Planting A Toastmasters Garden

Dare we breathe & believe spring has finally sprung? My Mom used to say “Never plant the garden until after the long weekend in May.” Planting a garden takes planning, organization, & follow-through. The type of garden you plant (flowers/vegetables/rocks) is key; size is another important component as is location. Then, you need to decide what plants go beside others (potatoes, beans, beets, carrots, etc.) Ensuring sturdy plant growth means you must continually take out the undesirable elements (weeds).

I find this in Toastmasters as well. It’s now May, with our District Conference behind us. Let’s take stock of what we have—the Path we are on, the level we are at. Where are we? Not physically of course, but in our self-development. Are we the best we can be? Are we the best we want to be?  Do we want to get & be better?

Let’s see what we’ve accomplished regarding club excellence & training:
  1. We are ushering out the last vestiges of winter as the Conference & its component parts—District Council, Contests, & all the other activities have given us much to think about
  2. We’ve had record numbers of officers trained throughout the year. Training for the new team of leaders begins this month & continues to June. Watch for the dates to be sent out & posted on the District website soon.
  3. Many clubs are beginning to either meet in person or are trying the hybrid variation. Others have decided to remain online.
Let’s see where we are now:
  1. The new District team is in place & our International Speech winner is on their way to the Regional Finals.
  2. Club Leadership Training will be beginning this month with the outgoing & incoming teams collaborating. Division & Area Director training will also be held in late June. Keep an eye out for dates posted on the District website.
  3. Determine as soon as you can what type of club yours will be. There is no longer a ‘one-size-fits-all’ meeting. Let’s help our members find a club which best suits them & their needs.

The most important part of Toastmasters is to remain & provide an environment where each of us practices our communication & leadership skills in an encouraging & supportive atmosphere. Decide now what type of garden you want: prolific & strong, sturdy roots, gradual but continual growth. Together we can produce a prolific garden of presenters, leaders, & friends.

Submitted by

Bev LeBlanc, DTM
District 42 Program Quality Director

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