Whew! What a year we’ve had. It seems to have gone by in a blip of time, but we (the members of District 42) have accomplished some stellar achievements.  Training, contests, & various special events such as our Speaker Showcase in the fall were examples of learning, fun, & friendships taking place.  Many of us have met members from around the world (Scotland, Europe, Australia, Mexico, & many other locations) thanks to being on-line. 

Let’s review:

  1. 100% of Area Directors & Division Directors were appointed/elected as well as trained before the official Toastmaster year began in July.
  2. The Summit Conference was held on-line with much success. We saw some fabulous presenters such as Matt Kinsey, President Elect of Toastmasters International & Luisa Montalvo, 2019 Runner-up International World Champion of Public Speaking to name just two.
  3. On-line contests were well-attended & our own Matt Fox went on to compete in the World Champion Semi-finals. Way to go Matt!
  4. The divisions paired up to conduct summer Club Leadership Training (June-August). A whopping 508 club officers were trained in June alone. Kudos to all the volunteers & promotion which helped make this happen.
  5. Our Speaker Showcase featured three fabulous presenters: Pres Vasilev, DTM (2013 World Champion), Sheryl Roush, DTM-Accredited Speaker, & Lance Miller, DTM (2005 World Champion).

During this ‘break’ time of the holiday season, perhaps we have time to catch our breath, relax a bit, then contemplate where we go from here.  Perhaps you will join me in aspiring to reach even greater heights than we did last year:

  1. 100% of club officers, Area Directors, & Division Directors trained in the mid-winter sessions.
  2. 100% of clubs reviewing & updating their Club Success Plan.
  3. Area & Division Directors completing their own Success Plan.
  4. All members engaged in the Pathways Learning Experience & reaching their communication & leadership goals.
  5. All clubs distinguished by June 1, 2022.

What are those thoughts I imagine are bouncing around in your head?  These goals aren’t realistic.  There’s no way they can be done.  You’re out of your mind.

Here’s what I propose.  Put a hand on each side of your head & stop the bouncing.  Hold your head steady & answer these questions:

  1. Which Club Officer or Director knows everything?
  2. Which club doesn’t need a direction to follow?
  3. Which member doesn’t need to improve their skills?
  4. Which club, area, or division doesn’t deserve to be distinguished?
  5. Which member just wants to give up?

If I were to speak to each member individually I suspect the answers to the above questions would be ‘none.’ Together let’s break down the real barrier to reaching our individual & collective goals: a mindset that says it can’t be done. Yes, it can. With innovation, inspiration, & ideas.  Let’s work as a team to help each other achieve goals others believe impossible.

This is District 42.  We are achievers.  We are leaders.  We can create a symphony.

Bev LeBlanc, DTM
District 42 Program Quality Director

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