Secrets to Success President’s Distinguished Clubs Share Their Strategies for Engaging Members and Celebrating Achievements Have you ever wondered if a Presidents Distinguished club does anything different to engage their members to achieve the consistent success that they seem to achieve? I wondered if they had some different approaches that might make a difference for other clubs that were struggling to build or keep their membership. My DTM project team and I thought that we should check it out. We …

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The Right Time! When is it the right time to do something? You might be surprised! Sometimes we get invited to take on a role or go on a trip on short notice. Sometimes we gracefully decline saying that the timing just isn’t right. I have responded that way on a few occasions only to discover that the opportunity never came my way again. The one that stands out for me was when I was working at a junior high …

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I first joined Toastmasters in 2002 as I had a problem with filler words! I used a lot of them and took a long time to get to my main points when speaking! Not a good thing as the first 30 seconds of a conversation or an interview is so important! Some people even make a decision about you in such a short period of time. During that first year, I completed 9 speeches in the Competent Toastmaster Manual and …

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Sponsoring a New Club What is a Club Sponsor? A club sponsor is assigned to each new club attempting to charter and plays a fundamental role in successfully creating a new Toastmasters club.  The Club Extension Committee assigns club sponsors based on inquiries or applications from members progressing towards the Distinguished Toastmaster accreditation.  A club sponsor is an experienced Toastmaster with leadership skills, a passion for Toastmasters, and a strong dedication to helping charter a new club.  Each new club …

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What is a Club Mentor? A Club Mentor is an appointed advisor for a newly formed club. Club Mentors have a great effect on the degree to which a new club succeeds. Who can be a Club Mentor? An experienced Toastmaster in good standing who has completed or is close to completing their first pathway and has been a club officer. What is the Time Commitment for Club Mentor? The assignment term is no less than 6 months to a …

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