renewed and re-energized by better weather, fantastic keynotes and what I know our District will accomplish in the last few months of our year. We had many clubs earn a Go Getter award-a District incentive offered to clubs who achieve …
Membership Building Fellow Toastmasters, we have come a long way. We have had a challenging year, especially with the pandemic and the membership of our clubs is just one of those things that were affected by it. In any case, we have another six months to go in our Toastmasters calendar year. It has been proven that word of mouth is one of the best ways to grow our clubs, which is the basis of the “Talk Up Toastmasters” membership-building …
Visit An Open House Toastmasters District 42 invites you to the following Toastmaster Club open houses to meet members and watch special guest speakers talk about the importance of communication skills for today’s professionals. Toastmasters clubs provide a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills,” says Katrina Aburrow, District 42 Director. After hearing from special speakers, members and guests will enjoy a regular Toastmasters meeting that will include prepared speeches, Table …
WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? WHAT DOES 2022 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? What does 2022 have in store for you? I can hardly believe it is January of a new year! It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that it was January of 2021, and I was wondering what 2021 would hold for me. At that time, I was the D42 Club Growth Director, marvelling that …
Dynamically Speaking Toastmasters Like a beacon of light during this challenging time Dynamically Speaking Toastmasters has fostered communication, connection, and collaboration to its club members. Our diverse membership, of fifty-three participants, range in age from their 20’s to their 70’s andjoin us from five countries and three continents. Currently, we are the second-largest Toastmasters Club in Canada. While we do love the “bragging rights” associated with a large club, this is secondary to the relationships we develop with each of …
Club Fitness Award Winners The Club Fitness Award was designed to highlight the importance of: Maintaining an accurate Club roster Developing a Club Success Plan Conducting a Moments of Truth workshop Club Roster Every organisation has administrative tasks to take care of, in order to be effective. A Toastmaster Club is expected to remit member payments to Toastmasters International, twice per year. A Club holds elections and submits an Officer List once per year. What happens if an Officer leaves …
We are working on the list of winners of the Club Fitness club incentive so look forward to hearing more about those incentive winners in the January Dispatch. Now that clubs have finished working on the Club Fitness incentive, it is exciting to announce the next opportunity for clubs to work together to achieve a District award – the Go Getter Award. The Go Getter Award is given to any club that achieves a minimum of 5 Distinguished Club Program …
WHERE IS YOUR FOCUS? Message from the District 42 District Director Katrina Aburrow, DTM I heard a quote recently that says, where your focus goes, your energy flows. It really got me thinking about where our focus is now and where our energy is going. We are one of the only Districts in Region 4 to hold fall contests, so I hope your focus has been on Tall Tales and Table Topics contests, whether as a competitor, official or an …
WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? Message from the District 42 District Director Katrina Aburrow, DTM He who fails to plan is planning to fail. Sir Winston Churchill Most of us are familiar with this quote from Sir Winston Churchill. It means a lot to me because of my experience in planning through Toastmasters. I used to think that I had zero experience in planning and my lack of confidence in strategic planning made job interviews particularly scary. I didn’t realize that …
SMEDLEY CLUB AWARD Message from Eugene Sicat, District 42 Club Growth Director Big salutes and congratulations to the two clubs in our district, Wascana Club and Dynamically Speaking, who have already added five new members as of September 15, and we are still 15 days before the deadline for the prestigious Smedley Club Award. As of September 15, we have 3 other clubs who are very close to reaching 5 new members. By September 30, we sure hope more clubs …
The Calgary Pace Setters Toastmasters Club celebrated its 30th anniversary on May 1, 2021. In honor of the occasion, a special meeting was held virtually on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021. Numerous current and past members along with distinguished Area, Division, and District guests attended the virtual party. The year was 1991-a year filled with many historic moments. The USSR formally dissolved, the first-ever website (titled the World Wide Web) was launched, Silence of the Lambs won the Academy Award for best picture, becoming …
Toastmasters District 42 invites you to the following Toastmaster Club open houses to meet members and watch special guest speakers talk about the importance of communication skills for today’s professionals. Toastmasters clubs provide a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills,” says Christina Kruis, District 42 Director. After hearing from special speakers, members and guests will enjoy a regular Toastmasters meeting that will include prepared speeches, Table Topics™ (impromptu speeches) and …
Teamwork drove the results when FCC Stubble Jumpers Toastmasters Club added nine new members in September. This brought our total membership number up to 24. Before providing examples of what we did, we wanted to thank our members and our Executive (including Deborah, Laurel, Don, Korey, Alex, Isabelle and our immediate past President Arunima) for all their hard work. We started off the year with a strong base of 23 members to build on. This was from the previous year’s …