Streaming Live to the District YouTube Account For Division Contests Have you ever wondered how to live stream from Zoom to YouTube?  Here are the instructions: Print these instructions, have them nearby (i.e. one less screen/tab to have open). Login to the District Zoom Account Join the meeting with the above credentials (you should automatically get Host if not, claim it) Remember the view you are in, is the view that will be live, choose “Speaker View” as soon as …

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Speeches on Zoom It’s March 2022, almost two years of Zoom Toastmaster meetings.  And right now it’s contest season.  Whether you are doing a speech just because or entering a contest, here are a couple of tips. Update your Zoom software (it’s free) One reason for updating is if the Zoom Host asks you to use a new Zoom function, you will be able to do it. Make sure you are not backlit; which is having a window or bright …

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Then & Now: Communications Evolution Technology has been evolving for a long time, along with different forms of communication. The most primitive means of communication are cave paintings, which would then lead to hieroglyphics, all the way down to our modern-day equivalents, emojis. The innovations and imagination of humanity are astounding, as it is terrifying. However, one of the innovations that we are continually progressing in, is how we stay in contact with each other, even through the vastness of …

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Congratulations! Your Club has its own Zoom Account. Now what? You will need to “sign in” with an ID and PW by creating an email address that can be used in the future by the club.  A suggestion would be  This means that this can be transferred at anytime to the member(s) who will be learning the settings and opening meetings.  I would highly recommend this info be given to the executives who will open the meeting.  Perhaps the …

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You can be a Zoom Master too! Does your club have a Zoom Master for club meetings? Welcome to the new norm-Virtual Toastmaster Club meetings. Over the past year, many of us have been zooming in virtually for club meetings, contests, educational and other Toastmaster events. In the real world, no meeting could run without a Toastmaster. I suggest that all Toastmaster clubs where virtual meetings are held should have a Zoom Master of the Day (ZMOD). In the last …

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District Zoom account for club meetings Is your club using a District Zoom account for club meetings? If so, I can relate! We celebrated the support of District 42 when this online world was suddenly our club’s reality. Knowing that the account cost the District and was provided to us free, made the support very real. But we experienced some unexpected issues with meeting on Zoom. Discovering that our meeting was on a shared account helped our understanding tremendously. Recently, …

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HYBRID MEETINGS – A WAY FORWARD As our world keeps changing, so too do our Toastmaster meetings. Where we once didn’t think it possible to be 100% virtual, here we are – and many clubs are thriving in this medium! Now we are faced with the opportunity to pivot once again. Do we revert back to strictly in-person meetings? Do we stay online and carry on virtually for the foreseeable future? Or, perhaps, do we consider melding those two worlds …

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ZOOM TIDBITS Most, if not every Toastmaster in District 42 (Southern AB & SK) has experienced Zoom.  And you can obtain your own account from Zoom, for free.  In fact, many people use Zoom this way.  Sure it has limitations compared to a paid account, but what you get for free, is an outstanding deal.  And it allows you to play around with Zoom, and not break anything  You can join someone’s Zoom meeting easily, especially if they send you …

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