District 42 Spring Contest

I am so happy to be your District Contest Chair as it’s a real honour to shepherd our most talented and daring Toastmasters on their Competition journey. My whole team is dedicated to providing an encouraging and fair environment to compete.

All contests – Area, Division and District – will be online. The final District contest will only be shown during the Spring Conference, so please make plans to attend and cheer on our contestants.


The international speech contest is your chance to get motivational. Do you have a compelling story to tell? Or a lesson learned? Then let’s hear it!

  • All International Contestants must be members in good standing, as does the club they represent.
  • Plus, you must have earned your Level 1 and 2 in any Pathway, or be a DTM.

This is the only contest beyond the District level to compete at Toastmasters International. The winning contestant’s video will also be judged on audio and lighting quality, so be sure to work on those aspects of your speech.


The District is also hosting the Evaluation speech contest, which is the ultimate test of your listening and analytical skills. There’s only one way to get better, and that’s by doing.

To run this contest, all levels need a Test Speech. This must be a 5-7 minute speech that is contest worthy and can be used for your Pathway. Contact your Area or Division Director to use it during the competition if you’ve got a great speech.


If you don’t want to compete in the Evaluation contest, but you still want to improve your listening and analysis skills, then come join me as a Judge at the District Contest. We would love to have TWO judges from each Division.

I need people who have been Toastmasters for at least 6 months and have completed Levels 1 & 2 in any pathway or 6 speeches in the Competent Communication manual.

If this is you, then please email me at AlisenDopf@gmail.com or our Chief Judge Joyce Allen at harmonized150@gmail.com.


We are having so much fun over here in contest land. If you want to join us, I have all kinds of roles like Toastmasters, Ballot Counters, Timers, and Sergeant at Arms roles to be filled.

And if YOU want my job next year as the District Contest Chair, or if you want to learn how to run a top-notch contest, then come join my team. I am working with amazing people like past District Director Christina Kruis, and several past Area and Division Directors. There is no better contest mentoring team than what I can offer you.

Email me today to come on board as a judge or a team member.

Alisen Dopf,
D42 Contest Chair

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