DTM Master Mind
The DTM Master Mind Project is up and running! We have many District 42 ADs, DDs and hard-working Toastmasters as part of these groups.
Obtaining a DTM award is not everyone’s goal, and is not the reason people usually join Toastmasters, but if it is your goal, or if you just like to take advantage of opportunities that come your way, this is a group we hope you will explore.
We heard a presentation from the new DTM, Marcus Udokang, on his warp-speed journey to his DTM award. More recently we took advantage of the presentation Chuck LeBlanc has been shopping around on club planning for this next year using the SOAR analysis. Next, we hope to hear from Club Extension Committee Chair, Brian Fegan, describing the New Club Sponsor and Mentor roles, and how you can connect to take one of these roles.
The journey to a DTM is a personal one but made so much easier with the help of other Toastmasters along the way. Join us and let us work together to help you build your road map, connect you to opportunities and offer you the inspiration of others.
If you are not already connected to us and are interested, please reach out to me so I can invite you to an upcoming meeting.
Mary Schoendorfer, DTM
D42 Administration Manager