Building the Future by Empowering Our Youth A Journey Through the Youth Leadership Program We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt  Imagine a future with confident, engaged, and well-spoken youth. The Youth Leadership Program (YLP) provides a platform for youth to stretch the skills they have, learn new skills, and take those skills on the road. As a facilitator of the eight-week program, I felt inspired, hopeful, and …

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Club Mentor: The Sky’s The Limit Donna: Kepler Astrologers Toastmasters is a one-year-old club. With the idea for an online club geared towards Astrologers, we needed support with the Toastmasters parts. Susan, a former Astrology student and active Toastmaster became a Club Sponsor along with Brian; Mike and Wendy joined the team as Club Mentors. Wendy: I remember my first day as Club Mentor at Kepler Astrologers Toastmasters with the same fondness as my first day of University French class—in …

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