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  • Master Your PR Game: Event Planning 101
     November 13, 2024
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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  •  June 27, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  April 18, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  March 23, 2024
     9:00 am - 10:30 am
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  •  February 8, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  January 18, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  September 21, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  •  October 19, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  •  November 16, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Contest Season Is A Wrap Woot! Woot! Congratulations to all the Toastmasters who challenged themselves at the Club, Area, Division and District levels to be their very best. It’s not easy to dive deep and gather your courage to compete. The act of saying yes, and showing up, made you a winner. As the District 42 Contest Chair, I had the privilege of escorting these brave souls through the final, and perhaps the most stressful part, of their contest journey. …

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Reflecting On The Conference Our conference this past weekend was a success. All the attendees had fun and learned a lot. Starting with our keynote speaker on Friday night – Past International Director (PID) Sharon Hill, on her “Just Say Yes.” It was fascinating, entertaining, and very familiar. I can relate to her journey, especially how I always welcome the challenge of moving forward. It reminds me of the quote from Mark Twain that I always apply, “The secret of getting …

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Claire Wyllie, Controller, and Richard Peck with Corporate Recognition Award

Fluor Canada Ltd. (Fluor Canada) was awarded Toastmasters Corporate Recognition Award at Fluor’s Calgary offices on Friday, April 28. Claire Wyllie, Controller, accepted the award on behalf of Fluor Canada and the local Toastmasters chapter, Fluor Communicators.  Richard Peck, DTM presented this prestigious award, while visiting District 42’s 2023 Conference. Also, Toastmasters from across southern Alberta and southern Saskatchewan who gathered in Calgary for the “Maximize Your Potential” hybrid conference. Fluor Recognizes Benefits to Employees “It is an honour to …

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  •  February 23, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  January 25, 2023
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

We have recently completed another season of “Of the Year Awards”. What a beautiful moment to pause and appreciate all the hard work that has gone on both in front of the screen and behind the scenes! Congratulations to all our winners; and a huge shout out to the many volunteers who dedicated hours of work to make the contests run smoothly. If all this is new to you, or if you have ever wondered how to participate in the …

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District 42 Toastmasters continues the time honoured tradition of hosting Speech Contests. Area winners are advancing to Division Contests.

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  • PR Mastermind
     November 23, 2022
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Two Reasons to Get Excited It is June and it is the FINAL month of the 2021/22 Toastmasters year. This is a time when this year is winding down and we are starting to prepare for the 2022/23 year.  This is the perfect time to get excited about two things – finishing strong this year and setting ourselves up for success next year.  Strong Finish How do we finish strong?   We finish the last speech or two we need to …

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Build a Better You One Step at a Time! I am very proud that I earned the title of Distinguish Toastmasters-DTM. It is the result of my 5-year effort. I have accomplished not only many speeches, but also leadership commitments. My original plan with Toastmasters was 1 year and leave. 5 years later, I earned my DTM.  I am still learning and enjoying it. It is a hundred miles long journey to build myself a better person today. 8 months …

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What inspires you? One thing that I love about Toastmasters is that it is so flexible that it meets a wide variety of needs with the same program.   I like to think it stretches to meet you where you are.   If you need help with your career or need to prepare for an interview, we have the Dynamic Leadership path or table topics.  If you are feeling a little isolated or lonely and want to meet some new people, come …

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Let’s roar together WOW! Did you see January and February fly by with lightning speed? Where did the time go? Let me give you a brief recap of the past couple of months: 3 Division training sessions with more than 300 officers and members attending At least 12 educational sessions Area & Division Council Meetings Open House Celebrations Planning for Contest Season We have four months left of this Toastmaster year. How are you going to go out—like a lamb …

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Building Membership We have been campaigning for the “Talk Up Toastmasters” award recently. It covers the increase in membership during February and March primarily through spreading the word and bringing guests to your club meeting. We already have one club in our district that has gained five members in February – “Igniters Club.”  Here are the tips from Igniters Club.    We have two more clubs that are getting there, with three new members in February: “Twin Towers Toastmasters Club” and “Calgary Talking …

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ONE NOTE AT A TIME Leadership Training – January 29, 2022 ONE NOTE AT A TIME D42 Leadership Training performed at the Zoom auditorium on Saturday, January 29 to a packed house of over 150 eager and enthusiastic fans! Making a Difference, ONE BOX AT A TIME with Shelter Box was directed by Stephanie Christensen. Please find out how you can help disaster relief assistance in one simple step HERE. Finish the Race ONE KM AT A TIME with Super …

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DID YOU KNOW District 42 Website February 17, 2022 Visit the District 42 website to begin exploring. It is a treasure trove of information. To help with navigation on the District website, there are several tabs to click on: Home, About, Events, Members, Clubs, Districts, Opportunities, Blog, Find a Club and Search. These tabs are located at the top of the home page. If you click on home, you will return to the main page of https://d42tm.org If you’re planning …

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RE-INVENTING OURSELVES Through Dreaming, Planning & Changing Perhaps you find it interesting, as I do, how quickly time seems to pass when we are adults as opposed to how slowly it seems to go by when we are younger. Remember how Christmas always seemed so far off no matter what month it was. Now in the blink of an eye we are already more than 6 months into our year. Christmas & New Year’s celebrations are behind us. January tends …

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Are you a Go Getter? I bet you are! I love February, don’t you?   The days are getting longer, and the cold snap over Christmas seems like a distant memory. I’ve attended District and Club Leadership training and I feel renewed and re-energized by better weather, fantastic keynotes and what I know our District will accomplish in the last few months of our year.   We had many clubs earn a Go Getter award-a District incentive offered to clubs who achieve …

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Membership Building Fellow Toastmasters, we have come a long way. We have had a challenging year, especially with the pandemic and the membership of our clubs is just one of those things that were affected by it. In any case, we have another six months to go in our Toastmasters calendar year. It has been proven that word of mouth is one of the best ways to grow our clubs, which is the basis of the “Talk Up Toastmasters” membership-building …

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Visit An Open House Toastmasters District 42 invites you to the following Toastmaster Club open houses to meet members and watch special guest speakers talk about the importance of communication skills for today’s professionals. Toastmasters clubs provide a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills,” says Katrina Aburrow, District 42 Director. After hearing from special speakers, members and guests will enjoy a regular Toastmasters meeting that will include prepared speeches, Table …

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WE ARE ACHIEVERS. WE ARE LEADERS. WE CAN CREATE A SYMPHONY. Whew! What a year we’ve had. It seems to have gone by in a blip of time, but we (the members of District 42) have accomplished some stellar achievements.  Training, contests, & various special events such as our Speaker Showcase in the fall were examples of learning, fun, & friendships taking place.  Many of us have met members from around the world (Scotland, Europe, Australia, Mexico, & many other …

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Igniters Toastmasters Another year of Igniting Spirits! Igniters Toastmasters like many other clubs had a challenging year. We were able find solutions and energize the members to keep Igniting Spirits! We are proud of being a President’s Distinguished Club for the past 7 years in a row and a place where laughter, learning, and friendship flourished. Mentoring is a cornerstone at our club to help members grow. Our President embraced using Zoom for our meetings. Having technical expertise and being …

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Captain Your Ship

Being the captain of a ship, a leader, is not easy. We all have made our fair share of mistakes. I am sure that we have learned quite a bit both, from our successes and failures. Today I would like to share 5 ways of leading your ship in your Toastmaster life. Captain a Vision As the captain of your ship, it is a requisite that you have a vision. After all, you are that one that will lead yourself …

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CREATING A SYMPHONY TOGETHER Wow! What a couple of weeks it’s been. Six Division contests & 27 Area contests. Just WOW! Congratulations to all contestants but especially to the winners. In competitions a judging team selects winners, those who received top honours. We celebrate their giving their best, creating a beautiful rhythm to their words. I believe, however & as trite as it seems, there are no losers. Each person who stood before an audience, presented their speech, & learned …

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District 42 Toastmasters continues the time honoured tradition of hosting Speech Contests. Area winners are advancing to Division Contests.

Trust—A Key Ingredient of Leadership Message from the D42 Program Quality Director Bev LeBlanc, DTM Most people who join Toastmasters do so to improve their communication skills. Something wonderful happens in the process. As their communication skills improve, other people start listening to their opinions & ideas. Leadership skills develop as members improve in communicating with others. The Toastmaster tagline of ‘Where Leaders Are Made’ is truly fitting. When I became Program Quality Director, I said ‘Leadership is not a …

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Could You Be Getting More Out Of Toastmasters? Message from the District 42 District Director Katrina Aburrow, DTM When I began my Toastmasters journey in 1998 at Bedstone Olympics Toastmasters I had no idea I would ever become a future District Director, but like many of you we started Toastmasters for one reason and our journey takes us somewhere far better than we could have ever imagined at the outset.   I was an education volunteer at the Calgary Zoo and …

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  •  August 31, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  July 28, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  September 24, 2021
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  June 7, 2021
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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  •  June 9, 2021
     5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  May 31, 2021
     7:15 pm - 9:00 pm
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  • D42 Conference 2021 Success Summit
     April 28, 2021 - May 1, 2021
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
D42 Spring Speech Winners

District 42 Toastmasters continues the time honoured tradition of hosting Speech Contests. Area winners are advancing to Division Contests.

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  •  April 26, 2021
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  April 16, 2021
     7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
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  •  May 1, 2021
     1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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  •  March 29, 2021
     6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  May 1, 2021
     9:15 am - 10:00 am
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  •  April 29, 2021
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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  •  April 28, 2021
     8:15 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  April 26, 2021
     6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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  •  April 23, 2021
     6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

The Distinguished Club Program is a road map to club success. Striving to attain the 10 prescribed goals helps create a dynamic club environment. Additionally, it provides a quality member experience. District 42 provides the Go-Getter Award to clubs who achieve 5 Distinguished Club Program (DCP) points by January 31.  Achieving at least 5 DCP points by January 31 gives clubs a great head-start on achieving Toastmasters International distinguished status. Now having already achieved the necessary points, focus can be …

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A photo of a Zoom meeting with Dynamically Speaking Toastmasters

A year ago, Dynamically Speaking Toastmasters was a Lethbridge based club, with a long record of President’s Distinguished status.  In place was a 4-person mentoring team, and 25 members. On average, 17 members and guests graced our meetings.  Today Dynamically Speaking is an Alberta based club with international connections. The difference is there is now a 13-person mentoring team and 37 members. Additionally, approximately 32 members and guests magically materialize, Thursdays at 6:45 a.m. (MST)  What happened?   Nothing more …

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Leadership is not a right. It is a privilege. I truly feel privileged to be your Toastmaster Program Quality Director for the next few months. Further, I’m also truly blessed to have so many of you express your encouragement and support.  Rise to the Toastmasters Challenge I’ve been fortunate to meet some exceptional leaders throughout my 20 plus years in Toastmasters. People like Mr. Toastmaster Peter Kossowan, Neil Wilkinson and Jana Barnhill, past presidents of Toastmasters International. Jana unknowingly instigated …

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Explanation of DARE Journey

Ten area directors began their DARE journey not only to discover and enhance their leadership skills but also to be recognized for their journey. The recognition is the DARE award based on the four aspects of an Area Director journey. Develop (leadership style) Achieve (success plan) Relate (to clubs and members) Encourage (quality clubs)  The Journey Continues Although it has been a challenging year, they have journeyed well. The DARE award will recognize the effort which they have made and …

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If you feel you are ready for a new challenge, don’t step forward in Toastmasters – jump forward! The scariest speech for a Toastmaster to give is their very first ice breaker speech. Subsequently, it may tie your stomach in knots and cause you to perspire more than usual. That fear is a great indicator that you are doing something new and expanding your learning and abilities. As we become experienced Toastmasters and begin to master the 5-7 minute speech. There is …

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  •  April 30, 2021
     6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
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  •  March 24, 2021
     5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Stand Out From The Herd

Alas, it is still a while before we are all vaccinated and establish herd immunity. But those who continue with life, rather than collapsing under its weight, will stand out from the herd and be better prepared for the post-pandemic revival. Perhaps the biggest lesson from 2020 is the value of human connection. No, we cannot visit yet. But we can still connect via technology – Zoom, a phone call, even a hand-written letter (a lost art which stands to …

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  •  March 20, 2021
     1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
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  •  March 24, 2021
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  March 24, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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  •  April 5, 2021
     6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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  •  February 18, 2021
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  March 5, 2021
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  March 6, 2021
     2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  •  March 13, 2021
     2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Of The Year Awards

Congratulations to District 42’s OTY (pronounced O-tee) Award recipients for the year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019! 2018-2019 Of The Year Recipients Congratulations to the following Toastmasters on their accomplishments: Public Relations of the Year – Angela Detmold, DTM – Verbal Gainz Toastmasters | E19 Rookie of the Year – Marcy Field, VC5 – Fluor Communicators | D23 Toastmaster of the Year – Ken Humphreys, DTM – Twin Rivers Club | A15 President of the Year – Lorraine …

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  •  February 23, 2021
     12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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  •  March 30, 2021
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  February 24, 2021
     7:30 am - 9:30 am
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  •  March 20, 2021
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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  •  March 24, 2021
     7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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  •  March 27, 2021
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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  •  March 27, 2021
     10:00 am - 12:30 pm
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  •  April 9, 2021
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  April 10, 2021
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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  •  March 19, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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  •  March 20, 2021
     8:30 am - 11:30 am
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  •  March 25, 2021
     6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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  •  March 22, 2021
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  March 20, 2021
     2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
A computer monitor with a Zoom meeting screen. A coffee cup set beside it.

Toastmasters District 42 invites you to the following Toastmaster Club open houses to meet members and watch special guest speakers talk about the importance of communication skills for today’s professionals. Toastmasters clubs provide a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills,” says Christina Kruis, District 42 Director. After hearing from special speakers, members and guests will enjoy a regular Toastmasters meeting that will include prepared speeches, Table Topics™ (impromptu speeches) and …

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  •  February 27, 2021
     1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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  •  February 18, 2021
     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Talk Up Toastmasters

It’s that time of year again – February!   Time to Talk Up Toastmasters! Let’s ramp up our membership recruitment efforts for our clubs!   Talk Up Open Houses We invited guests to January Open Houses. Or we are going to invite them to our February Open House. Guess what – your club can win a membership recruitment award!   That’s right, sign up your guests. Then get them involved as new members in your club from February 1 to …

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  •  February 11, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:15 pm
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  •  March 20, 2021
     9:30 am - 11:30 am
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  •  March 18, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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  •  March 21, 2021
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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  •  April 12, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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  •  March 20, 2021
     9:00 am - 11:00 am
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  •  March 19, 2021
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  March 16, 2021
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  May 20, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  April 19, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  March 25, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  February 22, 2021
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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  •  April 6, 2021
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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  •  April 16, 2021
     6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
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  •  April 10, 2021
     1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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