Did you know, District 42 is on the radio? You might have already heard the ads in Calgary, Regina, and the surrounding areas. As Toastmasters, we continually learn to master the skill. Therefore, we adopted this as the tagline used to promote our organization in this radio campaign. Mastering skills amplify our abilities personally and professionally as we serve in our communities.
A Broader Vision
District 42’s Club Growth Director, Katrina Aburrow, is energized about getting more people to join Toastmasters and helping our District grow. She believes that occurs through communication. Certainly, there are many channels we already use effectively – a fantastic new website and a growing social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Meetup. Further, there are club websites, plus information on District 42 clubs is available at http://Toastmasters.org .
“This year I wanted to find ways to spread the word about us even wider. During the budget process, I was thrilled to discover that radio advertising is an acceptable expense for a Club Growth Director. Now we were talking! I listen to the radio on the way to work in the morning and on the way home. Lots of people listen to the radio at work. These are the people District 42 wants to reach out to.”
Mastering the Skill
Therefore, she knew she required research. Subsequently, she discovered the largest radio station in Calgary was Virgin Radio, and she reached out to them. After reviewing their demographic information, she decided they were a good match with 336,000 listeners. Also, the largest percentage of them (45%) are young adults aged 25-34. Not only that, they have a sister station Pure Country in Regina. In this case, the station has 42,000 listeners most of whom (38%) are aged 25-44. Furthermore, combined the two stations touched areas where the majority of our members reside. The ability to reach such a large number of potential guests for most of our clubs was invigorating.
But was money available to buy ads? Paid advertising is expensive compared to public relations (free). However, with paid ads, you control the message and its frequency. Katrina shared that being new to the District Team, she was not sure how the finances worked. However, she asked A LOT of questions and sent A LOT of emails to find out how much money was currently available. Additionally, she wanted to know the process of obtaining funding for radio ads.
Simultaneously, Virgin Radio put together a proposal. Katrina met with them to discuss the creative components of the campaign. It was modified not once, but twice to make sure the message was going to be what we needed. Finally, approval came from the District team, and an invoice was submitted to Toastmasters International. Then the wait began for the funds to be transferred so the ads could begin.
Maximize the Investment
Katrina stated “I am really proud of the ads Virgin Radio created for us. I anticipate that it will take time before we see these ads work their magic. Often people need to hear something several times before they act.”
She encourages clubs to be sure guests can find you. To find a club, the ads direct listeners to check out toastmasters.org. Master the skill of club building by connecting all the dots. Ensure Toastmasters HQ has your correct contact information, as well as a link to your club website. Finally, get back to guests ASAP when they find you through your website and/or toastmasters.org. In addition to making all guests feel welcome, make sure you ask, not just once, but multiple times for them to join your club.
Amplify and connect with the radio campaign by using “Master the Skill” in your club’s outreach. When posting on social media platforms or updating your webpage, utilize the hashtag #MastertheSkill
Concluding, Katrina explains, “Radio spots will deliver the results all of us need. Plus bring exciting energy not only to the airwaves but to our meetings. Together let us make this an exciting year as we master the skills!”