Whew! What a year we’ve had. It seems to have gone by in a blip of time, but we (the members of District 42) have accomplished some stellar achievements. Training, contests, & various special events such as our Speaker Showcase in the fall were examples of learning, fun, & friendships taking place. Many of us have met members from around the world (Scotland, Europe, Australia, Mexico, & many other locations) thanks to being on-line.
Let’s review:
- 100% of Area Directors & Division Directors were appointed/elected as well as trained before the official Toastmaster year began in July.
- The Summit Conference was held on-line with much success. We saw some fabulous presenters such as Matt Kinsey, President Elect of Toastmasters International & Luisa Montalvo, 2019 Runner-up International World Champion of Public Speaking to name just two.
- On-line contests were well-attended & our own Matt Fox went on to compete in the World Champion Semi-finals. Way to go Matt!
- The divisions paired up to conduct summer Club Leadership Training (June-August). A whopping 508 club officers were trained in June alone. Kudos to all the volunteers & promotion which helped make this happen.
- Our Speaker Showcase featured three fabulous presenters: Pres Vasilev, DTM (2013 World Champion), Sheryl Roush, DTM-Accredited Speaker, & Lance Miller, DTM (2005 World Champion).
During this ‘break’ time of the holiday season, perhaps we have time to catch our breath, relax a bit, then contemplate where we go from here. Perhaps you will join me in aspiring to reach even greater heights than we did last year:
- 100% of club officers, Area Directors, & Division Directors trained in the mid-winter sessions.
- 100% of clubs reviewing & updating their Club Success Plan.
- Area & Division Directors completing their own Success Plan.
- All members engaged in the Pathways Learning Experience & reaching their communication & leadership goals.
- All clubs distinguished by June 1, 2022.
What are those thoughts I imagine are bouncing around in your head? These goals aren’t realistic. There’s no way they can be done. You’re out of your mind.
Here’s what I propose. Put a hand on each side of your head & stop the bouncing. Hold your head steady & answer these questions:
- Which Club Officer or Director knows everything?
- Which club doesn’t need a direction to follow?
- Which member doesn’t need to improve their skills?
- Which club, area, or division doesn’t deserve to be distinguished?
- Which member just wants to give up?
If I were to speak to each member individually I suspect the answers to the above questions would be ‘none.’ Together let’s break down the real barrier to reaching our individual & collective goals: a mindset that says it can’t be done. Yes, it can. With innovation, inspiration, & ideas. Let’s work as a team to help each other achieve goals others believe impossible.
This is District 42. We are achievers. We are leaders. We can create a symphony.
Bev LeBlanc, DTM
District 42 Program Quality Director