What does 2022 have in store for you?

I can hardly believe it is January of a new year!   It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that it was January of 2021, and I was wondering what 2021 would hold for me.   At that time, I was the D42 Club Growth Director, marvelling that half my Toastmaster year had gone by, and I was contemplating running for Program Quality Director for the upcoming Toastmaster year.   Little did I know that I would be running for a different position only a few months later. 

Are you like me?   Are you happy that we are starting a new, fresh year in 2022?   But are you also wondering where 2021 went?   Amid all that happened in 2021, all the choices we have had to make, all the change that has stayed in our lives, there is a lot to look back on and celebrate.   We have three new clubs in District 42 who joined the D42 family in 2021 – Teck Toastmasters, Heart of the Rockies and PwC Canada Speech Squad.  We are so happy to have you as part of our family.   How many new members do you think joined us in 2021?  We had 685 new members join our family last year!   That is a lot of new members who bring in new energy, enthusiasm, and new speeches!   We are excited to have you as part of our family and look forward to being a part of your Toastmaster journey.

Although we have faced many challenges and continue to do so going into 2022, I think there will be more to celebrate in 2022.   I think we will continue to gather online and when appropriate, in person and in hybrid meetings, to help each other improve our lives through the Toastmasters program.   We will support each other in camaraderie and friendship, while also supporting our clubs, so that every member can get what they need from their clubs.  

I hope that like me you are looking forward to the surprises that 2022 will bring each of us.   Maybe you will complete more speeches and get a bigger sense of achievement and success out of belonging to your Toastmaster club and family.   Maybe you will take on a bigger role than expected this year, like I did last year.   The District Leadership Committee would love to hear from you if you would like to submit a nomination and your Area Council members will be happy to answer any questions if this is the year you would like to be nominated as an Area Director.   Maybe this is the year you work with the members of your club to become a Distinguished club.  I know all of our clubs are unique and special in their own way, but I would love to see each club get the recognition they deserve.   Check the dashboard by using Google, typing in Toastmasters Dashboard and checking to see where your club stands, and most importantly planning with your club for where it can be on June 30.   I predict a year of personal successes as well as club successes in District 42 this year, because I know our members and I know what we can achieve.   I am looking forward to what 2022 brings for all of us!

Katrina Aburrow, DTM
District Director (2021-2022) | District 42
Toastmasters International


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