Judges and Toastmasters Needed for District 42 Contest
This spring, D42 is hosting the International Speech Contest. The winner will go on to compete at Toastmasters International. This contest will be online, but will only be shown at the Conference. Winners will also be announced at the Conference.
In order to produce the best contest possible, all Divisions need to send qualified judges.
Judge Requirements:
- Been a Toastmaster for at least 6 months
- Completed Levels 1 & 2 in any pathway, or 6 speeches in the Competent Communication manual.
If this is you, then please email me at AlisenDopf@gmail.com.
I am also looking for two Toastmasters from Divisions A, C, E or F. The D42 Contest’s goal is to provide a supportive and stress-free environment for our contestants. Being a Toastmaster in this contest requires someone who is calm, caring, and genuinely interested in the contestants. I also need someone who is able to create interesting interview questions that draw upon the speaker’s strengths or continue their speech theme.
Do you know someone who fits this bill? Then contact me at AlisenDopf@gmail.com.
Other Opportunities
We are having so much fun over here in contest land. If you want to join us, I have all kinds of roles like Ballot Counters, Timers, and Sergeant at Arms to be filled.
And if YOU want my job next year as the District Contest Chair, or if you want to learn how to run a top-notch contest, come join my team. I am working with amazing people like past District Director Christina Kruis, and several past Area and Division Directors. There is no better contest mentoring team than what I can offer you.
Email me today to come on board as a judge or a team member.
Alisen Dopf,
D42 Contest Chair