Message From D42 District Director
We have been blessed with a fabulous summer. A little bit of rain, a little bit of thunder & lightning, a little bit of Toastmasters. District 42 has always had clubs which like to take a respite from their weekly meetings. Other clubs continue without a break. Whichever type your club is, these next few weeks will get all of us back on track to improving our meetings, attracting new members, but not forgetting those who have stuck with us through thick & thin.
Duke Ellington, a renowned musician, said: ‘My attitude is never to be satisfied, never enough, never.’
This rings a bell for me, for I believe as soon as we feel satisfied, we stop.
Toastmasters International Convention
Many of you know the Toastmaster Convention was held in Nashville (Music City) this past week. The district trio, (Eugene Sicat, PQD; Daisy Wei, CGD; and me) represented D42. We had two days of specific training at which we learned much about our roles. As well, we as had the good fortune to meet Toastmasters from all over the world.
Our new Board of Directors is installed after a fairly speedy Annual Business Meeting. No glitches—everything went rather smoothly. The Speech Contests were interesting with four contestants online, and four in person. The first place winner was in person, the second place was online, third place winner was in person. Both venues were extremely well executed. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this first hybrid competition.
If you can manage it, please attend at least one International Convention. You won’t be sorry. We are told next year’s convention is in the Caribbean. How glorious is that? Start saving now so you can have a trip of a lifetime.
As of the end of August, our leaders will be trained.
As leaders & Toastmasters, we are going to grow in many ways. My wish for you is to have many more joyous moments than challenges.
Duke Ellington also said, however: “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”
Every one of those moments whether positive or not-so-positive will provide us with tools for Toastmasters, but also for life. As you may have heard many times, we don’t belong to Toastmasters to become better Toastmasters, we are preparing for the world at large, to be better in our families & our communities.
Let’s change our world, it’s in all of our hands. Discover Your Potential—You have the key.
Bev LeBlanc, DTM
D42 District Director