So You Think You Can Judge! The Top 10 Reasons Toastmasters Speech Contests Are a Game-Changer Speech contests at Toastmasters offer a variety of benefits to contestants and officials, as well as the promotion of our organization. Consider whether any of these side effects of competition would interest you! Improved Presentation Delivery: Participants gain experience delivering speeches under pressure, which helps them refine their speaking skills and confidence. Enhanced Specific Skills for Connection: Contestants focus on effective speech delivery and …

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Staying Engaged During the Pathways Outage Toastmasters International recently announced that its Pathways Learning Experience will be migrating to a new Learning Management System, resulting in Base Camp being temporarily unavailable from October 9th to 25th. While this may seem like an interruption, it presents a unique opportunity for members to stay engaged and continue their personal growth outside of the digital platform. Here are a few tips to keep progressing during the outage: Leverage Previous Evaluations to Improve and …

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Change is Coming Summer will soon be a fading memory. The colour of the leaves will change from green to the rich colours of fall. The season will change. There will also be a change to the colour of Toastmasters this fall. At the recent Toastmasters International Convention in Anaheim California, Toastmasters International Chief Executive Officer Daniel Rex updated members on the exciting change to the Learning Management System which Toastmasters will be rolling out in the near future. The …

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Pathways Are Evolving! Pathways, the Toastmasters education program, is designed to help members build public speaking, communication, and leadership skills. Members access educational materials digitally through Base Camp, the online system where Pathways lives. Base Camp, the online system where Pathways is accessed, is moving to a new learning management system (LMS) early next year. This will lay the foundation for many exciting improvements to the Pathways learning experience, including easier platform navigation, more frequent content updates, and a future …

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I wish I had joined earlier What if you had joined Toastmasters years ago?What if you possessed Toastmaster skills earlier in your career?Ask most Toastmasters and their response is “I wish I had joined earlier?” What if you could give a young person the opportunity for success academically, socially and professionally earlier and faster?  Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program provides a safe environment to learn, practise and improve communication and leadership skills including Speaking spontaneously Developing effective listening skills Organizing and presenting …

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Are you struggling to make the most of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking platform? With over 500 million members across 200 countries, it can feel overwhelming to stand out and effectively leverage this powerful tool. A professionally crafted LinkedIn profile is more than just an online resume – it’s a branding powerhouse that can open doors to opportunities and networks you never knew existed. But how do you create a profile that truly represents your professional brand and catches …

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SCAM ALERT! Scams are everywhere around us. With the advent of email and social media, scammers have become better and better at deceiving people. How can you avoid being a victim of email scams? 1. Don’t open emails from a person or company you don’t recognize. If you do open these emails, avoid clicking any links. 2. If you recognize the name of the sender and you open the email, check the following Are you addressed personally? If so, is …

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Status of Club Officer Training Highlights: 46.28% of officers trained See detailed status here.     7 out of 7 incentive We have 6 clubs that have achieved 7 officers trained during the 1st and the 2nd round of training. Congratulations to the exceptional, extraordinary, and excellent work from the following clubs: We are truly proud of you. You set an outstanding example for our district. Worth to mention other clubs that were close to achieving it where they have achieved 7 of 7 during …

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Leadership Is About Behavior, Not Titles I read this article – Leadership Is About Behavior, Not Titles – last year and have been thinking about it and applying it since then. I wanted to know if I ever fall into the category of being a leader for the title. I never really understood the difference during my early years in leadership at work, but I think I fell more into that category during those years (not easy for me to admit). …

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Lessons Learned Leadership Training I know you go to online meetings all the time and it goes like clockwork! Hah! Nothing goes like clockwork! The difference is whether or not that is obvious! On June 15, the part that did not work was pretty obvious, right off the start! Fortunately, or not, that first big presentation was about leadership, and how we all drop the balls at some point; it is a question of picking them up and getting back …

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SIDE BY SIDE VIEW Is side-by-side view something you use in your Zoom sessions? The view the viewer sees in Zoom is something the viewer can control. You can manage this by using the VIEW icon (upper right corner on my screen) to change from Gallery to Speaker view. The side-by-side view is another option and is very useful when the presenter is using slides. This view allows me to see the slide and the gallery beside it on the …

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Strike the Right Note: The Power of Pathways This year’s conference theme is all about striking the right note by using the power of Pathways. Strike the Right Note: Choosing the Right Partner When Bev LeBlanc asked me to chair the D42 virtual conference and told me to choose who I wanted to work with, it was a no-brainer. I immediately contacted Keith Lee to work with me as co-chair. Keith is a past District Director and educator, who works …

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Streaming Live to the District YouTube Account For Division Contests Have you ever wondered how to live stream from Zoom to YouTube?  Here are the instructions: Print these instructions, have them nearby (i.e. one less screen/tab to have open). Login to the District Zoom Account Join the meeting with the above credentials (you should automatically get Host if not, claim it) Remember the view you are in, is the view that will be live, choose “Speaker View” as soon as …

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Speeches on Zoom It’s March 2022, almost two years of Zoom Toastmaster meetings.  And right now it’s contest season.  Whether you are doing a speech just because or entering a contest, here are a couple of tips. Update your Zoom software (it’s free) One reason for updating is if the Zoom Host asks you to use a new Zoom function, you will be able to do it. Make sure you are not backlit; which is having a window or bright …

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ONE NOTE AT A TIME Leadership Training – January 29, 2022 ONE NOTE AT A TIME D42 Leadership Training performed at the Zoom auditorium on Saturday, January 29 to a packed house of over 150 eager and enthusiastic fans! Making a Difference, ONE BOX AT A TIME with Shelter Box was directed by Stephanie Christensen. Please find out how you can help disaster relief assistance in one simple step HERE. Finish the Race ONE KM AT A TIME with Super …

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Then & Now: Communications Evolution Technology has been evolving for a long time, along with different forms of communication. The most primitive means of communication are cave paintings, which would then lead to hieroglyphics, all the way down to our modern-day equivalents, emojis. The innovations and imagination of humanity are astounding, as it is terrifying. However, one of the innovations that we are continually progressing in, is how we stay in contact with each other, even through the vastness of …

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Congratulations! Your Club has its own Zoom Account. Now what? You will need to “sign in” with an ID and PW by creating an email address that can be used in the future by the club.  A suggestion would be  This means that this can be transferred at anytime to the member(s) who will be learning the settings and opening meetings.  I would highly recommend this info be given to the executives who will open the meeting.  Perhaps the …

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CREATING A SYMPHONY TOGETHER Wow! What a couple of weeks it’s been. Six Division contests & 27 Area contests. Just WOW! Congratulations to all contestants but especially to the winners. In competitions a judging team selects winners, those who received top honours. We celebrate their giving their best, creating a beautiful rhythm to their words. I believe, however & as trite as it seems, there are no losers. Each person who stood before an audience, presented their speech, & learned …

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You can be a Zoom Master too! Does your club have a Zoom Master for club meetings? Welcome to the new norm-Virtual Toastmaster Club meetings. Over the past year, many of us have been zooming in virtually for club meetings, contests, educational and other Toastmaster events. In the real world, no meeting could run without a Toastmaster. I suggest that all Toastmaster clubs where virtual meetings are held should have a Zoom Master of the Day (ZMOD). In the last …

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Marketing and growing membership of your club. We can all learn from successful clubs in our district and other districts. We heard many talks on these areas, and we could need some more tweaking or adjustments on how we do things. So here are some of those valuable tips we have seen achieved success: Doing more referrals. 80% of the guests who join Toastmasters meetings are through referrals. This is how we use the good old-fashioned word of mouth for …

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District Zoom account for club meetings Is your club using a District Zoom account for club meetings? If so, I can relate! We celebrated the support of District 42 when this online world was suddenly our club’s reality. Knowing that the account cost the District and was provided to us free, made the support very real. But we experienced some unexpected issues with meeting on Zoom. Discovering that our meeting was on a shared account helped our understanding tremendously. Recently, …

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HYBRID MEETINGS – A WAY FORWARD As our world keeps changing, so too do our Toastmaster meetings. Where we once didn’t think it possible to be 100% virtual, here we are – and many clubs are thriving in this medium! Now we are faced with the opportunity to pivot once again. Do we revert back to strictly in-person meetings? Do we stay online and carry on virtually for the foreseeable future? Or, perhaps, do we consider melding those two worlds …

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Toastmasters District 42 Youth Leadership Program Toastmasters International has been invested in the Youth for many years. They’ve put together a training that was implemented successfully over time. However, Christina Kruis, Direct Past District Director for District 42, felt that to connect with younger kids, we had to adapt the program in such a way that we could engage with them. We had a pilot program at the Seton Library Calgary in 2019 run by the current Region 4 PRM, …

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ZOOM TIDBITS Most, if not every Toastmaster in District 42 (Southern AB & SK) has experienced Zoom.  And you can obtain your own account from Zoom, for free.  In fact, many people use Zoom this way.  Sure it has limitations compared to a paid account, but what you get for free, is an outstanding deal.  And it allows you to play around with Zoom, and not break anything  You can join someone’s Zoom meeting easily, especially if they send you …

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High Performance Leadership

High Performance Leadership inspires and guides.  Good leaders build an environment where visions are developed. They support a team while goals are achieved. In other words, a leader who motivates others to join them and contribute, is a high performance leader.  Practise and grow your skills in real-world situations by doing a High Perfomance Leadership Project. High Performance Leadership (HPL) Projects in District 42 create leaders. These leaders cultivate something new while enhancing valuable leadership wisdom for the future. Effective …

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DTM Survey

Long time member survey My club, Literally Speaking, has several members that have been here for many years, ten years or more. Also, the seven club members who have earned the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award. Without a doubt, I realized the participation of these members has been fundamental to my growth. Moreover, they are vital to the success of my club. Therefore, why is it important that these members stay?  Obviously, all of these members are unique. Consequently, they all …

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Feedback Friday

Feedback for Division Winners We had six humorous speakers, as well as four of our six Table Topics contestants,  all Division winners sharpening their skills to go forward to District on Saturday, Dec 5th. Humorous speakers showcased their speeches. Then, the sharp minds and wit of the Table Topics competitors left us in awe.  Honestly!  What could possibly be a better, more entertaining way to spend a Friday evening? Frequently, competitors commented about how surprising it was that the feedback …

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Branding Beyond Logos

  Ilana Herzberg – Brand Strategist at Toastmasters International On October 23rd, 2020 Toastmasters District 42 had a special visitor all the way from Denver, Colorado – Ilana Herzberg, current brand strategist at Toastmasters International. She presented an informative lesson about Toastmasters branding and how it goes beyond the logo. In her words: “It’s easy to get lost in the fonts, colours and logos… but it’s so much more than that – it’s what it represents! A brand is alive; …

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Circle of Gold

On June 30, 2020, Darlene Davies, DTM, stepped down as the D42 Circle of Gold Core Team Leader and announced a new COG leader for District 42. Darlene was honoured to announce Laura Chambers is taking on the role of D42 Circle of Gold Core Team Leader for 2020-2021. Please give a warm welcome to Laura. She is raring to go, enthusiastic and full of ideas about how Circle of Gold can continue to grow in our District and beyond …

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If so, Toastmasters Leadership Training is available this winter for every Toastmaster in District 42. We are happy to report over 900 people participated in the four training sessions in November and January. In addition, to learning how to level up their club experience, they laughed, danced and had fun together. Never the less, instead of experiencing FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), be sure to register for one of the three remaining training dates in January and February 2021. Each …

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