Upcoming Motion Regarding Contests

Focus efforts on strengthening existing clubs and building new clubs supporting club leaders

For some years now, we have been continuing to hold our Fall Contest even though TI advised, on July 1, 2018, the cancellation of the Fall Conference.  The Board approved the directors’ decision in August 2017 with the primary objective of focusing on opportunities that better support club leaders through consistent, high-quality training. This encompasses the contests that we are required to hold, which is the International Speech Contest during the Spring Conference.  Please see this snippet below from TI’s August 20-22, 2017 meeting minutes:

Since then, we have seen increased pressure and stress on leaders and volunteers organizing and holding contests.  This occurs at the Club, Area, Division, and District levels. By the time we organize and hold the Round 2 (or mid-year) leadership training for our club leaders, we are exhausted.  Leaders across our district have expressed this concern. They have suggested reprieving our overworked volunteers from this effort by considering the number of contests we hold each year.  As per TI policy, we are required to hold one mandatory contest – International Speech Contest and other contests are optional – Table Topics, Evaluation, Humorous and Tall Tale.  We want to hear the perspectives of all our members regarding this matter, and we encourage all to attend the Townhall meetings that we scheduled this month of March.

Eugene Sicat, DTM 

District 42 Program Quality Director

Ground Rules:

This is information and perspective sharing.

This is NOT a Business Meeting. There will be no vote. We will NOT be discussing the exact wording of motions or proposing motions, amendments, etc. but rather sharing of opinions, experiences and perspectives.

  • Each person will be given 1 to 2 minutes to deliver their points.
  • When you speak, state your name and where you live.
  • Only one person speaks at a time, as called upon by the facilitator.
  • Speakers may be limited to new speakers at the discretion of the facilitator.
  • All points should be germane to the topic.

Guiding Principles: Respectful listening. Prevent conflict and misunderstanding. Build trust and a sense of safety among the group participants.

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